Wei Chuan leaned over to Senior Brother Zhang and whispered, “Senior Brother, the village chief of this village is named Xu Fan. ”

Oh? So what?

“Has his wife and senior brother seen it?”

“What do I do when I see his wife? I’m not good at this mouthful.

Senior Brother Zhang’s face was full of contempt, he didn’t expect Wei Chuan to have this kind of hobby.

Wei Chuan coughed lightly, and said with some embarrassment: “Senior brother, what do you think of our Ten Thousand Swords Sect’s Ning Yatou?”

Senior Brother Zhang said, “That’s naturally beautiful. ”

Senior Brother Zhang, like many fellow disciples, has pursued Ning Yatou who has just entered the mountain gate.

However, that girl had a cold face all day, a cold face, and two mouths without a trace of the tenderness of spring water.

Over time, Senior Brother Zhang gave up.

“This village chief’s wife is several times more beautiful than Ning Yatou, she is a beautiful woman with beautiful national colors, and any man will be moved when he sees it!!”

Senior Brother Zhang frowned suspiciously, he would never believe Wei Chuan’s nonsense.

It stands to reason that this Wei Chuan should also have seen some of the world, and how can a mountain village woman attract his attention.

Wei Chuan said, “Senior brother, I really don’t lie to you. Ever

since he last came to the mountain village to see Liu Xin, Wei Chuan had been obsessed with it.

Coupled with the bonus of her wife’s attribute, it made Wei Chuan’s heart even more excited.

Although Senior Brother Zhang didn’t believe it, he was also aroused by Wei Chuan, and decided to take a look after solving the matter.

Little five tears fell with a click.

Lu Lingfeng looked like he was at home, “I’m a disciple of Guozijian, you are playing with fire!”

A disciple snorted coldly, not knowing whether he cared about the identity of the son of another country, or if he didn’t believe his words at all.

The long sword in his hand was about to fall, and something shot out, “bang”.

The disciple covered his right eye and wailed.


Immediately after that, two more disciples fell down wailing.

A figure appeared not far away.

Senior Brother Zhang’s gaze swept sharply, “What kind of person!?”

Xu Fan held a handful of soybeans in his hand and walked over slowly.

“You brought people to make trouble in our village, and now you ask me who I am? What are you. ”


Xiao Wu saw Xu Fan, as if he saw a savior.

Wei Chuan hurriedly said, “That’s him!” His wife is a thief and beautiful.

Xu Fan frowned slightly, good guy!!

Did the co-author come to rob my wife with me?

“Who can endure this TM!”

Xu Fan was so angry that he wanted to beat him up, and stretched out his hand, “Go!” Ah Da pumped his two big mouths. I

saw a man who was completely black and more than two meters tall stood up.

Receiving Xu Fan’s order, Ah Da rushed forward and shook his fist.

One of the disciples could not dodge and received a punch.

“Boom!” A loud bang.

The whole person was slapped out, hit the wall, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Before he could stand firmly, he was kicked by the other party in the chest, and his eyes were black, and he directly lost consciousness.

Ah Da is like a god of war, killing all directions.

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Senior Brother Zhang saw that the situation was not right, and hurriedly struck.

PS: [Today’s wind is very noisy, I didn’t find an e-sports hotel in the new place, and I didn’t find any decent hotel after walking around

] [Helplessly, my family has a house here, but I can’t find the key for a while, and it’s very troublesome to unlock the lock

] [I had to go to the bathing center, and it is estimated that I have to spend the night here again tonight

] [Continue to tell the story of high school] [

In the second semester of high school, The blackboard is pasted with how many days are left before

the college entrance examination] [The knowledge outside the window is endless, the weather is hot to death, and the old fan always makes a

“creaking” sound] [The teacher is talking about the boring and tasteless college entrance examination questions over and over

again] [At that time

, I felt that the time was so long, long as a lifetime] [But when I saw that there were only single digits left, I suddenly felt so fast, as if everything was only yesterday]

[Seeing the first-year high school student playing carefree in the playground, A little mixed feelings in an instant

] [In the afternoon, our whole class went out

to take graduation photos] [At that time, each of our class paid a hundred yuan, hired a photographer, and then had to make a large album of photos for each person

] [After taking the group’s graduation photos, everyone began to take personal photos] [

I sat in the shade of the tree, Watching the boys in our class under the basketball over and over again in various poses that they think are very handsome

] [At that time, I was withdrawn, inferior, and covered up the fact that I had no friends with a cold personality, and I didn’t know who to leave a photo with, so I thought about the future

] [After a while, she pulled a photographer and ran over

] [There are three photographers in total, very sought-after] [

She can grab one, probably because she is beautiful, The photographer was also willing to photograph her

] [She dragged me to the only attraction in our school at that time to take pictures, and when I took graduation photos, almost everyone was not wearing school uniforms, except for me

] [I remember that she was wearing a set of white crop top short sleeves, a set of short jeans, and white legs, I couldn’t help but peek several times] [

We only took one picture, because soon some classmates crowded over to shoot with us, after all, there are three photographers, and time is limited].

[She said that the two of us were going to take a few more pictures alone, and at that time I was very intimidated, and I was very unwilling to admit that there was some ambiguous relationship between

the two of us] [So I said, “It’s okay, let’s take it together”

] [Later, that photo became the only photo of the two of us together, and the only photo I left in high school

] [Her hand was on my shoulder, very close to me, and the other hand was compared to the eggplant, showing a sweet smile] [

And I put my hands behind me, solemnly as if I was taking a military photo

] [That summer ended in endless shouting

] [The moment I walked out of the college entrance examination room, it announced the end of my high school career at the same time

] [The college entrance examination score came down, I took the test very poorly, her score was twenty points higher than mine

] [The night I checked the college entrance examination results, she called me]

[A very lame panic, “xxx, the teacher asked me to ask your grades, which school do you want

to apply for”] [I didn’t react at that time, I really thought that the teacher asked her to ask

me] [I told her which school I wanted to apply for, she originally wanted to apply for a normal school, and finally changed the same volunteer as me

] [After the college entrance examination, our class held a party] [

Because my score was very low, At that time, everyone can’t avoid saying how many points they have scored, so I didn’t go, like an ostrich buried myself in the sand

] [Although I am very depressed, but when

I think that I can go to the same school as her, my heart is relieved] [But fate is always not as expected]

[It’s a pity that she was admitted to the school I wanted to enter, and I was admitted to my second choice because my scores were not enough]

[Sometimes think about it, Really life is always more dramatic than fiction

] [Oh, that’s it for today, it’s so sad to remember the past] [

No. 18 technician yyds!! 】

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