Pang Jun left, and Niko felt even more bored.

There is only one student left in the private school now, and it is better to face the teacher alone than to kill her.

The most uncomfortable thing is that after school, there is no one to play with her.

So she remembered that Shi Niang Liu Xin had said before that if she was unconscious, she could go to her.

Niko really came to find Liu Xin in the middle of the night.

The cold wind was blowing outside.

Liu Xin was wrapped in a small quilt, only revealing a head, her exquisite little face was flushed, a pair of beautiful eyes flickered, and the corners of her mouth drooped slightly, with an extremely embarrassed smile.

Xu Fan coughed lightly, “That… That one… What are you doing here?

Nizi said, “I came to play with Shi Niang~

” “Huh? This…. It’s too late, Nizi, if you want to play, Shi Niang accompanies you every day. ”

Oh, okay.” Niko nodded disappointedly.

His gaze inadvertently fell on the pile of clothes next to the bed.

“Huh? Don’t you eat without clothes? Liu

Xin touched her nose.

A soft smile flashed in Xu Fan’s dark eyes, and he chuckled: “Is Pang Jun gone, you are too bored.”

“Whoever is bored, he will leave, I don’t care.”

Niko snorted.

“You guys play, I’m leaving.”

After Niko finished speaking, she slipped away from the window.

Xu Fan waited for a while, and then locked the window.

Liu Xin complained: “I just told you to close the window!” Near someone else to find out.

Xu Fan grabbed her little man’s waist, “It’s okay, go ahead, and then practice.”

Liu Xin pushed him.

The deer cart rises to the earth, gradually condensing through the ridge.

Urge the “furnace” fire, with women as the furnace and themselves as the top.

Take the spirit as the bait, and take the intersection as the opportunity.

After these days of cultivation, Liu Xin’s cultivation has achieved a small success.

Xu Fan’s daily practice was also busy recording his cultivation experience.

Within a few months, it was filled with two large boxes, and Xu Fan also deliberately vacated an empty room to store these boxes.

[Dingdong, congratulations to the host for successfully sending away the five apprentices and gaining the right to watch each other’s experiences in their dreams]


At this time, Xu Fan was lying under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village, squinting his eyes slightly.

In a dream?

Xu Fan immediately slept.

Sure enough, he fell into a sea of ethereal clouds.

Then I saw one figure after another in the sea of clouds.

The iron egg has been going smoothly all the way, he just finished the exam yesterday, and he looks like he did well.

And the article he wrote was also appreciated by an official.

Xu Fan nodded reassuringly, the iron egg has always been the most reassuring for himself.

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Then he glanced at the two brothers Ning Yatou and Wang Dawang.

Ning Yatou had already entered the door, although they had been somewhat ostracized at first.

But Ning Yatou is strong and beautiful.

In addition, Elder Forget Chuan valued it very much, so soon Ning Yatou stood firm.

Many senior brothers wanted to have a good relationship with her.

It was Wang Da, Wang Er leaned on his fists, and his personality was straight, which offended many people.

These two little guys are what worries him the most.

Then his gaze fell on Pang Jun, who had just left for more than two months.

Pang Jun has already arrived at the border of Vietnam, and it is estimated that he will be able to reach his destination when the New Year is about to pass.

In just two months, Pang Jun’s image has been renewed.

Obviously he has lost a lot of weight, and his skin is darker.

Wearing a dirty coat, tattered shoes, embarrassed, the whole person seemed to be fleeing.

However, there is a smile in the eyes, giving people a feeling of innocence.

It seems that he really did what he wanted to do.

Xu Fan woke up slowly.

Liu Xin held a dog’s tail grass and gently teased his nose, “Your wife called you to go home for dinner~”

Xu Fan stretched out and looked at the sunset in the distant mountains.

A sense of belonging slowly rose in Xu Fan’s heart, and there was a poetic beauty, like a stream flowing slowly.

PS: [I drank too much wine, and the black silk long legs I added yesterday this afternoon sent

me a message] [Roughly means to ask me if I can come at night, she misses me, a day is not like three autumns, it is estimated that she is reluctant to let me be the wronged head

] [My boss suggested that I take it, it cost more than 4,000, and if I don’t win it, it’s too TMD to lose] [I don’t

think about it a little, so the boss said that if I fail all the money spent, he will come out, If I succeed, I will make my own investment]

[I think about it, I feel that it is not a loss!!

So I asked her if she could come out to play, and she wouldn’t go to the bar today] [She replied to me that her salary for one night was 300 yuan, and she had to give her 300 yuan if she wanted to come out to

play] [I TMD will *****, play eggs

] [So I agreed] [

Bought two movie tickets, the two of us gathered in Wanda, she wore that amount… I lost the black suspenders, the thief is sexy, the figure is good

] [She is not too cold, we are minus ten degrees here~

] [When walking, this woman naturally holds my hand, I admit that my heart is moved] [

Lying groove!! Do you know how lethal this is for an otaku? [

Then watch a movie, eat

, and go to the secret room to explore] [In the end, I took a taxi to send her home, and nothing happened

] [I thought about my first love, and I thought about my life, thinking about the past, thinking about the future, and I didn’t know what to do

] [Finally, I told her, “I still have to write a novel at night, and I can’t disappoint my readers] [

Because I will no longer be trapped by love, I can be at ease with encounters, I want to work hard for my new life

] [Well, I admit it’s too expensive

] [Asking price 2000

] [Sure enough, crushing beautiful aunt is the most economical one] [


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