Liu Cannon beckoned everyone to eat the steamed bun that had just come out of the pot.

After a day and night, the people were already sleepy.

Pick up the steamed bun and gnaw it whether it is hot or not.

“Village chief!”

Liu Cannon enthusiastically handed Xu Fan two.

Xu Fan took it casually and leaned against the door frame.

Now it seems that the cultivation of this demon should not be too high, after all, the probability of having a big demon in this kind of small mountain village is very small.

Xu Fan took a bite of the steamed bun.

The corner of Liu Dacang’s mouth hooked an intriguing smile, and then went to hand out steamed buns to others.

“Ah!!” At

this time, the expression of the man who ate the steamed bun first changed, and he fell to the ground covering his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, several people vomited blood and lay on the ground.

Xu Fan frowned slightly, turned his head to look at several people.

In a short time, more than two dozen men had fainted to the ground, and the ground was covered with the blood they spewed out.

Liu Cannon stood in the middle of the crowd and giggled.

At this time, the wind was raging, and a tiger more than half a person tall appeared at the gate of the compound.

With a slight jump, he jumped over the courtyard door, showing his fierceness.

At this time, Wang Da and Wang Er, who were hiding in the shadows, found that Liu Da Cannon was standing in the sunlight and actually ……. Wang

Da and Wang Er heard that there were tiger demons, so they thought of coming to see the liveliness.

But thinking that Xu Fan would definitely not agree, he quietly hid in the shadows.

Wang Da suddenly remembered that Xu Fan had told his brothers about this kind of thing.

It is a kind of ghost, but it is not exactly a ghost.

Ordinary people can only become ordinary ghosts after death.

Only those who are eaten by tigers can die for themselves.

Then he became an accomplice of the tiger.

In fact, on the way back to his hometown, Liu Dacang was killed by this tiger and turned into a trick.

“You killed my child!”

the demon tiger spat out.

Xu Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded.

“It’s me. The

tiger’s eyes shot a cold light, “I will let you die a miserable death.”

Xu Fan smiled faintly, “To tell you the truth, those who want to kill me can line up from here all the way to the Heavenly Court, and you can’t kill me.”

“Then try it!”

and the tiger roared and pounced.

The roar of the tiger was deafening, making Wang Da, who was hiding in the shadows, and Wang Chen’s feet cold.

Xu Fan stood in place without dodging or dodging, and in the next moment he was pounced on by the tiger.

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where Xu Fan appeared in the belly of the tiger, it was clearly a rusty sword.

Although the sword body is rusty, it is very sharp.

Firmly fixed there, the tiger weighed heavily on the strong gravity.

Directly penetrate the body of the tiger.

At this time, the tiger’s gaze gradually changed, and the people around him who had been poisoned to death by him.

At the moment, I just slept soundly.

Illusion Dream Eater.

From the beginning, Liu Cannon and Tiger, including the ghost, fell for Xu Fan’s dream devouring technique.

Without a shadow Liu Cannon, where can he escape Xu Fan’s eyes.

“Don’t…. Don’t kill me…”

the tiger begged for mercy.

Xu Fan did not hesitate to solve the tiger demon cleanly.

“You will regret it! You will regret it!!”

were the last words left by this tiger demon who had cultivated into essence.

After the death of the tiger demon, it is time for Liu Cannon to enter reincarnation.

He briefly regained consciousness and watched his wife’s two lines burst into tears.

Xu Fan didn’t know how to comfort him, so he could only wish him a good journey.


Soon, word spread that there were monsters in the village.

The body of the tiger demon was hung up by people.

Looking at the huge corpse, everyone was terrified.

I couldn’t believe that Xu Fan did it.

Everyone commented, “No wonder there are always deaths in the neighboring villages.”

“Oh, really, my little uncle is rumored to have several hunters missing in his village. ”

Oops!” The

tiger demon was sent to the town without concealment, and the county lord immediately rewarded Xu Fan with more than twenty taels of silver.

You must know that Xu Fan’s January Lilu was only three coins of silver

and silver was rewarded with more than twenty taels at once, which directly made him a landlord old fortune.

Then he was rewarded with a title, and the villages next to the “Tiger Fighting Hero!!”

had long been threatened by this tiger for a long time, and at this moment, when they heard that Xu Fan had killed this tiger, they all came to the door to thank them.

Xu Fan took out ten taels from the reward and gave it to Liu Dacang’s wife Wang Yun, which can be regarded as a pension.

As soon as Liu Dacang died, there was one more widow in the village.

Counting Wang Yun, there are enough six widows in the village.

This is not a good thing, they should be given a home.

Xu Fan thought secretly.

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