June day doll’s face, rain said it will fall.

Ning Yatou, Wang Dawang Er has been away for several months.

Plus the iron egg to test people.

In the group of six, only Little Fatty Pang Jun and Nizi are left now.

Nizi is not very willing to play with Pang Jun.

Because Pang Jun, this guy, always likes to wander, several mountains around the village have been visited by him, which mountain has several holes, and what can be caught in the hole, he knows everything.

Niko was still enthusiastic at first, but over time she got tired.

She really didn’t understand why Pang Jun was so fat and liked to wander around.

On this day, Pang Jun came to find Nizi again.

As soon as Niko heard the movement, she immediately ran, “Don’t come to me, I won’t go to the grove with you!!” ”

There is no way, Pang Jun had to go to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu also didn’t want to go to the grove, but when he heard that Pang Jun was willing to give it to him, he agreed.

By the way, prepare to go to the Yo-Yo Turtle Wangcai.

When the two were about to leave, they happened to meet Xu Fan holding wolfberry tea and lying on the Taishi chair.

Enjoy life comfortably.

As soon as he heard that they were going to wander around, Xu Fan also thought about going to consume food.

So it became a three-person turtle and wandered to the back mountain.

Xiao Wu held a net pocket and said that he wanted to catch dragonflies.

On the path in the forest, he ran with a speechless Wangcai as if he were happy.

Pang Jun looked around with interest, as if he had a new experience every time he came.

If you talk about several children, who is the most curious.

Then Pang Jun is well deserved.

He is completely curious about any unknown affairs, and always pesters Xu Fan to tell him various stories.

Several times Xu Fan was tired of it.

After talking over and over again, this little guy still couldn’t hear enough, and his face was full of yearning.

“Sir, is the world big?” Pang Jun asked as usual again.

“It’s so big, so big that you can’t finish your life.”

“Then why don’t you go out for a walk?”

“Because the world is big, but only a small space can accommodate me.

Everyone’s ideals are different, and some people hope to carry out their horses and go all over the great rivers and mountains.

Some people want to make a name for themselves in history and achieve a great career.

But I just want the sunrise and the sunset.

Pang Jun thought thoughtfully.

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At this time, Xiao Wu hurriedly ran over from the front.

“Sir! Mr! There are many people, and they are still leading a bunch of horses, and there are many large packages…”

said Xiao Wu exaggeratedly.

Xu Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, “Huh? ”

The visitor was a caravan of more than two hundred men who was going north to trade with the tartars.

This year, it rained heavily, and the original road was blocked.

So they had to take a detour and happened to pass by a small mountain village.

The leader of the caravan was ready to rest in Xiaosan Village.

A rare caravan from a small mountain village came, and everyone rushed to buy something.

The mountain village has a small population and fewer things to buy, which has little impact on the business of the caravan.

So the caravan simply set up a small market at the entrance of the village center,

and Liu Xin also pulled Xu Fan to the market for a walk.

No woman can resist the temptation of shopping, and Liu Xin is no exception.

She wore an aqua-blue cheongsam with a row of silver buttons, a pair of white stockings on her feet, and a pair of silver shoes.

Holding Xu Fan’s arm, he was very interested.

The two chatted slowly while strolling around, but they didn’t buy anything.

Liu Xin looked left and right, feeling that everything was new, but she was unwilling to sell anything.


The leader of the caravan was called Gu Fang, a middle-aged man.

Wearing a gray silk jacket, a small straw hat on his head, and a large suitcase on his back, he was not too hot.

Very talkative, the chatterbox opens as soon as it is played.

Pang Jun listened excitedly to the experienced team leader and tell about the customs and customs around the world.

And all kinds of fun things that come across.

Unlike the hospitality of the ancient side, deputy team leader Zhao Shun was full of impatience.

There are no green buildings here, and no casinos.

Let Zhao Shun be very unhappy, and chat with the two cronies without a match.

His gaze glanced at the women passing by from time to time, which surprised him a little.

It is obviously just a shabby mountain village, and the women in the village are dressed, but they are not inferior to those who live in rich cities.

They wear long, low-cut skirts, or tulle.

Neither too thin nor too fat, giving people a feeling of grace and luxury.

Some women also held folding fans, posing as ladies, with slender straight legs separated by a thin layer of fabric.


This made Zhao Shun very chicken, and suddenly his eyes lit up and his eyes fell on a pair of men and women who walked towards this side not far away.

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