

Xu Fan let out a breath, and his gaze fell on the dozen martial artists and prince Zhao Wu who appeared.

“Who are you who are you here to find fault?” ”

Daring, dare to talk to the prince like this, you boy doesn’t want to live!”


the same time as a majestic voice sounded, the middle-aged man in the palanquin walked down.

Dressed luxuriously, with angular features, a sense of perseverance, and a heroic spirit between his eyebrows, standing there, he naturally exudes a majesty.

Prince of the Great Sui, Zhao Wu.

Zhao Wu recognized the person who was killed in Xu Fan’s hands, Wang Feng!!

It was rumored in the rivers and lakes that Wang Kuai Li was slow, and this Wang Kuai was worthy of the swordsmanship of the Taiyuan Wang clan, the Wang family.

One of the representative figures of Wang Feng’s Wang family’s swordsmanship.

When Wang Feng entered the capital, he fought with Zhao Wu, and although Wang Feng was invincible, his fast sword still left a deep impression on Zhao Wu.

Now Wang Feng was easily solved by the young man in front of him, presumably not an ordinary person.

“Could it be that Your Excellency is Xu Fan?”

Xu Fan nodded.

“I am Zhao Wu, the Prince of the Great Sui, and these people are my entourage, and I came here on the order of the imperial brother to invite Mr. Xu out of the mountain. ”

Out of the mountains?

Xu Fan refused without hesitation, and then left without looking back.

Several organ men quickly came over and began to dig a pit, burying the body on the spot.

The most basic qualities are still there, and you can’t litter.

“What a big bold!!”

shouted a martial artist, and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Zhao Wu with a wave of his hand, Zhao Wu

could tell from the name, although he was a royal son, he loved to learn martial arts since childhood.

At the age of twelve, he went to the frontier, at the age of fifteen he went into battle to kill the enemy, and at the age of eighteen he commanded the army.

He is bold and straightforward, and there is a fierce aura in his bones.

If Xu Fan heard his prince’s name, he was frightened and changed his face.

Even ran over on the spot to ask for support, or heard that the emperor asked him to serve, and immediately showed joy.

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Then Zhao Wu would look down on him one hundred percent, and seeing his current appearance, a feeling of admiration rose in Zhao Wu’s heart.

He nodded and followed with his hands in his hands.

“Brother Xu, do you want to do something bigger in the past?”


Zhao Wu guessed that there were many such people.

At least in the officialdom of the Great Sui there are many.

“Betrayed my love, you left behind my back, and my tears fell after knowing the truth…” Xu

Fan ignored him and hummed a song to himself.

“Sure enough, there is personality. Zhao Wuxin said.

“….. Prince!!”

Zhao Wu didn’t expect that in this rural mountain village, there were still people who could recognize him.

He glanced up and down at the young man who appeared in front of him.

Kind of forgot…….

Suddenly he remembered, Lu Lingfeng, a disciple of Guozijian

! “It’s me who am!!” Seeing

that the prince could still recognize himself, Lu Lingfeng was overjoyed.

He looked at the prince and then at the dozens of warriors behind him.

I understand that this is to pick myself up and return to the DPRK.

Other than that, he couldn’t think of another possibility.

It seems that the imperial court and His Majesty the Emperor finally understood their value, and even sent Prince Zhao Wu to invite him back to become an official.

The prince invited me, am I going back!?”

Lu Lingfeng couldn’t help but fall into deep thought, and then after his head spun one hundred and eighty turns, he made a decision.

You love to ignore me today, and you can’t afford to climb high tomorrow.

“I won’t promise you!

Lu Lingfeng said, with a cold face, he threw his hand and left.

Zhao Wu: ……


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