It’s just that solving the problem that plagues the gadfly is not simple, and his greatest wish is to go home to see his wife and children.

But the gadfly is the same as Xu Fan, and it is indefinite.

In the blink of an eye, another five years have passed.

After all these years of planning, Xu Fan finally decided to carry out his own plan today.


What prompted him to have this idea was the shackles that the Buddha had left in his body.

For so many years, there is not the slightest trace of loosening.

Moreover, this Buddha seal seems to be growing as its strength increases.

The most terrifying thing was that he discovered that this Buddha seal would affect his mind, form a shackle, and eventually become a slave who could only work all day.


In the past fifteen years, Xu Fan contacted all forces in the mine, integrated resources, and bought people’s hearts.

After making sufficient preparations,

Xu Fan ate dinner as usual and returned to the cell.

The cells were crowded, all of whom were at the heart of the operation.

Most of them have one characteristic, and that is that they are new to the city.

Because of the newcomers, the Buddha’s seal has the least influence on their thinking.

Xu Fan cleared his throat, and then said in a very low voice.

“All eyes are on me!!”

“Brothers, shall we continue to endure?”

“Patience in exchange for never-ending oppression!”

“Only resistance, only resistance can keep us alive.”

“All people in this world are equal, orcs, half-orcs, elves, humans, why should we be oppressed by them!!”

“Most of the people here are imprisoned here because they offended these hateful Buddhists, and they don’t treat us like human beings at all, but animals!”

“A beast who can only work!”

Everyone stared at Xu Fan excitedly.

Although the words were very excited, the voice was small and pitiful.

Xu Fan continued: “Think of your family, think of your parents, children.

Even if not for ourselves, for them, we must rise up and resist!!

“For freedom!”

Xu Fan’s words were like a blaze of fire igniting everyone, and their expressions became extremely excited.

The long-term oppression has filled their hearts with anger.

Just wait for an opportunity to burst out.

Revolt! Revolt!!

Xu Fan looked at everyone’s expressions and nodded with satisfaction.


The moon is dark and kills the night, and the wind is high and the fire is on the sky.

A huge flying ship descended from another world and slowly stopped on the mine.

Today is the day of the distribution of supplies.

The Necronomicon World does not have a suitable land for farming, so every once in a while the food needed by prisoners is transported from other worlds.

More than a hundred prisoners came to carry food, but only three warrior monks were guarding.

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This situation is very common in the mines, where these prisoners have long since become slaves who only obey.

Xu Fan made a look.

The half-orc gadfly quietly moved its position, and couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

Others, too, walked to their respective positions as planned.


Intense firelight lit up inside the mine.


The martial monk who was dozing off was stunned, “What’s the situation?”

Another warrior monk replied, “It seems that there is a fire over there in the mine?” ”

It’s a hands-on signal.

The leading martial monk frowned slightly, keenly aware that something was wrong.

But the next moment.


A long, sharp strip pierced his neck.

Looking closely, the long strip of object was a bone with a sharp tip.

It was a bone on Xu Fan’s side ribs, a keel.

The warrior monk’s eyes widened, and blood stained his robe.

Irreversible death.

The rest of the people also rushed to the prisoners who overseered.

The warrior monks generally adopted the strategy of prisoners managing prisoners, so they selected many doglegs, commonly known as overseers.

Soon several overseers were drowning in the crowd.

At the same time, the remaining two martial monks were also killed by Gadfly and Zhao Jia by surprise with the keel given by Xu Fan.

The old monk who was transporting the goods on the flying boat originally wanted to come forward to help.

But halfway through, the three warrior monks had already been solved.

Facing everyone’s murderous gaze, the old monk thought quickly for a second.

Then he said loudly: “Get on the boat, I’ll take you away!!”

“Let’s go!”

A group of people rushed onto the flying boat with a hug.

The flying boat slowly raised its head, then rose from the ground and headed into the distance.

Everyone’s eyes were full of excitement and hesitation.

Finally leaving?

An imperceptible light flashed in the old monk’s eyes, and he quickly raised the flying boat.

There was an invisible knot in the air of the mine, and the flying boat passed through the knot, and

at this moment, a heart-rending scream suddenly broke out in the crowd.

Yue Jing sensed the Buddha mark in their bodies and was destroying their bodies.

When the flying boat passed through the junction, more than a hundred people were almost completely destroyed.

Xu Fan only had a bone left, and a golden Buddha seal was engraved in the place of the heart.

Because of the suppression, the flesh did not recover quickly.

Xu Fan had long guessed that this would be the result and walked behind the old monk.

Lao Heshan glanced back at him, stunned.

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