Bai Bone Linlin’s arm rested on the old monk’s shoulder, and there was a crunching sound when the wind blew.

It’s really terrifying!!

“Be honest.” Xu Fan said coldly.

The old monk nodded like pounding garlic.


At this time, a violent coughing sound suddenly came from behind him.

It’s a half-orc gadfly, and this guy relies on the strong flesh of a half-orc

The probability of one in ten thousand actually survived.

Xu Fan checked his injuries and frowned slightly.

Although he survived, it is estimated that he will not hold out much. The

gadfly also seemed to know that he was going to die, his eyes were silent, and he muttered.

“I… I.. I want to go home..”


Small world.

Xu Fan picked up the gadfly on his back and sped through the fields.

A bone-covered skeleton carrying a badly injured and dying half-orc is really a bit weird.

“For… Why help me..” Gadfly said weakly.

“I’m helping myself! And don’t talk yet.

Xu Fan sped up.

In the distance, the sound of a horn was heard.

A few kites with their wings spread out hovered in the sky.

(picture is a network diagram)

A light flashed in the gadfly’s cloudy eyes, “That.. That’s the clarion call of our homeland, there is …. The young orcs are married…”

“It’s almost time, hold on a little longer.”


Weddings on the prairie are lively.

The orcs beat the gongs and drums, and the trumpets sounded continuously.

The bride jumps from the giant elephant and her mother will lead her through the gate of her in-laws’ house.

It stands to reason that her father should accompany her at this time.

However, the bride’s father left the village a long time ago and has not been heard from since.

“That.. That one.. It’s my daughter. Next to me was my wife, a beautiful girl from Ten Mile Eight Village when she was young.

Gadfly said to Xu Fan very proudly.

The two leaned in the corner alley.

“It’s all so big, it’s all so big.”

He muttered, his cloudy eyes filled with tears.

“I shouldn’t have left, I shouldn’t have left, I’m sorry for them…” The

gambling book was poured with tea, and it was just ordinary at the time.

Xu Fan leaned on the side of the alley, his eyes indifferent.

Shortly after sunset, the sunset burned in the sky.

Life is full of misses and mistakes, either misses or mistakes

, if the gadfly only chooses to live his life at home, maybe he will still regret it.

I regret the dullness of life, and regret why I didn’t go out to wander and experience a magnificent life.

The causal power belonging to the gadfly poured into Xu Fan’s body, just for a moment.

Xu Fan felt that the Buddha seal in his body was a little weaker.

There is a play!!


Huaguo Mountain

has 100,000 heavenly soldiers, and the four heavenly kings and Li Tianwang are all out.

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Erlang Xiansheng True Monarch Yang Jian, the six Meishan brothers, and 1,200 grass-headed gods.

Their enemies are a demon monkey named Sun Wukong, and the Huaguo Mountain demon.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Sun Wukong fought the two brothers + Meishan six brothers alone, and then was attacked by Taishang Laojun with King Kong Zhuo, and was bitten by the Heavenly Dog.

Subsequently, he was tied up by the seven saints together

, and this matter attracted a lot of attention in all the heavens, after all, since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, very few people dared to offend the majesty of the Heavenly Court.

However, a sudden demon monkey dared to rise up, and even attracted Erlang Xiansheng True Monarch Yang Jian, as well as 100,000 heavenly soldiers.

Although Sun Wukong is a natural stone monkey, he was bred by the essence of the sun and the moon.

But the skill of this body cannot be without a teacher, there must be someone behind the ghost.

So naturally, they extracted all the memories of this stone monkey.

Learn that it was born in Huaguo Mountain, and then travel around to learn from teachers.

However, the people who met were almost all scammers.

Until one day, it met on an island ….. A mysterious man?

Soon, the identity of this mysterious man was investigated.

Xu Fan!!

The man behind the rumored rebellion of Xuanzang.

Originally, this was just a folk rumor.

Whether it is the West Heaven or the Heavenly Court, the official people do not take it too seriously.

After all, the fact is that Xu Fan is just a small true immortal.

That day’s words were nothing more than wine talk.

Xuanzang had long had thoughts of rebellion, and Xu Fan was at most a fuse.


A few days later, the monkey was thrown into the alchemy furnace.

Who expected that the monkey not only was not refined, but instead practiced the Fire Eye Essence Gold, and his skills increased greatly.

Then there’s the familiar plot.

Although Sun Wukong was suppressed, this incident alarmed all the heavens.

A monkey can’t turn the sky.

But Xu Fan behind it couldn’t help but attract everyone’s attention.

If he persuaded Xuanzang to rebel was a drinking word, then what did he mean by teaching this monkey magical powers?

Will it be taught casually?

When pigs fly!!

Think about it, is it possible that Xu Fan just pretended not to know anything.

In fact, he is really the driving force behind Xuanzang’s rebellion, but with his superb acting skills, everyone mistakenly thinks that he is a small character.

In the end, Xuanzang was beaten into reincarnation, and he was simply sent to the world of necromancy.

The matter of Sun Wukong is only a small means for him, he knows that with Sun Wukong’s strength, he can’t turn the sky, and it is clear that he wants to give the heavenly court a color.

See? An apprentice I teach casually can stir up the storm.

Pure provocation.

It’s terrifying!!

Thinking again of those so-called rumors….. True or false….

True and false, false and true.

So on this day, the heavenly court gave eighteen wills.

“Capture Xu Fan!!”

At the same time, the Xitian side also got the news of the riot in the Necromancer World mine.

Go all out to hunt down the mastermind Xu Fan!

The name Xu Fan spread like the wind throughout the three thousand worlds.

(Thanks to the fox on the pine stone for the certification of the nine great gods, my mother ~ giant guy!!) PS:

In the text, “gambling books were poured with tea fragrance, and it was only ordinary at that time

” is from Nalan Zhide’s “Huan Xi Sha”, written in memory of his deceased wife.

I also hope that readers know how to cherish the present, cherish the people in front of them, and cherish what they have.

Those who have realized the past can be pursued.

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