Penglai Immortal Realm.

Lu Yao looked at the familiar face on the wanted warrant and was stunned for a long time.

Xu Fan?

“It is said that this guy is the reincarnation of the demon lord Luo Xiao, and the rebellion of the golden cicada was promoted by him, with the purpose of overthrowing the Heavenly Palace and the Western Heaven and establishing a new order.”

“Gee~ really, even the upper realm is restless now.”

The little junior sister chattered on the side.

Lu Yao didn’t say a word, and his gaze fell in the distance.

At this time, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in the Penglai Immortal Realm.

“All retreat disciples are allowed to leave the gate within three days, and from today onwards, all disciples of the Penglai Immortal Realm will launch a search for Xu Fan!!”

Lu Yao’s expression moved slightly.

Xu Fan was wandering beyond the six realms, wandering among the three realms.

Tianji couldn’t predict the whereabouts of this person at all, so he could only use the most primitive method.

Manpower Search!!


A small world somewhere.

Meat Lingzhi Xiao Wu held a chair larger than itself, walking slowly.

“Anyway, why are we moving?”

The urn said: “Nonsense, Xu Fan escaped from prison.”

How could those smelly monks who would be rewarded let us go, maybe they would directly destroy the original small world. ”


Xiao Wu opened his mouth wide, “Didn’t you say that I have Buddha compassion?”

“The mercy of the fart is as black as a crow in the world.” The urn said disdainfully.

Su Ya glanced up and down at the shop in front of her and said to the urn.

“What a dirty place, how did you live before?”

The urn said, “Lean!” Ye originally fled for his life to hide here, and did not come to travel.

“Sir, here we are.”

On the carriage, Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes and stretched out.

After collecting the causal power of the gadfly.

Xu Fan rushed back to the small world without stopping, and ran away with Su Ya and a few people.

When the urn escaped from Eternal Night before, it relied on the ability to shield the heavenly machine with one hand.

I have escaped in this small world for a while, and even bought a real estate.

Thanks to the urn, they were able to temporarily settle down.

The shop is not large, and the urn says that it used to sell groceries.

The urn confidently said not to look at this shop, but it is a great place to hide.

You let them look for this kind of place, and it is absolutely impossible to find this place without looking for a million years.


After working for a long time, several people cleaned the shop.

Su Ya said, “Sir, do we still open a restaurant?”

Xu Fan nodded, “Let’s get ready, it will open in a few days.” After

a few days, Xu Fan also gradually understood this small world.

This place is called Midnight City.

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The degree of prosperity is comparable to that of Chang’an City before, but it is different from Chang’an City.

Midnight City is close to Haikou, and seaborne trade has brought huge wealth.

But at the same time, it also exacerbated the division of society, and the city of midnight was divided into an upper city and a lower city.

If the upper city is heaven, then the lower city is a veritable hell.

Secondly, there are hundreds of ghosts walking in the city at night, and countless demons are mixed in it.

However, these demons seem to have made some kind of agreement with humans, and generally do not easily hurt people.

A few days later, the restaurant opened.

On the second floor of the restaurant, there is an inconspicuous sign.

“Universal Office”

This was established by Xu Fan in order to collect the power of cause and effect.

After another two or three months, the business of the restaurant gradually boomed.

However, the firm has not received any formal commission so far.

It’s a lot of trivial things, what dog is lost, helping to take care of children and so on.

A little more time passed.

On this day, Xiao Wu rubbed his little face and sat at the door.

Glancing at the urn and Rong’er, who were flirting.

The urn said that Rong’er would not be able to marry in the future.

Rong’er said that the urn would not be able to marry his wife in the future.

Then the two also asked Xiao Wu to judge, and finally the urn came.

“Then let’s just make a pair.”

Rong’er ran away shyly after hearing this.

Xiao Wu silently froze in place, feeling that he was suddenly pumped two mouths while walking on the side of the road.

“Kid, are you an adult?”

At this time, a middle-aged man walked in.

Xiao Wu raised his head, “What does the guest officer order?”

“Don’t want anything, I heard you have a firm here that can accept any commission.”

Xiao Wu busily led the middle-aged man to the second floor of the restaurant.


“Sir, get up!!”

Xiao Wu jumped onto Xu Fan’s stomach, and his little hand rubbed Xu Fan’s face left and right.

Xu Fan opened his eyes in confusion, “What happened?” ”

Someone is coming looking for it.”

Xu Fan let Xiao Wu serve a pot of tea and talked with the middle-aged man in the bedroom.

“I want you to help me investigate my maiden.”

“Oh? What’s wrong with your mother?

“I suspect there’s someone behind her.” The middle-aged man said.

Xu Fan took a sip of tea, it stands to reason that he would never deal with such a trivial matter.

But men are shrouded in strong causal forces.

If this is done, it can bring the other party closer.

Maybe you will touch his cause and effect.

“No problem.”

Xu Fan agreed.

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