For several months, Lu Lingfeng read all of Xu Fan’s works.

These include novels, poetry, essays, and some theories of statecraft.

Lu Lingfeng’s worship of Xu Fan was thrown to the ground, but because of his face and self-esteem in his heart, he never expressed it.

Just a copy of the Red Mansion had already made Lu Lingfeng read it several times.

Full of absurd words, a handful of bitter tears.

Before this, Lu Lingfeng had never thought that he would be attracted by a novel, or even to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat.

At this time, Lu Lingfeng was holding a poem written by Xu Fan and strolling through the streets of the mountain countryside.

Occasionally bumped into Xiao Wu and Senior Brother Zhang of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect and others.

Lu Lingfeng’s eyebrows raised slightly, and he immediately found that the other party was a cultivator.

Senior Brother Zhang also found the other party to be an unusual person.

Xiao Wu said, “Mr. Lu, do you know where the second family of King Wang is?” Did the student forget? ”

Wang Dawang II?”

Lu Lingfeng shook his head, he didn’t know Wang Dawang Er.

When he came, Wang Dawang Er and Ning Yatou had already left the village.

Moreover, in the past few months since Lu Lingfeng came, he has also known several children from the private school, as well as Xu Fan’s big son.

Lu Lingfeng shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know.

Xiao Wuhuan hugged his hand, “Then I’ll ask someone else.” Then he

took Senior Brother Zhang with him.

Lu Lingfeng looked at the departing figures of the two, and his gaze fell on several disciples of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect hidden in the shadows.

With a fixed gaze, things seemed a little wrong.


Soon, Xiao Wu inquired about the specific location of Wang Dawang’s second family.

Happily took Senior Brother Zhang to the Wang family.

Wang Cai opened his eyes and rolled around, “Stupid…. Eggs…..,”

Little Five looked up, “Eggs? Where are the eggs? ”

Senior Brother Zhang was shocked, this turtle……. And really TMD can talk.

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But I obviously didn’t feel the demon qi.

Senior Brother Zhang stared at Wang Cai suspiciously.

Xiao Wu pointed to the Wang family’s mansion in front, “We’ve arrived!”

Senior Brother Zhang then shifted his gaze, nodded thoughtfully, and sneered.

“Very good! Your mission is accomplished.

He squeezed the sword with one hand, and then slashed towards Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu’s face changed suddenly in fright, and he subconsciously grabbed Wang Cai and blocked it in front of him.


Xiao Wuyi, who shook the recoil, sat on the tree, and Wang Cai also flew to the side, his back landed on the ground, and his feet were facing the sky.

Wang Cai rarely showed an extremely dissatisfied expression.

Senior Brother Zhang looked indifferent and walked towards Little Five step by step.

Xiao Wu was so frightened that his snot bubbled, “Oh, mother, help!!”

Senior Brother Zhang swung his sword without hesitation.


At this moment, a sword was handed over and sealed the sword.

Immediately afterwards, two sword qi wrapped around the fallen leaves, drew an arc, and attacked Senior Brother Zhang.

Senior Brother Zhang sideways to avoid

a sword qi, Senior Brother Zhang cast a move “Flat Sand Falling Leaves”, and the long sword drew an arc, blocking these two sword qi abruptly.

Lu Lingfeng rushed over, the two of them made their own moves

, the faster and faster, the more dangerous the fight, the long sword was also faster and faster, the heavier the fight, each sword was infused with true power, as if to split the other in half.

Senior Brother Zhang is not Lu Lingfeng’s opponent, and there is already a tendency to lose after several moves.

However, at this moment, several disciples of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect suddenly appeared.

Without talking about martial virtue, he began a siege and beating against Lu Lingfeng, and Lu Lingfeng was difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, after all, a good tiger could not hold the wolves.

Soon, he was defeated.

“Senior Brother, what should I do?” A disciple said.

“Kill them all!”

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