Chapter 240 Yin Pill Yang Pill!!

In other words, although the war ghost is sealed in a coffin, it has nothing to do with zombies, and is more similar to ghosts.

Since that’s the case, it’s easy to solve.

Directly break the evil with thunder.


Thunder sprang up, and the sky thundered.

One after another thunder void appeared, slashing the war ghost, beating the thunder five times, under the power of the thunder of the Yang to Gang, the war ghost exploded on the spot and fell apart, representing the complete dissipation of the black zero of resentment.

Matsumoto’s eyes became more and more frenzied, and he ran in the direction of the fanatical believer.

Worthy of my God!

War ghosts were actually solved so easily!

Essence from War Ghost +140 Essence from Matsumoto Jun +120 Essence from Phantom Ghost +20 Gu Zhou looked at it, and the essence pawn accumulated to 450.

Gu Zhou’s abilities: Tongtian Cleansing Sutra (eighth layer), Heavenly Dragon Eight Steps (incomparable), Instant Shadow Thunder Saber (incomparable), Taishang Huangting Exterior Jade Sutra (Thirteen Heavens), Xuangang Talisman Seal Gold Medal (Pure Blue Fire), Lightning Rushing Thunder Fist (Sanpin 19), Divine Strike (Introductory)

Essence: 450.

【Positioning progress: 15%】

“Huh? The positioning progress has reached 15%, and the speed is getting faster and faster! Entering other worlds is just around the corner! ”

This small surprise made Cong feel a lot better, and beckoned to Matsumoto Jun: “You come over.” ”

“My God.”

Matsumoto Jun knelt in front of Gu Zhou with his head bowed, his five bodies fell to the ground, and he listened respectfully,

“How many people are left on board?”

Matsumoto Jun suddenly became respectful, Gu Zhou was a little strange, but he could cooperate with nature best.

“In non-war times, there were no soldiers on the Black Dragon, and the samurai dojo attribute was heavier, there were about two hundred people on board, and more than forty were servants, cooks, and crew.”

“In other words, everyone who can fight on the Black Dragon is almost dead?”


“Can the rest listen to you?”

“My God, I am the vice president of the Black Dragon Society, the number three person, they are just lowly servants, dare not listen. Just as I was in front of my God, I was also a humble existence, and Gu Zhou was surprised. ”

Matsumoto Jun this goods.

Is it a pervert?

Lao Tzu beat you up, beaten half to death, you regard me as a god?

I was a little embarrassed to be respectful.

Are all Dongying people such perverts?

Like to be abused?

However, thinking about the inferiority of this nation, Gu Zhou felt normal again.

“Then you go and order them to drive the Black Dragon back.”

Gu Zhou used the Zhang Yongquan spell to heal Matsumoto Run’s injuries, lest this goods die halfway.

In the process of talking to him, he had to spit out a mouthful of blood every few words he said, and Gu Zhou suspected that half of the blood in his body was gone.

“Honor my divine order!”

Because it was more than two hundred miles away from the land, Gu Zhou and the others spent the whole night on the Black Dragon, and it was not until the early morning of the second day that they saw the outline of the mainland city.

Liang Kuan’s injury was also stabilized under Huang Feihong’s treatment, and he was still as free as ever, leaning on the back basket that Huang Feihong was carrying, and said with a smile: “Master, it is said that the apprentice gives the master a pension, and I am afraid that you will raise the apprentice me.” ”

“Oh, Master, don’t be gloomy, I think it’s actually good, eat and sleep, sleep when you sleep, how many people look forward to such a life and can’t look forward to it.”


Huang Feihong snorted coldly, and a smile finally appeared on his face: “Don’t think that you don’t have to do things for the sake of having no hands and feet, I Baozhilin can’t raise people in vain, you have to do everything that should be done.” ”


Liang Kuantian screamed miserably, grunting his body: “Gu Zhou, I’m so miserable, I’m all like this, Master still wants to exploit me, I’m too miserable, you can’t raise waste people, I’d better go with you, I’m not demanding, three meals a day, three dishes and one soup for each meal is enough, by the way, it’s best to have meat.” ”

Under Liang Kuan’s gag, Huang Feihong’s heart was still heavy.

Of all the disciples, Huang Feihong valued Liang Kuan the most, believing that he could inherit his mantle.

And the apprentices who get along day and night, their feet are broken into human sticks.

How can Huang Feihong let go?

The moment he saw Liang Kuan turn into a human stick, the killing intent in his heart was stronger than ever.

Gu Zhou asked, “By the way, Liang Kuan, did you bump into the Black Dragon Society to let them deal with you like this?” ”

Liang Kuan’s expression was heavy: “They use people to be medicine people!” ”

“Medicine man, ah for medicine man?”

“The pills refined by the secret method are divided into Yin Pills and Yang Pills, and the last step for Yin Pills and Yang Pills to become Pills is to bury the pills in the human body.”

Liang Kuan’s eyes had tears in his eyes, and anger that almost condensed into substance erupted in his eyes: “Yang Pill is to gouge open the boy’s lower body and bury the Dan Pill inside, Yin Pill is to gouge the girl’s lower body, bury the Dan Pill inside, and then sew it all up, after becoming a medicine man, in order to prevent the medicine man from destroying the pill, the Black Dragon Society will tie all their hands.” Leave until three months or six months later. ”

“Every person who is buried in the pill, after three months or half a year, the essence blood is almost absorbed, and the possibility of surviving is infinitely close to zero.”

“How old are those kids? The youngest seven or eight years old, the eleven or twelve years old, have suffered this torture, these beasts of the Black Dragon Society! Simply not human! ”

Liang Kuan’s angry whole body convulsed.

“Beast! It should be said that beasts are inferior! ”

Gu Zhou’s 650 steel teeth were almost crushed.

“Black Dragon Society, death is not a pity, everyone should have a thousand cuts!”

Xiao Meiyu glanced at Matsumoto Jun viciously.

“The people of the Black Dragon Society are catching children everywhere, some are orphans, some are beggars, some are directly hired to rob them, and all children from all over the country have become medicine men of the Black Dragon Society.”

“I happened to run into the Black Dragon Society’s deal with human traffickers before I learned the secret of the Black Dragon Society.”

“At that time, I was really indignant and released all the medicine people stationed in the Black Dragon Society, but unfortunately, I couldn’t escape and fell into their hands.”

Liang Kuan’s expression was slightly gloomy.

Huang Feihong patted him on the shoulder: “It’s a good job, but if you tell my hand earlier that I’m cold.” ”

Liang Kuan smiled bitterly: “Master, I’m afraid that the night will grow and dream a lot, so I can only do it myself first.” ”

“Jun Matsumoto.”

Gu Zhou spoke lightly.

“My God.”

Matsumoto Jun respectfully ran over to listen.


Gu Zhou kicked his face, and his expression was cold: “Refine the pill with this method, you are still human?” ”

Matsumoto Jun’s face was bloody, rolled around a few times and quickly stood up, still respectfully replied: “My God, refining Yin Pill and Yang Pill is directly controlled by Toushan Man, and I have never eaten this kind of pill.” ”

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