
Xu Fan was busy for two days, and finally repaired and sorted out a hut where no one lived before.

Subsequent successful rewards.

It’s this elevation that seems to …. I don’t feel anything~

[Dingdong, the system releases a task

] [Travel outside the small mountain village

] [Get rewards: innate Dao body, supreme bone, heaven-level sword technique…]

The system said a lot of tempting rewards in one breath.

Innate Dao Body

, Supreme Bone, Xu

Fan smiled disdainfully.

The system issued this kind of task again, and now the outside is Longtan Tiger’s Den for Xu Fan.

It’s impossible to go out in this life.

Lying flat can become a master, why should you be born into death~

This is like two roads.

It’s a long one, but you know that if you go down, you’ll reach the finish line 100% safely.

The other one though is quick and convenient.

But there are many dangers, and it may be that one day the burp will be cold.

Xu Fan chose the first one without hesitation.

He is just a working boy, hundreds of dollars a month, what a life to play~

Thinking so, Xu Fan hummed a ditty and went home to find his daughter-in-law.

There’s actually nothing wrong with being an ordinary person.

The spring grass is green in autumn, and the long pine is falling and the summer cold

is already months in a blink of an eye.

In order to systematically solve the problems of the villagers and complete the task.

Xu Fan slightly modified the village chief’s reception room.

Then the familiar label was affixed, “Universal Office~”

Of course, the location was limited to the village.

For example, driving away the lost wild boar, rescuing the widow who lost his footing, looking for the precious pants that Uncle Wang has worn for more than 20 years, and so on.


A dazzling sword light lit up in the darkness.

With the fall of the last enemy, Night Thunder was finally able to breathe.

As the killer of the shadow stream, how could she have thought that she would one day be chased and killed by the shadow stream.

Night Thunder carried the fragment in his arms and looked at the strange small mountain village in front of him.


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Thunder walked in the village in confusion, I don’t know how long it took, when he looked up, he suddenly saw a sign.

“Universal Office”

The ghost sent Night Thunder walked in.

He doesn’t know why he walked in, it’s like you’re walking home from school and suddenly you see a wooden stick on the side of the road.

Which boy can resist the temptation of a wooden stick~

Xu Fan stood at the door, waiting for someone.

Liang Zhichao and his grandmother said that he had a distant niece coming and couldn’t entertain him if he had something, so he asked Xu Fan to help entertain him.

[Mission: Help Liang Zhichao and his grandmother entertain their children

] [Mission Reward: Cultivation

+1] [Strength +1] [Agility +1] [Basic Sword Art Comprehension Level



Xu Fan waited for a long time and did not see the other party’s figure

, and at this time, he finally heard footsteps outside.

Xu Fan said, “You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time.” ”

The night thunder outside suddenly stopped, waiting for half a day?

This guy is ambushing me? No! If

it was an ambush, the other party would have already made an ambush.

So what kind of person is he.

Xu Fan opened the door, looked at the girl in plain clothes in front of him, and smiled slightly.

“Come in and take a break. ”

Can’t see through!!!

Ye Ting was shocked in her heart, she was now sure that this young man in front of her was definitely not an ordinary person.

Xu Fan looked at this girl, thinking that she was a little nervous when she saw a stranger.

As an assassin, Night Thunder has an ordinary appearance and ordinary temperament.

It’s the type that blends into the crowd and you can’t find her at all.

No assassin is very stunning, it’s a drama on stage, not an assassin.

He was still a mortal, and because he split with the body, Xu Fan, who lost half of his IQ, did not doubt the identity of the other party at all.

“Don’t worry, just feel like your own home.

Xu Fan made a cup of tea for Night Thunder and took a small plate of dim sum.

Night Thunder did not let his guard down, and stared at Xu Fan from beginning to end.

[Dingdong, system mission: help the girl solve her troubles

] [Get reward: basic sword technique

+5] [Repair +5] [Strength


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