Three sword lights were like electricity, flashing away.

The sound of sword qi breaking through the air can only be heard after the sword passes, it can be seen that the speed of

this sword is so fast, Nizi clenched her silver teeth, blocked the long sword in front of her, and when a long sword came, she suddenly deflected to the left, cleverly avoiding this sword.

But at the same time, the other three swords also stabbed at her.

“Swoosh!” and she was hit with a sword in her left arm, and blood gushed out.

The force of a huge pressure firmly stuck her body, making her originally light body shake, and suddenly let out an exclamation like Mount Tai pressing down.

“Ahhh!!” ”


The voice above snorted coldly, and three long swords pierced into Niko’s body at the same time.

Li Tie roared, “What you want is me, let my friend go.” ”


A buzzing sound sounded.

The corners of Niko’s mouth gently hooked, and the three long swords inserted into her body seemed to suddenly lose all control.

These three long swords were like three of the most poisonous snakes, and when they were inserted into her body, they died in an instant.

Niko smiled contemptuously, “Come again!

This time, the voice above the firmament was silent for two seconds.

Then the voice became furious, and it seemed that one failure after another made him feel that he had lost face.

“Find death!!” There

was a hint of strange taste in his voice, which was not cold, but a lifeless feeling.

The densely packed flying swords were like stars, an invisible energy, wave after wave, quietly brewing attacks.

Nizi’s blood suddenly froze, and she could clearly feel that a powerful coercive aura had locked herself, and it seemed that as long as she moved, she would be attacked like a storm.

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Ten thousand swords fired in unison, attacking in unison.

Li Tie did not hesitate to open his arms to block in front of Nizi, “You are coming at me, let her go!”

Niko roared.

“Sir, your apprentice has been bullied like this, don’t watch the play on the side!!”

“It looks like it’s over. The

middle-aged man in the golden robe put down the teacup.

Prince Zhao Wu’s face was livid, and when did he receive such insults, known as the head of the world’s martial artists.

But he didn’t even have a chance to strike.

The middle-aged man in the golden robe got up, “Take your leave, I have offended a lot today.”

“Bastard!!, just wait for the iron horse of the Great Sui.” Zhao Wu gritted his teeth.

The middle-aged man smiled faintly, and there was an air of contempt in his smile.

The middle-aged man smiled faintly, his smile was shining, and he looked at the world.

The iron ride of the Great Sui? Ridiculous.

He smiled and shook his head, as if he didn’t think it was anything worth arguing.

This matter may cause conflicts between the Great Sui and the major sects, but the Great Sui Emperor will not break the net because of a Li Tie.

Even if he wanted to, his wisdom tank, the officials above the court, would not want to.

The middle-aged man turned his head and left, giving people a feeling of restlessness.

At this moment, he looked proud, and the corners of his mouth hooked a disgusting sneer.

One step out, but leap over half the village.

By the stream, a young man was holding Li Tie in his hand, and the injured Nizi.

“Almost, it’s not the same thing every time I warn you, now do you know how far away you are?

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