The brocade boy looked at Su Ya with a smile.

Everything was in his plan.

A few days ago, he sent someone to negotiate with Xu Fan to buy the restaurant.

But Xu Fan, who was in charge, said that he would not sell anything.

A few waves of people who found fault with their own dispatch also had little effect.

The other party simply closed the door.

So the brocade boy thought of this trick.

Soon, the ambushed demon priest rushed out.

Su Ya and the others were arrested in the prison of the town demon division because they deliberately made trouble on the street.

The brocade boy asked people to deliver a letter to Xu Fan, and then returned home to wait for Xu Fan to come to the door to intercede.


The brocade boy sat in the lobby.

Sure enough, it didn’t take half a blaze of incense.

The next person came to report that the shopkeeper of the restaurant had arrived.

Xu Fan strode in.

The brocade boy carried the tea and glanced at him casually.

Knowingly asked.

“Oh, isn’t this the treasurer? What a great deal for me to do today.

Xu Fan didn’t want to talk nonsense with him, “Forget it, I’m too lazy to worry about this with you.”

Take fifty taels of silver and release the people.

Forget it. The

brocade boy frowned and was stunned.


It’s like kidnapping and just calling your family.

Before he could speak, the other party said first.

“You give me five million, release my son, and forget it.”

Xu Fan stepped forward again.

The brocade boy’s pupils shrank sharply, and it was strange that the other party was originally more than ten meters away from him.

But it only took one step to cross in front of you.

Facing each other’s eyes, the arrogance and domineering of the brocade boy on weekdays suddenly disappeared.

It’s like eggplant after being used~

Jin Yi Gongzi swallowed a mouthful of spit, and couldn’t spit out half a word.

“What’s the matter? Do you want to do it in the mansion of the Zhou Mansion?

An old man dressed in brocade clothes and jade clothes walked out of the inner room, his eyes staring at Xu Fan like a poisonous snake.

The brocade boy’s eyes lit up, “Uncle Wang.” ”


The old man’s body suddenly froze.

Immediately, like a drizzle, the coercion that had nowhere to escape covered him.

Xu Fan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The old man immediately flew out upside down and was directly embedded in the wall on the side.

The bones of the whole body make a clicking sound.

Just now, he was full of confidence, and the master’s pressing frame instantly faded.

“Fifty taels, release people.”

Xu Fan repeated his request.

The brocade boy is not a fool, knowing that he provoked the wrong person, he immediately agreed.

Xu Fan took fifty taels, and before leaving, he gave this guy two big fights.

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“In the future, converge a little, what kind of arrogance young people have.”

After speaking, he walked away arrogantly.

(friends who can’t see the picture, you can go to the comment area to take a look)


Inside the prison.

“Miss Xu Liu, Miss Suya, I will definitely protect you.”

The boy said frankly.

Xu Liu smiled gently.

Su Ya cut it, “Just by you hairy boy? The

teenager said angrily: “I’m not a hairy boy!” ”

The young man’s name is Xiangyunluan

Fengxiang in Cangyunxi, so he can’t add it.

I grew up with my grandmother, who sold tofu, and my grandmother died a few years ago.

Just live alone.

Xu Liu people are beautiful and kind, and often receive Xiangyun.

The heartbeat of youth is like the wasteland under a midsummer night.

Cut it, but burn it out.

After a while, the jailer opened the cell and led them out of the cell.


The little fox ran over in a few steps, constantly rubbing Xu Fan’s hand with his head.

Xu Fan smiled, “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Xu Liu said, “Thank you Xu Gongzi.”

Xu Fan glanced at Xiangyun on the side and said curiously, “Hey, why is your kid here?” Did you secretly follow Miss Xu Liu again? The

young man’s face instantly turned red into tomatoes, and he said in a panic.

“Who… Who who stalked..”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’ll sue you for slander, you slander me!!”

Speaking of which, this matter still affected Xu Liu and Xiangyun because of Xu Fan.

Just invited the two to eat at home, and they were shocked.


Xu Liu helped wash the vegetables, revealing her white and delicate arms.

Gently stir the water in the basin.

Xiangyun secretly observed Xu Liu while drinking tea.

The urn put its arm around his neck, “Young Lang, it’s better to be moved than to act!!”

Xiangyun’s face turned red again, and he said, “What are you talking about?”

“Grandpa is from here, you can’t hide this careful thinking from Grandpa.”

Love must be said out loud, otherwise you will not regret taking the medicine if you miss it~ ”

Throughout the dinner, Xiangyun was a little absent-minded.

After eating.

Xiangyun climbed onto the roof and went to find Xu Fan.

“First… “Huh

?” Xu Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Does your house of all things help people achieve any wishes?” Xiangyun asked.

Xu Fan said, “I am the House of All Things, but not the House of Everything,

do you want to become an emperor, can I still help you become an emperor?”

Xiangyun shook his head, “I don’t want to become an emperor, I just want to… Think…”

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