Chapter 269: How much is your life worth?!!

Seeing that the ghost fled, Ah Xing didn’t say a word, ignored Zhou Hong, and returned to his seat with a grim expression.

Zhou Hong sat in place with a dull expression, lost soul, and his eyes were blank, but his trembling legs and wet trouser legs showed that his heart was not calm.

“Uncle Junior, is it useful in the end, he won’t be scared stupid.”

Ah Xing had already preliminarily accepted this senior uncle, and seeing that Zhou Hong did not come for help for a long time, he asked quietly.

Gu Zhou said lightly: “How can a person like him be so easily frightened and stupid, rest assured, if he can resist and not come for help, I count him as very good.” ”

“And then?”

“Another wave.”

Ah Xing couldn’t help but give a thumbs up: “Uncle Junior is Uncle Junior, it’s really ruthless.” ”

After a few minutes, Zhou Hong gradually came to his senses, got up with his hands, his legs and feet were still a little soft, slowly moved to Gu Zhou’s table, and arched his hand: “Brother A Xing, thank you for saving my life.” ”

Ah Xing’s expression was indifferent, and he maintained a certain degree of urgency: “As a disciple of Maoshan, naturally he will not let ghosts and monsters do their business and turn a blind eye. ”

Zhou Hongji Ai Ai said, “Brother Ah Xing, the wind just now… So where does it come from? ”

“Ordinary ghosts can’t appear in broad daylight, and this ghost, not only appears in broad daylight, but also works in a restaurant with a lot of living people and full of yang, you can imagine how powerful this ghost is, that is, during the day, I can barely force her back, in other words, at night, I am not sure.”

After answering, Ah Xing asked rhetorically: “She could have killed immediately, do you know why she didn’t kill you right away?” ”

Listening to Ah Xing’s answer, Zhou Hong’s expression changed, extremely wonderful, shocked and frightened, and heard the words: “Why?” ”

“This ghost is too angry with you, she thinks it’s too cheap to kill you, she wants to torture you slowly, torture you until you are in front of the green god, have you ever seen a cat catch a mouse?”

A Xing’s voice was low: “When a cat catches a mouse, sometimes it is not killed immediately, but a mouse that plays with it, and as soon as the mouse runs, it immediately holds it down again!” It didn’t eat it until the last time the mouse was played to death! ”

“And this ghost is the same, she wants to play with you slowly, watch you struggle, watch you beg for mercy, watch you cry bitterly, and…”

Ah Xing’s volume suddenly increased, and his face suddenly became hideous.

“Kill you!”

Zhou Hong’s body shook violently, but he was frightened again, and stammered: “A… Ah Xing Da… Guru…… Save me…”

Ah Xing poured himself a cup of tea in his spare time, staring at the tea leaves spinning in the teacup, and turned a deaf ear to Zhou Hong’s help.

Zhou Hong saw that Ah Xing did not see the rabbit and did not spread the eagle, gritted his teeth and bowed for a long time: “As long as you can help me get rid of this evil ghost, I will pay a thousand oceans!” ”

He had thought that this twenty-year-old young man would immediately agree when he heard a thousand oceans, but he knew that he spat out two words with an expressionless face: “Less!” ”


Zhou Hong’s face became ugly.

Ah Xing ignored his livid face and said lightly: “To deal with this evil devil, I may carry it myself, and a thousand oceans can buy my life?” My life is not so cheap yet. ”

“Two thousand!”


“Three thousand!”

“Less! Less! Less! ”

“Five thousand! My winery can only sell for five thousand in total, and I almost give you the entire factory! ”


Zhou Hong’s face was wooden: “The whole factory has been given to you, isn’t it enough?” ”

“Save your life, not much horse?”

Zhou Hong almost spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face was flushed.

“Do you think I don’t understand anything? Your winery can only sell five thousand because it is haunted, and once the ghosts are eliminated, it is not impossible to sell fifty thousand. ”

Ah Xing slowly said: “If you increase the value of the winery tenfold with one life, you will only be out of five thousand oceans?” Are you a fool when I am a fool or when you yourself are a fool? ”

“So how much do you want?”

Ah Xing held up a finger.

“Ten thousand oceans?”

Zhou Hong directly lost his voice and screamed: “You might as well kill me!” ”

Ah Xing said lightly: “You are a businessman, you should know very well that doing business pays attention to a you are willing, I bid, you are not willing, naturally you can not agree.” Since you don’t want to, then forget it… By the way, don’t blame me for not reminding you, the ghost may still be waiting for you outside. ”

Zhou Hong looked at the crowded street outside the restaurant, still reluctant to the 10,000 oceans, got up and walked to the door, slowly leaned out one leg, and after a few seconds, he slowly stepped out of the other leg, suddenly, there was a harsh roar in his ears: “Zhou Hong!” Natsu come! ”

Zhou Hong immediately farted and rolled in, saving Ah Xing’s thigh: “Save me!” Save me! I give! ”

Ah Xing patted him on the shoulder: “Anla, with me, she doesn’t dare to come in.”

Zhou Hong was like a frightened bird, and his eyes looked around in horror: “Master A Xing, you help me get rid of ghosts, and I will pay 10,000 oceans.” ”

“Okay, pay the money first, and get rid of the ghosts later.”

Ah Xing spread his hands.

“Can’t you get rid of the ghosts first and pay the money later?”

“Then you can roll.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll pay first, but the problem is that I don’t dare to go out in the restaurant now, how to give money.”

“Well, if you hold this talisman, it can keep you for three hours.”

Ah Xing took out a talisman and gave it to him.

“Does it really work?”

“Won’t you know if you try it yourself?”

Seeing Zhou Hong tentatively leaving the restaurant, Ah Xing’s tense face immediately relaxed, and he said with a smile: “Master, uncle, Xiao Yue, how am I pretending to be a high-ranking person?” ”

“It wasn’t Uncle Junior who taught you yet.”

Xiao Yue looked at Gu Zhou with reverence in her eyes.

The Exorcism Dao Master said, “Don’t thank Uncle Junior for mentioning his life?” ”

“Thank you, Uncle.”

Gu Zhou chuckled, “This senior uncle is sincere. ”

Ah Xing scratched his head embarrassedly: “Uncle 0.0, what should I do next?” ”

“He gives money, you get rid of ghosts.”

“Huh? Uncle, I have never eliminated ghosts on my own. ”

Ah Xing was a little flustered, and looked at the chief for help:


“Don’t look at me, I’ll go to the church to watch it later, the church is a big thing, it’s just a devil, you can’t follow me all your life, you always have to be a teacher.”

Seeing that the master was not going, Ah Xing looked at Gu Zhou again: “Uncle Master, you sit down for me, Master said that this young uncle’s cultivation is higher than him, and his hand is also amazing.” ”

The first time I caught a ghost independently, I was very weak-hearted, and if my uncle could go to the town, I would be relieved.

Gu Zhou nodded: “Then I’ll take a look.” ”

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