Higashikatsu Shinshu.

In the middle of a small run-down mountain village.

There are immortals to take disciples, which is a rare event in a small mountain village.

So a lot of people came from house to house, surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

In the center sat an old Taoist priest, telling fortunes to Wang Guangbao.

I saw this old Taoist priest pretending to change his fingers.

“Let the poor road guess, your mother is a woman

, right!” Wang Guangzhu nodded stunnedly, “That’s right.”

“Your dad is a man.

What’s your last name?”


corners of the old Taoist’s mouth gently hooked, and he said without hesitation: “Then your father’s surname is also Wang.”

Wang Guangbao’s face changed drastically, “Immortal Master!” Yuan

Shen Xu Fan: …

Then it was the turn of a plump

woman, the old Taoist priest, stared at the woman’s majestic chest, and said seriously, “Madam, poor Dao has always liked to be blunt.

Upon hearing this, everyone’s faces changed.

The woman said worriedly, “The Taoist leader said, I can bear it.” The

old Taoist priest swallowed a mouthful of spit, “Can I try the feeling?” The old Taoist

priest touched his red cheek, and sighed helplessly, “The current society is too complicated, I have said that poor people like to be blunt

…” Xu Fan couldn’t stand it, pushed away the crowd and walked over.

Make trouble in your own territory, looking for death~

” The village chief is here.

“Village chief. Several

little girls and old girls around suddenly blushed shyly.

Who doesn’t know that the village chief is a junior descendant of Shili Baxiang.

Even if he already has a mother-in-law, the matchmaker of the blind date still keeps going to his house.

I’m going to break the threshold.

Xu Fan glanced at the old Taoist, “I’m the village chief of this village, I don’t know this immortal master’s surname?”

Xu Fan said, “Then I don’t know if Chief Lu Dao can give me a trigram.”

Chief Lu Dao smiled slightly, “Fifty Wen.”

Xu Fan immediately felt out fifty words.

Chief Lu took it with one hand and pinched his fingers with the other.

Then he shook his head, “Shao Nian, I’m afraid your life will not be long!!” Everyone

looked at Xu Fan in surprise.

Xu Fan was extremely calm and followed the other party’s words.

“Oh, what does the chief think I should do?” ”

Go out and turn right for thirty miles, and then turn right for twenty miles.”

Xu Fan wondered, “What is that place?” ”

Coffin shop, now book for a twenty-fold discount.” ”

Xu Fan: ………………

Chief Lu nodded, “Okay, that’s no joke.

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Xu Fan said, “Dao Chief, is there any way for you to save me?”

“This is really a crotch on fire—the crotch is on fire.” Lu

Dao flicked his beard.

“You should set out day and night now, and strive to reach the 100,000 Great Mountains of Southern Xinjiang within two months, and find a person named Liu Mubai in the backer of the mountain.

Xu Fan said suspiciously: “Liu Mubai, can he save me?”

Xu Fan: …………

Under the setting sun, both sides of Lu DaoChang’s cheeks were flushed.

One side was beaten by the woman, and the other side was by Xu Fan’s hand.

The rumor about what kind of immortal Chief Lu Dao is is self-defeating, and in the eyes of everyone, this guy is a charlatan.

Strangely, Chief Lu actually settled here.

Xu Fan didn’t care.

Because the system task has one to help the land road chief build a thatched house.

Get rewards: Repair +2 strength + 2

speed +2

get rewards: Wooden sword This

reward is really ……. Rich.

Xu Fan didn’t care about the amount of rewards, and they added up.

Don’t take bean bags and don’t use dry food.

He wants to become the next Ten Mile Po Sword Saint.


In the evening.

Xu Fan was holding the chopped wood, ready to help Chief Lu build a house.

At this time, the old abbot of the temple was nibbling on chicken legs and saw him coming.

Hurriedly covered his ears and put away the chicken legs.

“Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, eh…. I’m sorry, I’m a monk.

There is a small temple in this small mountain village, and there is only one monk in the small temple, the old abbot.

The old abbot stopped Xu Fan, “The donor is slow, I see that the donor’s face is black, there will be a bloody disaster in the near future!

Xu Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, “Oh?” ”

Go out and turn right for thirty miles, and then turn right for twenty miles

, Xu Fan frowned, and constructed a map in his mind.

Hey, how does this place sound so familiar?”

the coffin shop there was folded. The

old abbot just finished speaking.

I saw that Xu Fan had rolled up his sleeves, and his face was murderous.

“Hey, don’t be like this, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable.

Bah, Amitabha.

Everyone is a civilized person, and the gentleman does not move his hands.

Well, it seems that it cannot be hidden from you.

You will set off day and night now, striving to reach the 100,000 Great Mountains of Southern Xinjiang within two months, and find a man named Liu Mubai in the backer…”

The old abbot had not finished speaking.

was beaten fat by Xu Fanfeilong’s face.

You TMD is speaking for the coffin shop!” ”

Oh my God, don’t hit my face, my handsome and handsome face captivates thousands of little nuns.” ”

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