Chapter 283 Deadly Poison!!

Gu Zhou’s ability: Tongtian Cleansing Sutra (eighth layer), Heavenly Dragon Eight Steps (incomparable), Instantaneous Shadow Thunder Saber (incomparable), Taishang Huangting Exterior Jade Sutra (Thirteen Heavens), Xuangang Talisman Seal Golden Chapter (Pure Green of the Furnace Fire), Lightning Rushing Thunder Fist (Third Product), God Strike (Entry) Killing the Wolf (Driving Skillfully) Seven Killing Knife (Pure Green of the Furnace Fire)

Essence: 950.

【Positioning progress: 38%】

When he left Jiuquan Town, Gu Zhou’s essence had accumulated to 750 points, and the Nine Infant Giant Han and his nine ghost babies provided Gu Zhou with a total of 2~00 essence points.

In addition, a new knife technique suddenly appeared on Gu Zhou’s panel: – Compare to the killing knife!

This was realized by Gu Zhou through the Seven Kills Monument, and it was directly pure.


The Miao knife was sheathed, and Gu Zhou opened his mouth to explain: “I just realized a sword technique through the Seven Kills Monument, called the Seven Killing Sword, you can take a closer look and see if you can realize anything.” ”

Five minutes later, everyone gave up, they stared at the Seven Kills Monument for a long time, their eyes were sour, Mao didn’t see it, this stone monument looked like an ordinary stone stele, there was nothing strange, they could only continue to walk.

After they left, Bi Killi was surrounded again.

“A brother is missing!”

There were exclamations from among the thieves in the group of unloading ridges.

“My junior brother is gone!”

There were exclamations around the hall, and it was only known that dozens of people had disappeared for no reason.

“Be careful.”

Shi Jian reminded in a low voice, flipping his palm, dozens of Vajra talismans fell on everyone, Gu Zhou looked at this grand and dilapidated temple, so the people who came down were either on the roof or in the temple, and they had not found a way out for the time being.

On the ground paved with purple stone square bricks, there are all weapons such as armor, knives and spears, bows, shields, axes, and axes, as well as dozens of sets of saddlers, which are really like warehouses.

And the disappeared people, their clothes were piled up on the ground, the buttons were not undone, and everything they carried was on the ground, but the people still disappeared inexplicably.

“Count how many brothers are missing from my door!”

Chen Yulou immediately ordered.

In just a few minutes, a subordinate reported: “Boss, we are missing twenty-eight brothers!” ”

“Twenty-eight? So much? ”

Chen Yulou’s heart was cold, he had just come down, and before he started robbing the tomb, he had lost so many brothers.

He knew the ominous, his ears listened, his eyes looked around, goosebumps appeared on his skin, and his sixth sense told him that danger was approaching, but he didn’t know where it was coming.

“Does anyone know how they got missing?”

Chen Yulou shouted, he pinned his hopes on these strange people.

“Boss, I’m in so much pain! I’m in so much pain! ”

At this time, his henchman Hua Ant trembled and asked him for help.

Chen Yulou’s face trembled, and he took a few steps.

I saw that the flower ant’s face was somehow full of pus, as if the whole body was covered with candle oil.

The flower ant crutch was frightened and painful, pus flowed from his mouth and nose, and he couldn’t say anything, just for a while, the blood and flesh of his outstretched arm all festered, even he couldn’t believe it, raised his hand in front of his eyes to watch, just in the blink of an eye, watching the arm turn into pus inch by inch like a wax body when it was hot.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked, but in less than ten seconds, a large living person was like a melting candle, his clothes fell to the ground, and only a pool of thick water remained.

Chen Yulou was horrified, only then did he know how those people disappeared for no reason.

In less than ten seconds, a person was melted, and the layers did not have time to make a sound.

At this moment, there was a sudden light sound in the gloomy hall, the movement was extremely strange, more than a hundred large silkworms with patterns, all four or five inches long, with transparent saliva flowing from the mouth, crawling into the hall to the living people.

In the gap following the pillars of the temple, there were also many silkworms, spiders, and palace guards, and poisonous insects with bright red stripes on their bodies, and they were extremely poisonous.

It turns out that these poisons are the culprits that make people melt, and the venom they contain, as long as a drop, will make people instantly rot into pus and blood, as long as it is flesh and blood, there is no trace left.

In an instant, the crowd was chaotic, these poisons were pervasive, extremely fast, a bite, the body would turn into thick water in an instant, it was impossible to prevent, and it was difficult for those who practiced to resist.

“Hmph! Poison! ”

Seeing this, Shi Jian snorted coldly, opened his five fingers, and gently pressed on the ground.

His press was very light, but with one press, the vast thunder and lightning bombarded the ground!


In an instant, the thunder and lightning exploded with his palm as the center, and a series of small but dense electric snakes quickly spread in all directions, turning into a thunder and lightning net covering the screen of the page.


All the poisons encountered by the electric snake horned worm directly turned into fly ash.

In the blink of an eye, all the poisons were dead, cleaner than cleaning.

When Shi Jian made a move, it was controlled, the thunder and lightning scattered, all over the temple, if the electric snake touched a person, it would only make people’s bodies numb slightly, but it was fatal to poison.

These poisons, except for the venom that instantly kills people, are not much different from ordinary insects in other aspects.

“Thank you Makoto.”

“The life-saving grace of real people, toothless and unforgettable.”

A sound of thanks came, and Shi Jian looked cold, maintaining a cold posture, just the leader.

“Senior brother’s lightning and thunder fist is still powerful, I don’t know how many percent the master and nephew have learned.”

He Xinzhi was slightly amazed.

Gu Zhou seemed to smile: “Uncle Junior, if I say that I have learned ten percent, do you believe it?” ”

“Do you think I believe it or not?”

He Xinzhi naturally didn’t believe it, there were so many people who wanted to learn this magical skill, but only Shi Jian learned it in a hundred years, and even if Gu Zhou cultivated, he couldn’t be as big as the third grade.

But said that on the other side, Chen Yulou breathed a sigh of relief, this time the tomb robbery, if only relying on the power of unloading the ridge, I am afraid of heavy deaths and injuries, he is a little glad that the news leaked out, attracting these strange people to come, otherwise it is not strange that the ten-zhang-long Wu Yu and these poisons in the temple, the group of thieves are afraid of hundreds of deaths and injuries.

Soon, everyone found a door.

This door is cut from two white jade stones, and each door is more than three feet tall and extremely thick.

The white jade door was full of dust, but it was only blown lightly, the dust dispersed, and the white jade door was still as clear as jade, white as a snow pill…

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