Senior Brother Zhang saw that the situation was not right, and suddenly struck.

Armed with a long sword, he fought with Ah Da.

Senior Brother Zhang still has two brushes, and the sword is like the wind, fast and spicy.

Ah Da is clumsy and can only be passively beaten.


However, although Senior Brother Zhang was flexible, the attack and disappearance did not cause any substantial damage to Ah Da.

Ah Da raised his hand to block another sword, raised his fist and smashed it towards Senior Brother Zhang

, this punch was a hundred pounds, but his punch was empty.

Senior Brother Zhang flashed and drew his sword, seemingly carelessly, but halfway through, he suddenly added a force and transformed into three sword flowers, fast and ruthless.

Ah Da’s two arms fell together, and then he was kicked by Senior Brother Zhang’s powerful kick and flew out upside down.

Senior Brother Zhang snorted proudly, “Sorry, it seems to have broken your little toy.” ”



Suddenly, Ah Da was as excited as seeing the old eight of Hamburg and stood up again.

The two severed arms also flew back in, clicked, and reloaded.

“Up! Hit him. Ah

Da beat his chest with both fists, full of energy, and rushed towards Senior Brother Zhang again.

This time, Senior Brother Zhang obviously suffered a lot of strength, but he still used his superb swordsmanship to divide Ah Da into seven stages.

Senior Brother Zhang’s breath was messy, and he looked at Xu Fan with provocative eyes.

As if to say, now I see what you do!!

Xu Fan frowned, “It’s a little difficult.”

Senior Brother Zhang smiled proudly.

Wei Chuan hurriedly said, “Senior brother, kill him!” He

seemed to have seen beauty waving to him.

Too! Too! Too……!!

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Xu Fan spat seven times in a row.

Senior Brother Zhang suddenly had an extremely bad premonition in his heart, and sure enough, in the next moment, Ah Da stood in front of him intact again.

The corners of Senior Brother Zhang’s mouth twitched slightly, and the faces of several disciples around him were also extremely ugly.

This…… What kind of monster is Nima!!

“Boom !!”

At the same time, A Da’s fist smashed Senior Brother Zhang’s lower abdomen at an incredible angle.

Senior Brother Zhang had long been exhausted, and where did he have the strength to face Ah Da in his heyday again.

Senior Brother Zhang only felt dizzy, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

“Kill him!!”

Wei Chuan pointed at Xu Fan and drank violently, “He is the puppeteer of the Mo family organ.

As soon as these words came out, the other disciples reacted.

Mojia organ puppeteer.

Ninety percent of the combat relies on organ puppets, and the puppeteers themselves do not have strong combat effectiveness.

Suddenly, several disciples bypassed Ah Da and stabbed at Xu Fan with their swords.

“I don’t know if I’m alive or dead.”

Xu Fan said softly.

Just when they were going all out, they suddenly only felt that a figure appeared in front of them.


With a scream, the five disciples who struck.

Two blocked and flew out, one was injured by his broken sword, and three crashed to the ground. Wounded and wounded, dead and dead, looking at their appearance, it seems that there is not even a chance to fight back.

In the end, only Wei Chuan, who was the most cheerful just now, was left.

Wei Chuan’s face changed suddenly.

He knew that Xu Fan had cultivation in his body, but he didn’t expect it to be so powerful.

Even Senior Brother Zhang’s several inner disciples were not his opponents, and it seemed that he did not exert his full strength at all.

Wei Chuan greeted Xu Fan’s ancestor in his heart

, you are such a bull, what are you doing here in a small mountain village!!

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