Chapter 284 Unknown Town Tomb Beast!!

The white jade door is inlaid with a red gold beast title ring.

The beast head title ring is the head of the shop, and the decoration of the building door contains the meaning of driving away evil spirits, and most of them are in the shape of the beast head title ring.

Take gold as it, call it gold shop. Silver is called silver shop.

With copper, it is called copper shop.

Its form, there are those who cure the lily, those who cure the beast’s kiss, and those who smelt the shape, and cover its goodness and protection.

There are also those who cure turtles, snakes and tigers, so as to use them to ward off evil spirits.

In the past, whether it was the imperial palace of the imperial general, the mansion, or the small courtyard of the common people, there was generally a courtyard door, and on both sides of the central door seam of the two street doors, there was an object similar to a door handle in the place where one person came high, which could be a door knocker or a diamond-shaped door pendant.

The group of thieves looked at the two heads of the bunk, and their faces showed greed.

After thousands of years, these two gold paved heads are still as good as new, indicating that their purity is very high.

The higher the purity of gold, the more difficult it is to oxidize under natural gold.

Chen Yulou ordered his subordinate Kunlun Mole to pull the gate, this person is more than two meters tall, because he ate too much, he was abandoned by his parents, wandered in his early years, and was adopted by Chen Yulou, secretly vowing to follow the service with all his heart.

Kunlun Moller tore off the horse steps of the pile, opened his fan-like big hands and grabbed the two bunk heads, slowly exerted force, and clenched his teeth until his forehead was exposed, his teeth were clattering, and the white jade door did not move.

“It seems that this jade door is very capable of breaking open, you masters, who can open or break this white jade door? If there was no one, I would have to blow it up with dynamite. ”

Chen Yulou turned around and arched his hand at everyone.

Kunlun Moller was born with divine power, once wrestled with three cows by one person, pulling three cows backwards for ten meters, even he could not pull this white jade door, which shows that this white jade has been locked.

“Amitabha, Master Chen, I’ll give it a try.”

Wanxiang, the junior disciple of Chiba of Faxiang Temple, walked out with his hands folded.


Wan Xiang pulled the two bunk heads, his arms were tense, and he slammed into force.


Two white jade gates were slowly pulled open.

A dark space slowly unfolded towards everyone, and as the gate was pulled open, gusts of dark wind also whistled.

“Master is good divine power!”

Chen Yulou gave a thumbs up, Moller pulled it without moving, and Wan Xiang pulled it away without doing his best, which shows that the difference in strength is not a star and a half.

It was dark outside the door, and Chen Yulou took a torch and threw it vigorously, illuminating the door.

Outside the door is a staircase, down the steps, is a more than ten meters wide, winding into the darkness I don’t know how far underground undercurrent, dark, abyss, deep bottomless.

The cave is more than ten meters high from the surface of the water, black rumbling, gloomy,

“It seems that if you want to continue on, this is the only waterway.”

Chen Yulou came to a conclusion.

This body of water has blocked the entire road ahead, and if you want to continue forward, you can either take a boat or swim in the water.

Chen Yulou slowly walked down the stairs with a torch, using the illumination of the torch to be not far away, he couldn’t see the situation in the water clearly, and used a two-foot-long bamboo pole to test down, but he couldn’t probe the end.

In order to prevent danger in the water, Chen Yulou ordered people to pour several bags of glutinous rice into the undercurrent, and the glutinous rice grains floated on the water and did not turn black, which means that there is no corpse gas in the water, at least in the water there is no need to worry about encountering zombies.

Next, Chen Yulou threw a live chicken into the water, and the chicken fluttered in the water for a long time without incident, which meant that there were five poisons in the water.

Then it’s time to show your power again.

The group of thieves hooked up with Wu Yue hanging mountain ladders and laid wooden planks, which became a raft that could carry several people.

Some people have good water properties and jump directly to swim forward, and many people choose this way, which is like dumplings for a while.

Although Maoshan and his group think that they are strong, but in this corpse immortal tomb, they also step by step, never let go of their vigilance, do not make a head bird, see that many people got into the water, but also down the stairs, suddenly, Lei Khan hair exploded, jumped three feet high, screamed, scared others to be vigilant.

Ji Chunhua fixed his eyes on it, it turned out that there was a stone sculpture on the left side of the stairs near the water, turned his head and glared at Lei: “It’s just a town tomb beast, it’s not that I haven’t seen it, it scares you like this.” ”

“Ray, do you know that you almost scared my heart to stop…”

“People are scary, scary people.”

The other disciples complained one after another.

Lei swallowed his saliva: “It’s a little scary to suddenly see this thing.” ”

Gu Zhou walked over to take a closer look, it turned out that this was a one-person tall, green-faced fangs town tomb beast, most of the parts were soaked in water, only the head was in the water, the green-faced fangs, at first glance, the horns were scary.

He looked to the left, and sure enough, there was also a town tomb beast on the stairs near the water on the other side, also green-faced and fangs, extremely miserable.

The tomb beast is a kind of underworld, and the folk believe that there are various wild ghosts and evil spirits in the netherworld, which will endanger the ghosts of the dead.

Therefore, the purpose of setting up the tomb beast is first of all to ward off evil and protect the peace of the souls of the deceased.

The town tomb beast is known for its strange, terrifying and grotesque image, mysterious meaning, and witchcraft is deeply involved, usually in the tomb, used to deter tomb robbers and prevent someone from disturbing the long sleep of the tomb owner.

People left all the good fantasies to the heavenly fairy world, and all the horrors and ugliness to the hellish ghosts.

Since the existence of the tomb beast must be directly in contact with the ghost necromancer, it must not be too weak in appearance, and it is best to shape it more terrifying than the evil ghost, so that it can be directly photographed and scare away the ghost.

Just like just now, people like Lei who are accustomed to seeing demons and ghosts were taken aback, and if they were ordinary tomb thieves, I am afraid they had been scared.

The town tomb beast has a human face and a beast face, and the animal face is 0.5.

The tomb beast that Lei saw, the double-headed neck was connected with its back to the neck, and the two beast heads were carved into a deformed dragon face, with huge eyes and a long tongue to the neck.

A pair of giant antlers are inserted at each end, and four antlers are rampant, and the image is extremely strange and vivid.

After the whole body is painted black, it is painted with red, yellow and gold animal face patterns, hooked with the cloud pattern square seat to emboss some geometric squares and decorated with diamond patterns, cloud patterns, animal face patterns twisted and coiled huge antlers, symmetrical animal body and stable square base constitute a mysterious atmosphere.

This town tomb beast looks like a human and non-human, like a beast and not a beast, giving people a feeling of hideous fear, a pair of giant antlers inserted at each end, the antlers are powerful, the branches are wrong, the side is changing, the image is extremely strange and vivid and mysterious and magical…

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