Forget Chuan is sitting in front of him.

“That, I’ll say two words first

, I’m coming, since I’m here, I have to say a few words!” Just a few words!

Since I have to say a few words! Then it is definitely to speak.

So I decided to say a few words, after thinking about saying a few words! I’ll just say a few words here!

Apparently I came in by accident to say a few words! After saying a few words, I felt that I should not say more.

Just say the most important words! Although only a few words!

But! Don’t underestimate these few words I said, there are these very important words!

What can these few words change? A few words can change everything!

Everyone: ………………

Xu Fan glanced at Yu Chuan, and suddenly regretted a little, is it really reliable to hand over his disciple to him?

Looking at Ning Yatou again, he saw that the word disgust was written in his eyes.

Xu Fan coughed lightly, “The Ten Thousand Swords Sect is a sect with a long history, with an authentic heritage, and it is recognized by many countries.

And the sect has a perfect system, and it will never bury any talents.

The most important thing is the graduation package assignment, and in this case, I hope you will not miss this opportunity. Elder

Yuchuan looked at Xu Fan gratefully, and quickly nodded, “That’s right, that’s right!!”

“I’m not going.”

Niko was the first to express her opinion.

“The apprentices he taught are all unsightly, their strength is not very good, and the guy named Wei Chuan always looks at me with a narrow look.

Always staring at my chest, I really want to gouge out his eyeballs!!

Elder Yuchuan scratched his toes in embarrassment and smiled, “That… This…”

I can’t say a word.

Xu Fan coughed lightly and glanced at Nizi.

Niko stopped talking ruefully.

“What about Ning Yatou?”

Ning Yatou looked at her gentle face, bit her lips, and did not answer for a long time.

Elder Yuchuan hurriedly said, “If you can join our Ten Thousand Swords Sect, the old man can’t guarantee anything else, but your treatment will definitely not be worse than that of your own disciples.” Then

Forget Chuan Chang said a lot of benefits with a small mouth, and almost didn’t offer Ning Yatou as an ancestor.

Ning Yatou only felt dry, and her eyes looked directly at Xu Fan.

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That look seemed to be able to speak, and he felt like he was going to eat Xu Fan.

Fortunately, Liu Xin was not there, otherwise when she saw this scene, she would definitely be angry.

Xu Fan smiled gently and said nothing.

Ning Yatou already understood, and nodded, “I am willing!” ”

Elder Yuchuan thinks that his ears may be broken, willing?

Yes, yes?

He took a deep breath, forced himself to endure the ecstasy in his heart, and said three good things in a row.

Wang Dawang Er didn’t want to go, but Xu Fan wanted them to go.

One is exercise.

Second, he also took care of Ning Yatou.

So the two had to agree to go out and break in.

Elder Yuchuan was happy and ready to leave the next day.

Afraid of the long night and dreaming, these three people regretted it.

Before leaving, Ning Yatou secretly came to Xu Fan and gave him a hairpin.

This was left to her by her mother, saying that she would make her own dowry later.

Only grandma knows about this.

Xu Fan took the hairpin and looked at it carefully, and said with a smile: “I will take good care of it for you,”

and the next day, Ning Yatou and the two brothers Wang Dawang left with Elder Forget Chuan and his group.

Xu Fan kept sending them out of the village for a long distance.

Watching the three children turn around in three steps, they kept waving at him.

Xu Fan sighed softly, and a feeling of right and wrong hit his heart.

Respectively, it is the norm in life.

But as long as you think about it, you will definitely reunite, when you become better.

Say goodbye while crying and laughing.

“Long time no see, I miss you very much, at that time, everything will be beautiful.”

Xu Fan stretched out his hand and waved.

Ning Yatou had red eyes.

Wang Da, Wang Er jumped up and seemed to say something.

But it was blown away by the passing wind.

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