Xu Fan walked quickly on the path in the shade, humming a small tune.


The wind suddenly blew by.

Xu Fan stood still, and a tall figure appeared in front of him at an unknown time.


Taiyang turned his back to the moonlight and looked at Xu Fan coldly.

Xu Fan frowned slightly and recognized this person, a strong man he met by chance in the town that day.

“Feng Xiu was killed by you?”

The sound was accompanied by the sound of the wind.

The corners of Xu Fan’s mouth gently hooked, and he said without hesitation: “No!”

“Hey, the shameless thief did it and did it, and now I don’t dare to admit it, bah!!”

The voice of a female doll sounded.

Nizi sat on Taiyang’s shoulder and pointed at Xu Fan and said, “Dare to do it or not, I despise you.”

Xu Fanxin said, “This girl is so cute, it must be fun to beat her to cry.”

“Boy, I don’t bully you either, if you can take my three punches with three punches, this matter will be settled.”


Xu Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and snorted with disdain, “Three fists? Is two fists OK? ”

Taiyang: …….

“Just kidding, don’t say three punches, even if you are thirty punches, I can take it!!”

“Arrogant brat.”

“Come on Grandpa.” Niko applauds to cheer for Grandpa.

Xu Fan took a deep breath and turned the True Qi in his body.

Taiyang clenched his fist with one hand, and his eyes froze.

The whole person is like a bow, tense and ready to go.

Xu Fan let out a long breath and suddenly shouted, “Who!?” ”


Taiyang subconsciously turned his head to look.

Divine Walking!!

Xu Fan turned around and ran.

“Grandpa, he ran.”

Nizi was the first to react, jumped up all of a sudden, and the silver bracelet on her wrist gently shook and chased after Xu Fan.

Xu Fan’s figure kept flashing through the rooms.

Niko fell barefoot to the ground and looked around suspiciously.

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Suddenly, the little foot was caught, and the top-heavy was picked up.


Before she could resist, an obedient rope wrapped around her and tied her strongly.

Later, he was struck by Xu Fan with a soul calming brick.


Niko immediately felt that her eyes were dark.

At this time, Taiyang’s figure also fell heavily, kicking off a puff of dust.

Xu Fan grabbed Nizi and quickly stepped back, putting his hand on Nizi’s white neck.


Taiyang was furious.

Where does Xu Fan care about this, now it is important to save his life, he will definitely not be able to beat this big man.

“I think we can talk about it now.”

“You let my granddaughter go first, otherwise I can guarantee that you will die a miserable death!”

“Then I also dare to guarantee that before I die, your granddaughter will go to Huangquan Road to accompany me.”

“You dare!”

“Let’s give it a try.”

After a long silence, Taiyang spoke again: “I can let you go, you let my granddaughter go.”

How could Xu Fan trust what he said, “It’s okay to let her go, you answer me a few questions first, you are a person from Eternal Night?”

Taiyang’s eyelids picked up slightly, and the cold light flashed.


This word bites hard.

“You taught Feng Xiucai’s cultivation method to him?”

Still a yes.

“Who is the head of your organization?”

This time he didn’t get an answer, Taiyang clenched his fists tightly, looking at that look and wanting to tear Xu Fan to pieces.


Taiyang’s expression suddenly changed.

Xu Fanxin said: “I just used this trick, and you still use this trick to test me, is it stupid.”

But Taiyang immediately slammed a punch into the alley on the side.


The man blocked Taiyang’s attack with a wave of Buddha dust.

Xu Fan called out in his heart, suspecting that it was the urn that brought bad luck.

Before they came, they stayed in their village.

As soon as they came, all kinds of bad things sprang up like mushrooms for good guys.

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