Chapter 268 Pretending to be a ghost!!

Master and Junior Sister not only did not save themselves, but toyed with themselves with interest, Ah Xing wanted to cry without tears, crying with a sad face: “Gu Zhou, no, Uncle Junior, I know it’s wrong, let me go.” ”

For Ah Xing’s sincere confession, Gu Zhou let him go.

He was not a fool, and immediately reacted after recovering: “I said, that person is short and thin, how can he have so much strength, when I tried the wrist strength, I felt that my arm was a little uncontrolled, this is the spell he used.” ”

“Children can be taught.”

Gu Zhou nodded.

“Okay, since it’s you who helped, you can take some too.”

Ah Xing closed his eyes in pain and handed the ocean over, letting Gu Zhou take it himself.

Gu Zhou took a piece of ocean and said with a smile: “This can be regarded as a reward state.” ”

“You’re going to take an ocean?”

Why didn’t Ah Xing believe that Gu Zhou was the kind of person who regarded money as dung.

“The whole of Guangdong must be mine, and one ten is no different from me.”

This year’s big truth made Ah Xing scoff: “The cowhide has made you blow up, I am still the king of Sichuan, why don’t you say that the whole world – it’s all yours…”

The Exorcist Dao Chief glared at him, and he immediately shrunk his head and shut up.

After entering the restaurant, the four of them sat down, and a middle-aged man about fifty years old came over with a playful smile: “I have a deal I want to pick you to get rich.” ”

The Exorcist Dao Chief didn’t look at him, and perfunctorily seemed to hold his fists: “Thank you, I don’t have this blessing, please ask someone else.” ”

“Don’t don’t, you have this blessing, and it is very large, and it is not difficult for you, with your ability, it must be hand-to-hand…”

The exorcism leader raised his hand to interrupt him: “I’m sorry, I was injured recently, and I can’t bind my hands.” ”

“In this way, the price is yours! I can afford it if you drive it! ”

The middle-aged man does not give up, his winery is worth tens of thousands of oceans, and he wants to sell it, but because of the frequent haunting, the highest can only sell five thousand oceans, a loss of several times.

Ah Xing and Xiao Yue were moved when they heard this, hoping that Master could take this order.

“Ten thousand oceans, can you afford it?”

The exorcism path grew and the lion opened his mouth.

“Okay, I’ll ask Gao Ming.”

When the middle-aged man heard this, he decisively got up and left directly.

Ten thousand oceans, when he was wronged.

“What’s going on with this person?”

Gu Zhou was a little curious.

“This person’s name is Zhou Hong, Jiuquan Town has a reputation for being rich and unkind, doing business and acting humbly, which is cold, this kind of person’s list, I took over my hands dirty.”

“If he really goes out of 10,000 oceans, will you take it?”

The Exorcism Dao Chief sneered, “Pick up, why don’t you take it?” Let him spit out some dirty money to come out, but with the character of this man’s iron rooster, it is difficult to let him go out of 10,000 oceans. ”

“Then let him be willing to give 10,000 oceans!”

Gu Zhou said meaningfully, and then ordered: “Ah Xing, go and bring him the chopsticks.” ”

Ah Xing saw Zhou Hong sitting stunned, chopsticks holding the dish to his mouth motionless, rolled his eyes, walked to him and pretended to stagger into him, the chopsticks landed on the ground in response, and in the sound of his drinking, Chuan took the chopsticks on the ground.

“Are you going to scare him?”

Gu Zhou nodded: “Not bad, scared Zhou Hong to believe that this ten thousand oceans he will die if he doesn’t come out.” ”

This is called pretending to be a ghost.

Some wild Taoist priests who raise ghosts will use this method to make money, drive ghosts to haunt the houses of the rich, make people chickens and dogs restless, and then appear at the right time, catch the ghosts, and earn a good remuneration.


Zhou Hong cursed and cursed, and suddenly, his right hand slapped himself uncontrollably, and before he could recall the taste of this slap, his left hand slapped himself fiercely.





Under the large crowd in the restaurant, he opened his bow left and right to force himself, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

“I didn’t hit it.”

“I can’t control my hands anymore.”

“Who’s going to help me.”

Zhou Hong was terrified, thinking of the ghosts in his winery, and suddenly thought that he was covered by a ghost, and his heart was terrified.

However, he was famous for being rich and unkind in Jiuquan Town, and everyone gloated, all of them should be seen as jokes, and no one helped him.

Each slap was full force, and after dozens of slaps, his cheeks were already high and swollen, two slap prints were engraved on his face, and his eyes were much reduced because of the swelling of his face.

At this time, the big forced circle was over, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his head slammed into the table.


The desktop bounced up, and Zhou Hong, who was directly colliding, was dizzy, and his head broke and the blood flow stopped.

“There are ghosts!”

Zhou Hong pulled out his legs and fled, only to take a step and fell straight to the ground, and then got up, snatched a knife from a chef who came to see the excitement, stretched out his left hand on the table, and held the knife in his right hand to cut down.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, I can’t help it…”

The treasurer saw that he wanted to see blood, and quickly called out to the guys to come up and stop it.

Zhou Hong was already frightened at this time, how he hoped that the treasurer and the others could stop him, but as soon as they came, he waved a kitchen knife uncontrollably to force them back, his face was distorted like a devil, and the whole person was like a crazy demon.

After forcing back the person who wanted to stop it, Zhou Hong put his left hand on the table again and slashed down with a knife.

At this moment, many people closed their eyes and couldn’t bear to watch this bloody scene.

“It’s over… The restaurant reduced blood, I am afraid that it will shadow the business. ”

The secret call of the treasurer is not good.


The blade falls impartially between the fingers of the index and ring fingers.

Zhou Hong himself closed his eyes, waited for a few seconds, did not feel pain, only then slowly opened his eyes to see this scene, a long sigh of relief, at this time, his right hand was raised high again, chopped down heavily, and fell again in the fingers of his ring finger and middle finger.

“Please, stop fixing me, let me go.”

Zhou Hong weakly begged for mercy, the whole person trembled like a sieve, screaming, yellow liquid flowed out of his trouser leg, and he was actually scared to pee.

No one paid attention to him, the kitchen knife fell again, and then the speed gradually became faster, like a skilled chef cutting vegetables, the kitchen knife turned into a phantom, in Zhou Hong’s fingers jumped to see that there was no chopping hand, Zhou Hong simply put it out, at this time, his right hand holding the knife changed, directly towards the throat cross-cutting, as if to completely kill him: “Taste, what kind of evil ghost, here to do!” ”

A Xing jumped out with an arrow, slapped Zhou Hong’s knife away, his eyes were sharp and swept around, and he took out a talisman and used it.

Electrically bright.

With a harsh scream, a humanoid silhouette fled, dropping a sentence: “Zhou Hong! I won’t let you go for long! ”

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