Ning Yatou reopened her eyes and looked at the strange scene in front of her.

It’s no different from the outside world, but it’s more aura.

Ning Yatou used the talisman that had been left in her body beforehand to sense the location of Master Forgetting Chuan, and rushed to that place.

After about a cup of tea, she was surprised to find a mountain wall in front of her, several feet high.

As if there was another mystery, her heart moved, and she wanted to find out, so she jumped forward.

Soon, under the mountain wall, several red flowers were found.

These flowers are indeed beautiful, but they are beautiful and strange, beautiful and terrible, beautiful dead silence!

Dead Silence Flowers!!

can prolong the life of cultivators, quench the impurities in the body, help them condense true qi, and enhance their ability to resist poison.

At the same time, these flowers are also toxic, and the brighter the color of these flowers, the more toxic they are.

The value of a flower is extremely expensive, and now there are so many.

Ning Yatou was overflowing with joy and was about to pick it up.

A voice suddenly sounded.

“Stay away from that thing!” Ning

Ya looked up, only to see a handsome girl staring at her with big watery eyes.

There is a smell of bohemian in the beauty, and a look of not being afraid of heaven and earth.

Ning Yatou adhered to the principle of peaceful coexistence: “Since it was discovered by the two of us, how about we divide these flowers equally?”

“Go and die!!” A

sword sound sounded ——!!,

and Ning Yatou’s eyes froze.

The girl saw a white light flash in front of her, and the sword light was dazzling.

With a “poof”, the long whip was directly broken into several pieces.

The girl shouted: “Bastard, I killed you!!” As

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soon as the words fell, the girl’s abdomen was hit hard.

She was shocked, her qi and blood surged, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Ning Yatou used the hilt of the sword, and did not lay a dead hand, and said coldly: “You are not my opponent, let’s go!” The

girl covered her abdomen and looked at Ning Yatou angrily, “Bastard, do you know who I am?”


Yatou put away the sword, unwilling to stay longer, turned around and went to get those dead flowers.

The girl saw her turn around, and her eyes flashed murderously.

Tiptoe, he jumped behind Ning Yatou.

Her speed was exerted to the extreme with the help of magic weapons, and she didn’t give Ning Yatou much chance to think at all.

Ning Yatou subconsciously avoided her body, and only felt a pain in her left lower back.

Turn around and stab.

The long sword pierced through the girl’s chest, and even the talisman she carried to save her life at a critical moment was useless at this moment.

The sword that Ning Yatou was carrying was one of the divine weapons of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

It was also the reward that Ning Yatou received last time from the sect martial arts.

The girl’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Ning Yatou frowned slightly and drew her sword.

With the magic weapon on the girl’s body, as well as dressing, it must not be very human.

Ning Yatou knew that she might be in trouble, so she hurriedly sealed her seven meridians and eight veins with true qi, and simply healed her injuries

to save her life.

But after taking a look at the dead silent flower, I was still a little reluctant, so I thought about picking the dead silent flower before leaving.

Who knew that the last one was collected and was about to leave.

Suddenly, I felt a powerful force pressing from the top of my head, and I looked up.

It was actually several cultivators with extremely high cultivation, and the extreme sense of oppression was like a landslide tsunami.

The girl sneered: “You’re dead!!”

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