“Quick! Under

the moonlit sky, several warriors were walking through the mountains and forests.

Their speed could not be described as unfast, almost no shadow could be seen

, “We must rush to Li’s hometown before tomorrow morning!” Behind

several martial artists, there was also an official palanquin flying by itself.

Inside the official sedan is the current honorary king Zhao Wu.

Li Tie once said that his teacher thinks highly of himself and will not give up easily.

When today’s son thought about it, he decided to send his own brother Zhao Wu, who had been marching and fighting for many years, to go.

For this order, Zhao Wu was very dissatisfied.

Asking him to go to the mountains and countryside to hire a teacher is a great joke in the world.

However, due to the order of the imperial brother, he still came.

Just as they were about to reach the small mountain village.

A guard hurriedly reported, “Prince, find any traces of others coming!!”


Regarding Li Tie’s hometown, although the imperial court deliberately concealed it.

But there are no impermeable walls in the world.

Soon someone heard the address, and the first to do it were several disciples of a second-rate sect.

Led by an elder, they took advantage of the night to sneak into the outskirts of the small mountain village.

Wang Feng held his hands and stood on the mountain peak looking at this peaceful mountain village.

“Li Tie, today I want your family to be destroyed. ”

The reason why the two have such a big feud is all rooted in a year ago.

Wang Feng’s brother Wang Shan Jingcheng went to visit the Qinglou as usual, and he took a fancy to a girl who only sold art and not her body.

Wang Shan immediately did it for her, and the woman committed suicide in shame afterwards.

The other party was domineering and did not take it seriously at all.

Even after reporting to the other party’s home, he sent his disciples to burn it clean that night.

None of the eight members of the family survived.

At that time, Li Tie personally tried the case and sent someone to take Wang Shan.

Locked the pipa bone, broke Neidan, and finally executed at Caishikou.

After seven days and seven nights of delay, Wang Shan took his last breath in pain, and his death was extremely miserable.

Later, Wang Feng wanted to infiltrate the capital many times to assassinate Li Tie and avenge his brother.

However, he failed repeatedly, and this time finally allowed him to seize the opportunity.

He wanted to return all the pain that Li Tie had added to his brother.

“Master, we caught the local village chief.

At this time, two disciples escorted a young man over.

Wang Feng glanced at the young man in front of him, he became the village chief at such a young

age? Aren’t the village chiefs all respected old men?

But Wang Feng has no time to study this now.

“Where is Li Tie’s family?” ”

Li Tie? Who is Li Tie?” Xu Fan was stunned.

Then he suddenly understood, “Oh, you are talking about the iron egg, the iron egg is not here, he went to the capital early.”

“Nonsense, I still don’t know he went to the capital, we are asking you where his home is.”

Xu Fan scratched his head, “Are you looking for something about his family? It’s so late, his father and mother should have slept.”

In this way, or you will follow me back to the guest house in the village, and I will take you there tomorrow morning.”

“Just you TMD talk!!”

a disciple raised his hand to slap Xu Fan’s face.

Inexplicably, he slapped himself in the face.

“Hey, what is this for, talk well.”

The disciple became angry and kicked him again.

Xu Fan flashed gently.

That disciple came directly with a big split.

“Well, it must have been practiced. Xu Fan commented.

“Kill him!” one

of the disciples drew his sword and stabbed at Xu Fan.

Xu Fan shrugged, “You guys started first.”

At this time, several disciples around them froze, and then raised their swords to their necks, slashing through without hesitation.

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A drop

of blood flew !!.

Wang Feng’s face changed suddenly, and his eyes were fixed on Xu Fan.

“Who the hell are you?” ”

They all said I was the village chief.” When

Zhao Wu arrived with many guards, he happened to see under the moonlight.

