Ning Yatou took a deep breath and took out the token.

“Ten Thousand Swords Sect disciples, I have seen all the seniors. ”

Ning Yatou took the lead in indicating his identity, it is obvious that it means that there is someone above me, I didn’t kill this person, we have something to discuss.”

If an ordinary sect faced this kind of thing, it would definitely turn big things into small things in the end.

Because the status of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect is large enough, and Ning Yatou can represent the sect to the secret realm, he must also be the representative of the excellent disciples under his sect.

But Ning Yatou was unlucky, and he met a gangster of the cult.

“Master, this bitch is bullying me. The

girl shouted.

The old man she called Master glanced up and down at Ning Yatou.

Ning Yatou immediately felt cold all over her body, and she knew that it was useless to reason with this guy and talk about power.

Without hesitation, turn around and run.

“Where to run!!” A

fierce cold light flashed in the old man’s eyes, and he swiped so empty with one hand.

Ning Yatou was like a flying bird, stepping on the treetops, shrunk her waist and legs, the wind howled, and rushed straight to Sanzhang



Ning Yatou’s expression changed suddenly, her eyes were black, and her body was blown backwards by a terrifying wind.

“Bang!!” fell under the roots of the tree a few feet away.

“Master, don’t kill her so easily, I want to take revenge!” said the girl angrily.

A flying sword with a cold light stabbed at the old man fiercely.

The old man flicked his sleeves, and the sword flashed.

With a “snort”, the long sword pierced his sleeve.

A huge hole was cut in the sleeve, and then there was the howling wind, the wind was fierce, and the grass and rocks were flying.

The old man’s expression changed slightly, a cold breath had penetrated through his throat

, his body trembled involuntarily, and although he was firmly grasped by his two fingers, his eyes were still full of disbelief looking at the long sword in front of him.

You must know that he and this girl’s cultivation can be said to be the difference between cloud mud.

I never expected that the other party’s own sword skills had reached this level, and if the sword advanced another half an inch, wouldn’t it have pierced his throat.

The old man’s eyelids twitched, and his gaze fell on Ning Yatou.

Ning Yatou had been locked by the opponent’s qi machine, and insisted on not kneeling down.

“Good seedling!!” the

old man couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, “Give you a chance to enter our Xuan Nether Sect.” Are

you from the Xuan Nether Sect?” Ning Yatou was a little desperate, the Xuan Nether

Sect was one of the three major cults in the Central Plains.

Known for its ruthless means and cruel style.

Falling into their hands will never end well.

Ning Yatou gritted her teeth and fought hard!??

A dazzling sword light seemed to cut through the sky.

The old man said in a deep voice: “Just by your move, I can’t leave you!” With a

wave of his big sleeve, the sword qi was dissipated.

is about to strike to kill this future Tianjiao.

Only listening to a loud noise behind him, the corners of his clothes had been cut off by the sword qi.


old man hurriedly formed a protective shield around his body to block the next attack.

“Gee, don’t Yan King’s temper be so explosive. Forget

Chuan appeared not far away with a smile, his eyes slightly squinting at the old man.

Although he looks amiable, there is a sense of fortitude in his bones.

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The old man known as Yan Wang frowned, “Forgetting Chuan?” ”

It seems that you are very interested in my new disciple.”

King Yan snorted coldly, “Your disciple hurt my disciple, this matter is not easy to pass.

“So what do you want?”

Yan Wang knows that if he fights with Forget Chuan here, not only will he not have any good fruits to eat, but I am afraid that he will also be used as a fisherman by others.

After Yan Wang and his group left, Ning Ya’s hanging heart fell to the ground heavily.

Forget Chuan looked worried, and Yan Wang was rewarded.

And the location of this secret realm is very close to the territory of the head sect of the Xuan Nether Sect.

“After taking your things, hurry up!” Forget

Chuan took dozens of elite disciples, originally wanting to stay in Xiaohan Realm for a few more days.

The reason for the terrible Hades’ revenge was that he only stayed for two days and left in a hurry.

However, as soon as they left the Xiaohan Realm on their front foot, they met Yan Wang and his group on the way back on the way back.

Hundreds of Xuan Nether Sect disciples occupied almost half of the mountain.

Not only that, but there were also many scattered cultivators who came to see the bustle, as well as people from other sects.

Hades was in the air with his hands on his back.

A big war is inevitable.

PS: [Boring, boring, the company’s list is yellow, because they feel that instead of choosing our company, the boss’s father’s company seems to be a better choice

] [Convex (艹皿艹) !!

] [I don’t want to work hard and don’t give me the opportunity to work hard, and the result is a high salary every day, still eating and waiting for death] [

I’m idle, let’s tell you my previous funny story, I feel like I can write an autobiography].

[Writing an autobiography in the novel, maybe I am the first, because it seriously affects the income of the novel

] [It may be a big blow to other authors

] [But who am I? lying flat Wang Xu Fan!

] [I can do whatever I want, who can control

me] [So if you like to read, you can also scold me twice, and then delete the book] [

As I said before, in fact, I was a good child full of self-motivation before, and I studied hard in high school

] [The result is that I smashed the college entrance examination and was admitted to a very bad university

] [For me, college is to eat, drink, and play every day

] [Level 4 reported, and then I didn’t pass the exam for four years, and my driver’s license was also tested for three years, and I felt that I paid no less than 1,800 yuan just for the make-up exam] [

The credits ranked second to last in our major, and after dropping out, I became the first from the bottom]

[This once made me very sad. 】

[In short, after graduating from college

, I can’t say that I have achieved nothing, I can only say that I am a waste person] [It belongs to the kind of person who can’t do anything and eat the first place

] [But the job still has to be found, right, at that time, although I promised to join the current boss’s company, but the boss has never established a company] [

My dad felt that this rich second generation was particularly unreliable, let me go home to work in the family’s door factory, so that I could take over in the future].

[But who am I? Where can I take over the kind of career that has no future and no future, I should go out and break in]

[So I carry it… Got my bags, under the introduction of a friend, I resolutely went to a bar in a certain city in the south to work as a bartender

] [At that time, I read many underworld novels, what to be a bartender in a certain bar, and got the appreciation of the underworld boss

] [Or had a sexual encounter with a beautiful woman, and then for her how to do it, and finally dominated the side

] [Lying groove!! Don’t mention how excited I was at that time] [

So I took a train for a day and a night and came to this city in the south

] [That’s where I met my first love

] [Sometimes think about it, I was really a thief Nima back then, and I didn’t have to go to a good class, so I had to do a bartender] [Play games, let’s not talk about it]



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