The village counted Wang Yun, eight widows.

This is extremely detrimental to the peaceful development of the village.

The eight widows were all in good shape, and no one claimed them.

It’s like a car without an owner, and others look at it and want to drive it.

The car left and the owner also wanted to be driven.



It is easy to cause conflicts in the village.

Sure enough, the system immediately released a new task, [System Task: Give the Eight Widows a Home]

Xu Fan thought that he didn’t have this ability.

Just one Liu Xin is enough to endure herself.

Mentioning Liu Xin, Xu Fan subconsciously pressed his waist.

I don’t know what happened to Liu Xin during this time.

While drinking Chinese medicine, I felt that I couldn’t keep up with her.

Think about the first time, think about the present.


Fortunately, it’s just a Yuan Shen, if it is the body, it is estimated that he will have to squeeze himself alive.

However, this kind of thing is left to the ontology Xu Fan to do.

The clock went a few days further.

When Xu Fan was studying how to bring together the widows and bachelors in the village this day, he saw Liu Xin wearing a cyan cheongsam coming over.

Two long white legs almost blinded Xu Fan’s eyes.

Xu Fan is a complete leg control.

This may be the nuance difference between himself and the body, although they are all Xu Fan, but there is still a certain difference.

For example, Genshin likes legs, and the body is interested in other parts.

Two slender, well-proportioned legs….

There is also a coquettish foxy face.

Xu Fan silently took out a plaster he had just made yesterday and pasted it for himself.

The corners of his mouth gently hooked, revealing a Nike smile.

Die I will die on the battlefield.


Xin originally came to look for something, but was hugged by Xu Fan’s hand in the middle of her knee socket.

“Village Chief, Village Chief!” At

this moment, a hurried voice sounded outside the door.

Liu Xinqiao’s face turned red, and she said delicately: “Let go quickly.” Then he

struggled and jumped out of Xu Fan’s arms.

Xu Fan frowned, and asked angrily, “What’s wrong?” ”

Old Qian was bitten by a beast, and the injury was quite serious. ”

Old Qian is a hunter in the village, in his fifties.

His grandfather is an Orion, his father is also a Orion, and in his generation, it is natural that the son inherits his father’s business.

Since he was a child, he went up the mountain with his grandfather and father, experienced the way, and has never been injured by a wild beast.

Xu Fan rushed to Lao Qian’s house, only to find that Lao Qian was not lightly injured.

There is almost no good place on the whole body, and life is in danger.

He escaped down the mountain in one breath.

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Xu Fan hurriedly took out the thousand-year ginseng he had rewarded, boiled the soup and first hung the breath of old money

, and then treated the trauma for him, stopped the bleeding, and bandaged the wound.

He has been busy until the second day, and the life of the old money can be regarded as saved.


Xu Fan let out a long breath, unable to understand what kind of beast Old Qian was injured by.

It stands to reason that he is familiar with the surroundings of this village, and there are basically no beasts that can hurt people.

It’s just that this old money doesn’t know when he will wake up.

Xu Fan told everyone not to go up the mountain as much as possible recently.

A few days later, someone had another accident

, this time it was Lao Zhangtou who went up the mountain to collect medicine, and Lao Zhangtou went up the mountain to collect medicine, only saying that he saw a monster on the mountain.

Fortunately, Lao Zhangtou was only frightened, and nothing happened.

No one dares to go up the mountain easily.

But within a few days something happened.

The cow in the house of the widow Wang died, and the death was extremely tragic, and it looked like it should have been bitten to death by some beast.

Xu Fan sensed the demon qi left behind.


Fan not only frowned, but a few days later, something happened in the neighboring village.

This time it was quite loud, three killed and one injured.

Those who survived said that a tiger attacked them, and that the tiger spat out words.

Deliberately left the man’s life, just for him to bring a message to the village.

“It came this time to seek revenge on the person who killed its brother, and the rest will not pursue it!!” Xu

Fan couldn’t help but smile when he heard this.

This tiger is quite scheming.

Sure enough, as time went by, people continued to be injured, and the villagers who went door to door changed their eyes when they looked at Xu Fan, and they did not dare to talk to him, deliberately avoiding him.

I was afraid that because of contact with Xu Fan, I would be targeted by that tiger demon.

Xu Fan didn’t care, that tiger was not his opponent.

But this guy is haunted, and he can’t catch it himself.

After a few more days, the tiger’s affairs became bigger.

The county commander in the town did not know where to invite a Daoist who claimed to have learned spells to chase the tiger demon.

The old Taoist elder came to the village, understood the cause of the

matter, and sighed deeply, “Alas, this matter is difficult to solve.”

Lady Wang, who loves to talk the most, hurriedly asked, “Dao Chief, then what should we do, this matter has nothing to do with us.”

That’s all……………”

As soon as she wanted to say Xu Fan, she was stabbed hard by the old man and glared at her.

Only then did Lady Wang close her mouth.


(What do you do, I find myself so idle~

) (Everyone should know that I am not writing novels full-time

) (Let me tell you about my career, I joined a company as soon as I graduated from college, counting me a total of three

people) (Then after several years of development, our company now has five people, just enough to get together to fight five rows, after all, I used to only fight landlords)

(Ju idle, do you know how

idle I am, you can see how idle I am just by writing two novels) (I am an initial employee so I have five percent of the shares, and then I take the shares and salary every day and write novels

!) (桀桀桀!!) (

Life is so good, just lack of girlfriends~).

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