Xu Fan held Wang Feng’s dog’s head, “The crow flew!!” PS

: [I got a little half a day’s space, this time I was really busy

] [According to the weekday divide, I can get about 10,000 yuan a month, and I estimate that I can get more in the next few months, because the money earned by the basic company is paid the salary of a few temporary employees

] [I divide the rest of the money equally with the technical house, the boss sometimes wants, sometimes does not, very casual] [

Continue to tell you about my painstaking experience when I was in that southern city

] [My security guard was in front of me, because of the fake generosity, I was regarded by others as a rich second generation to experience life

] [In fact, I do have a little money at home, but it has not reached that point, just saying that even if I am a waste, I can’t starve to death

] [Then there was a wine escort girl who deliberately approached me at that time] [

I remember she told me that she was twenty-six, but as far as I understand she should be bigger, twenty-seven eight

] [At that time, I had just graduated from college and was twenty-three years old

] [She lived not far from the bar, she came every day, sometimes chatted with me, and became acquainted in a few days

] [One day she asked me to go to the movies, I originally wanted to refuse, but I couldn’t refuse at all] [

Because she was wearing makeup that day, slightly curly her hair, wearing that very sexy, I can’t tell what kind of clothes it is

] [Anyway, I remember that she wore black silk, and her chest was deliberately exposed

] [At that time, she bought the movie ticket, and the popcorn was also paid by her

] [I naively thought that this was a good woman, she may be attracted by my gentleness and handsomeness] [

Going to the movie with an escort girl, for me at that time, it was a little stimulating, and a little ashamed

] [After watching a movie, I ate again, and the meal was my treat

] [Then she asked me very bluntly if I wanted to go to her house to sit down!!

] [She shared a house with two other escorts, because the other two had classes that day, so there was only me and her in the house]

[Although the house is small, it is still quite clean].

[I sat on the bed, and the two of us chatted for a while

] [Then she started, turned off the light, and then what was there…

] [I won’t describe the specific details

] [Anyway, the whole process is very strange for me, and it’s not the same as the movie I watched

] [If you compare this to a showdown, she is like a martial arts master who has experienced hundreds of battles, and I am a rookie who has just entered the rivers and lakes] [

I lost in more than two minutes, and I was embarrassed to death

] [She still laughed, asked me if I have

a girlfriend?] [I bragged that there was, I just talked to my girlfriend three times yesterday, and today the state is a little bad

] [She saw through my lame lie at once, but she didn’t debunk me, and then took wet wipes to wipe me down, and then went to get me some fruit

] [It’s all some a little rotten apples, from childhood pampered to big I really can’t eat it]

[She didn’t say anything, seeing that I didn’t eat and eat it myself

] [She said that she would play with her sister when she was free, by the way, that sister’s rent is about to expire, can you help my sister pay it?

] [When she spoke, she felt a little embarrassed, anyway, her voice was a little small

] [But her rent is not expensive, the three people share it equally for only eight hundred yuan a month, I will generously pay for my experience just two minutes] [eight hundred

yuan] [

She asked me if I had just graduated from college, what university I was

studying, why didn’t I go to find a good job and come here to work as a security guard] [I said I didn’t want to be too tired, I came here to relax

] [She seemed to have guessed it before, and her eyes showed a kind of envy when she looked at me

] [Then she said that her family conditions were not very good, Balabala’s] [

Anyway, it’s the set of “father gambling mother sick brother studying, just did not know how to do it

Brothers and sisters all rely on me, business failure to pay

off debts, ex-husband domestic violence and gambling, their own children have no income and have no choice

but to go on the road of no return, and hope that the eldest brother will take care of

more just want to make money to pay off debts, save money to open a nail shop

] [I don’t know if it’s true or not, anyway, I’ve often gone to her since then] [I

feel very lucky, because those bar girls who share her bedroom have fallen into a rich pit to death].

[What bags, clothes, I can’t wait to suck people’s blood clean

] [In addition to her monthly rent of eight hundred, it later rose to one thousand a month, that is, the two of us ate some meals, went out to play or something, and it didn’t cost much

] [Then what I got was…] [

Don’t talk, I have to work later, these two days are too busy, too TMD fulfilling, the feeling of a long absence].

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