Frozen pen new poems lazy to write, cold furnace wine when warm.

Drunkenly looking at the ink flower and the moon white, I suspected that the snow was full of the former village.


It snowed all night in Midnight City.

Xu Fan leaned lazily in front of the windowsill, burning hot soju in the stove.

The restaurant is closed again today.

Recently, a guy wanted to buy the restaurant, but Xu Fan didn’t sell it.

It’s convenient to find some swinging teenagers looking for trouble.

Xu Fan was troublesome and simply closed his doors.

Just give everyone a few days off.


When Xiao Wu was frying the eggplant yesterday, he accidentally fell into the oil pan.

When Suya went to take care of it, she didn’t hold back the scent.

Another bite.

So the scalding oil turned over, splashing Suya’s body.

The urn decided to have a good relationship with the little fox Rong’er, so he took out the things he had treasured for many years and soaked them for Rong’er to drink.

Rong’er tasted it carefully and felt that the taste was indeed good.

Curiously asked what is the urn used for?

The urn said triumphantly: “Of course, it is the ashes that Ye has treasured for a long time, so it’s delicious.” ”

Rong’er: ………………

“Little Fox Meteor Fist!!”

“The little fox killed thirteen feet!!”

“Little fox hug!!”

“Little fox head mallet!!”


“I can’t live this day.”

The urn ran to Xu Fan and cried.

“Ye gave her all the best things to drink, and he was reluctant to drink it.”

“Not only did she not thank Grandpa, but she even beat Grandpa, and even clamped Grandpa’s head with scissor legs.”

“This day can’t be passed, and Grandpa Ming ran away from home.”

The urn was very sad and decided not to take care of Rong’er again.

If he took Rong’er again, he would not die well.


Xu Fan glanced at the urn that was having a snowball fight with Rong’er outside, and said silently.

“The vow is not to be sent out indiscriminately, in case it comes true one day~”

Su Ya grabbed a basket and prepared to buy some vegetables for today’s dinner.

By the way, buy some medicine for Xiao Wu to treat burns.

“Sir, what do you want to eat at night?”

“Go and ask Little Five, Little Five is angry with you.”

Xu Fan reached out and pinched her little face, “You’d better go and apologize to Xiao Wu.” ”

(picture is a network picture)

Suya ran to Little Five’s bed.

Xiao Wu also ignored Su Ya because of her bite.


“Xiaosheng wants to break off friendship with Miss Su, and don’t take care of Miss Su in this life.”

Xiao Wu said angrily.

Suya licked her silky hair, “Oh, then since that’s the case.”

The preserves and pastries bought later, Xiaoya can only eat by herself~

” Xiao Wu’s eyes lit up, “That… That….

In fact, Xiaosheng can also eat it and then break off with Miss Su.

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Su Ya stretched out her paw and rubbed Xiao Wu’s head.

Xiao Wu’s face was excited.

Suya smiled.

Little five…. It’s really good to coax~


Under the dazzling sunlight, a small white fox rushed through the eaves.

Soon, we came to the lively Yokai Market.

The little fox landed on the ground and patted the dust on his body.

Transform into human form.

Then he stood up and walked around with a small vegetable basket.

“Today’s potatoes are on sale~

” “Onions are also good.”

was strolling around, and happened to meet Xu Liu, the girlfriend of the Rouge Xu shopkeeper next door.

“It’s Suya girl.” Xu Liu smiled slightly.

It just so happened that the two were walking together.

The streets are lined with shops and vendors stretch out outside the city.

Pedestrians are constantly passing by.

The houses on both sides

are lined with cool breeze.

The two little girls are tall and tall, and they are extremely good-looking.

Walking together, like a beautiful scenery ~

too beautiful, in the Midnight City is not a good thing.

No, the two have just walked a bit.

He was surrounded by a group of wandering teenagers.

It stands to reason that in broad daylight, this gang of gangsters did not dare to be too wild.

But today, behind them there was an extra brocade boy riding on a horse.

The guards patrolling the streets next to it give full play to the three characteristics of the servants.

One, shut up the poor people with no background

, two, act as a lackey of the rich,

and retreat when encountering danger

Su Ya crossed her hands at her waist, “Are you guys looking for death?” The

swinging teenagers laughed, and the other party’s angry appearance seemed to be even more cute.

“Hugh is rampant!!”

At this moment, a figure popped out.

Everyone was stunned, and then laughed even louder.

The visitor was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy with a wooden stick in his hand.

“Girl Xu, Girl Su, you go first!”

The young man said awe-inspiringly.

After speaking, he grabbed the wooden stick and rushed towards the other party.


In the next second, it flew back like a kite with a broken line.

“The little cub who didn’t grow Qi was learning from others to save the beauty?”

The young man couldn’t care about the pain, “Girl Xu, Girl Su, go quickly.” ”

A few swinging teenagers came around and kicked the teenager in a circle.


Suya transformed into a huge fox demon and let out a roar.

The swinging teenagers were immediately frightened.

It turned out to be a fox demon!!

The brocade boy’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he ridiculed: “In broad daylight, monsters can’t appear in their original form at will.”

Otherwise, they will be put in jail and beaten to the board. ”

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