Pang family’s small restaurant.

Pang Jun absentmindedly peeled the potatoes, and all that lingered in his mind were the pictures that Gu Fang, the leader of the caravan last night, described to him.

“The outside world…..”What

do you want!!”

His mother gave him a big neck from behind.

“Are you peeling potatoes, or peeling potatoes?”

Pang Jun simply put down the potatoes and said arrogantly: “How can the eldest husband peel potatoes here, I should do something more meaningful.” The

mother said, “If there is any meaning, you will quickly cut your potatoes.”

You look at the fact that people have all been admitted to Xiucai, and now they go to the exam, and they will definitely be able to become big officials in the future.

Wang Dawang Er, Ning Yatou is not bad, worshiped into the immortal gate, maybe it will be an immortal in the future, a long life and a hundred years old.

Look at you again, day by day.

Pang Jun pouted disdainfully, “Everyone’s dreams are different, what immortal official, I don’t want to do it, I want to be a traveling merchant.”

“What a traveling businessman, just dreaming all day.”

Pang Jun stuck out his tongue and stopped arguing.

The caravan stayed in the village for four days.

In the past four days, Pang Jun went to find Gufang whenever he had time.

“What? Are you leaving? Pang Jun’s eyes widened.

Gu Fang nodded, “Can’t stay any longer.” ”

They originally planned to stay for two days, but who knew that the four people led by Zhang Shun had disappeared.

In order to find Zhang Shun, they stayed for two more days.

Who knows that these four people will not live, see no one die, and no corpse.

But time could not afford to delay, and they would have spared a long way.

If you can’t reach the north early, you will be preempted by other caravans.

Goods have to be sold at a lower price, and everyone has to lose money at that time.

So on the last night, Pang Jun came to find Xu Fan.

The two lay on the roof, looking at the sky full of stars, like an endless river.

The autumn mood is thick, and the night is quiet

, “Sir, am I embarrassing you.”

Pang Jun said.

“Why do you say that?”

“You see, Tie Dan is a reader, Wang Dawang Er, Ning Yatou and Nizi can learn fairy arts with Mr. again, only I…” Pang

Jun drew small circles.

Xu Fan smiled, “Don’t always feel that you have to become some big person, sometimes it’s good to be yourself.”

In fact, most of us live as ordinary people throughout our lives.

One cannot always look up at the stars, and occasionally one should bow one’s head and be down-to-earth.

Because under the stars is our life, and a down-to-earth life also requires great courage.

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Walk with your head down, and

you will also become an unreachable scenery in the eyes of others.

Pang Jun was stunned, as if pondering these words.

Xu Fan let out a breath lightly, and said in his heart: “That’s great, I really was born to do MLM material.”

“Actually, I told Captain Gufang that I would go to the north with them to do business.”

Pang Jun said with a longing look, “I want to see what the outside world is like, look everywhere, and do whatever I want.”

“Gufang this person is quite reliable, if you want to go, go out and break in, the boy is determined to be in all directions.”

“Sir, so you support me?”

“Of course, I wish you all the way through.”


Early the next morning, the caravan embarked on their journey.

Pang Jun left a letter to his home, and quietly set off with the caravan with his luggage.

Different from the iron egg, Wang Dawang Er, when Ning Yatou left.

Pang Jun sneaked away, so only Xu Fan saw him off.

Xiao Wu took out the package and wiped a handful of tears.

“This is a bun made by Xiaosheng, it will not be broken for a month, you keep it on the road to eat.”

Liu Xin prepared two sets of cold clothes for him.

“It’s cold in the north, and it’s windy, so you can wear more.”

“Thank you, Senior Lady.”

Liu Xin smiled gently.

Pang Jun said goodbye to everyone one by one, but suddenly found that he didn’t see Nizi.

“What about Niko?”

Xu Fan pointed to a corner.

At this time, Pang Jun found that Nizi was sitting not far away, with a little tsundere on her face.

“A soft bastard like you, if you go outside, you will definitely be bullied to death.”

Pang Jun smiled, “Don’t worry, they can’t run away from me.”

Niko snorted softly, “At that time, you have to run faster, try to run back, when the time comes, I will teach him a lesson for you, remember that you are my cover!”

Pang Jun came over and suddenly reached out and hugged her, “I’ll think about it.”

Niko was stunned for a moment, and then gave him a back throw.



Pang Jun walked farther and farther as the team walked farther and farther, turned around and beckoned to the few people who were still watching.

“Go back, I’m leaving

~” Xu Fan hummed a small song, “I’m afraid I won’t have a chance, say goodbye to

you, because maybe I won’t see you again

, tomorrow I want to leave, familiar places and you want to

separate, my tears will fall~”

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