In response to the coming food crisis, Xu Fan held a large family meeting.

Little Five lowered his head and picked his fingers, like a child who had done something wrong.

Su Ya blinked her watery eyes, “How about we open a restaurant?”

Xu Fan spread his hands, “But we don’t have the capital.”

Su Ya held her head, they have indeed made a lot of money by opening restaurants over the years.

But the coins of the two worlds are not in circulation.

The urn said, “I didn’t think that Uncle Ben would also worry about money, so he already knew that he would learn the spell of turning stones into gold.”

I said Xu Fan, I have to talk about you, you have been in this world for so long, and you have not developed believers or anything. Xu

Fan was too lazy to explain, now the situation is special.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to continue to develop, it’s that the goal is too big and dangerous.

Suya said that she could go to town with Rong’er to perform a dance, but was rejected by the urn.

Xiao Wu tilted his head and said pitifully: “Xiao Sheng, I won’t eat in the future.” ”

Everyone agreed.

Little Five sat on the ground and cried.

In the end, Xu Fan came up with an idea, and now it was the time for the autumn harvest to send several people out to work for other people’s homes.

Although I don’t earn much, I manage the food.

The most edible little five was sent to Mrs. Wang’s house.

Old Mrs. Wang is the grandmother of Xu Fan’s students Wang Da and Wang Er, and can be regarded as a small landowner and capitalist in the village.


“Dao Kedao, very Dao…”

Xu Fan taught his students in private school.

Among the five students, Wang Da and Wang Er were only interested in practice.

However, because the demonic nature in the hearts of the two had not been completely eliminated, Xu Fan did not teach them to practice, for fear that they would do evil.

The little fat Pang Jun also has no talent for reading, but is more suitable for being a businessman.

But the iron egg has a talent for being a reader.

Ning Yatou, who always loves to wear red clothes, is very suitable for cultivation.

[Dingdong, the training task begins

] [Cultivate five students into talents for a period of twenty years

] [Reward: Cultivation reaches the Transformation God Stage, if the host reaches the Transformation God Stage during this period, it will automatically upgrade to one level

] [Earth Level Exercises*3

] [Sword Heart Fruit

*1] [Demon Emperor Armor *1]

What the hell is the Demon Emperor Armor?

How could I want such a thing.

Xu Fan was very dissatisfied with the reward of the system, how to say that he was also a revolutionary who wanted to overthrow the rule of Buddhism.

Demon Emperor Armor? This name is not good [

OK, the Demon Emperor Armor has officially been renamed – Red Armor]

Xu Fan nodded with satisfaction, and couldn’t wait to start his own teaching.

Wang Da and Wang Er can only subtly influence them with their own thoughts first.

Fat Pang Jun has the talent to be a businessman.

Ning Yatou can take her to practice first.

The iron egg can teach him to read, maybe he can become an official in the future.

Be good at discovering the strengths of your students.

So in the past few days, the five students could clearly feel that their husband had become more severe.

When Feng Xiucai was a teacher, their private school was almost equivalent to playing in a group.

But now going to private school has become a very painful thing, after all, everyone can’t adapt to it at first.

I finally finished the day, and with Xu Fan’s voice, the class ended.

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As if they had been released from prison, they heard Wang Da say weakly: “Teacher, you didn’t leave homework.” ”

The other four: …………

So Xu Fan spent another five minutes to arrange today’s homework.

After the students left, Xu Fan stayed to pack his things.

A dark shadow flashed quickly outside the window.

Xu Fan glanced at it slightly, and did not care.

This guy has been following him for four or five days.

Xu Fan secretly observed him, and it was the person in Xiao Er’s mouth who connected with Feng Xiucai.

It seems that the other party has also found himself.

Calm down, the enemy does not move, I do not move.

See what the other party is doing.


Hu San listened to the report of his subordinates and frowned slightly.

“At present, it seems that the other party is a scattered cultivator who killed Feng Xiucai unintentionally.”


Taiyang slammed his fist on the chair, “Even these scattered cultivators dare to ride on our Eternal Night’s neck this year!” If this continues, we will still play eggs. ”

Don’t be impatient, Brother Tai.”

Hu San soothed, “I think it’s better not to cause trouble now, a Feng Xiucai will die when he dies, and the great cause of the Lord is the key.”

Taiyang glanced at Hu San and retorted: “Feng Xiucai was killed today, how can we convince the public if we ignore it?”

The people below will think that if they are killed, the organization will ignore it, and what will happen in the future.

“What does Brother Yitai mean?”

“Kill the chickens and scare the monkeys!!”

Taiyang said coldly, “Don’t worry, I will do this very cleanly, but it is just a small scattered cultivator who raises his hand to destroy it.” ”

Niko was teasing the dog in the yard, and when she heard her grandfather say this, she ran over excitedly.

“Grandpa, I’m going too.”

Taiyang picked her up and said kindly: “Okay, then take Nizi to teach this bad guy a lesson.” With

that, he left.

Hu San took a sip of tea, as the archbishop of Eternal Night, he would not have paid attention to such a trivial matter if it had been put in the past.

It’s just that today is different from the past, and now it is surrounded and hunted down by hundreds of families in the eternal night.

It is precisely when it is necessary to temporarily avoid the edge, although it is only a small thing, it can also reflect Taiyang’s character of ignoring the overall situation and focusing on it at one point.

As a wise general, Hu San began to think about how to arrange Taiyang.


Small mountain village.

The old Taoist priest who counted the trigrams cleaned up the trigram stall and happened to see someone passing by.

He said, “Count the trigrams!” If it doesn’t work, you don’t want money.

Xu Fan gave him a blank look, this smelly old man had settled here since he came to the village three years ago.

When he calculated for himself, he said that his time was running out, and he changed the law to let Xu Fan buy a coffin, and was later beaten by Xu Fan.

“Taoist friends~Daoyou~”

The old Taoist priest greeted him warmly.

“Get out!”

Xu Fan raised his foot and wanted to kick, scaring this guy away, and left directly.

Looking at Xu Fan’s departing back, the old Taoist priest cut and began to clean up the stall.

Suddenly, as if he felt something, he looked into the distance, and the corners of his mouth gently hooked.

“Oh, it’s really here, the little cub of the eternal night, the old man has been waiting for three years.”

PS: [Nothing happens today~

] [Friday, Saturday, Sunday is a holiday, in fact, every day is no different from the holiday

] [It’s raining outside, sleep until ten o’clock, and then nest in the bed to play games]

[I didn’t see a beautiful aunt, over! 】

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