The middle-aged man in the golden robe was stunned the moment he saw Li Tie.

…… Countless

flying swords in mid-air were locked on Xu Fan’s body like soldiers ready to go.

But Xu Fan didn’t seem to mind, pinching his waist with one hand and counting Nizi with the other.

“At the moment of life and death, do you know this almost gap?” Niko

nodded and said weakly: “Got it~ I’ll pay attention in the future.”

“If only you could understand that. Xu Fan said.

“Kill!!” A

shattered sound sounded in the air, and ten thousand swords instantly split a cloud ladder in the air.

The sword qi rushed straight down, leaving a huge rift on the ground.

Xu Fan waved with one hand, and the sword qi in his hand condensed into a white light, and suddenly rushed out, only listening to a loud “boom”.

An earth-shattering momentum surged out, and in an instant, the entire sky was enveloped by a layer of blazing airflow.

Ten thousand swords lost all kinetic energy, like eggplants beaten by frost.

“Wow, sir, that’s great.

Niko hurriedly patted the horse.

Xu Fan said: “It’s useless to slap, after going back, the training will be doubled! ”

“…… Understood~” Niko said.

“Sir, where are those old guys?”

Niko looked up curiously at the sky.

“Above the town, it’s just Yuanshin, and the real body hasn’t come. Xu Fan explained.

“Oh, so it is. Niko nodded thoughtfully.

“Who are you!!”

sounded again above the firmament.

I’m their husband.

Xu Fan raised his head, his body seemed to burst out with a void light, and the whole person was filled with an inexplicable majesty.

“Find death!!” Feeling

this powerful aura, the strong man in the southeast direction took the lead in making a move.

A powerful aura pervaded, as if a destructive force was about to descend on the world.

This force is not simply aimed at one person, but to wipe out the entire mountain village from the world.

Everyone in the village looked up at the sky in horror, and saw an earth-shattering loud noise in the southeast direction in the distance.

As if the sky was shattered, a bright red light suddenly erupted on a hill in the entire village,

“The immortals have perished!?”


iron egg mother was also scared like a sieve, “Iron egg, where did the iron egg go?”


Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, “I didn’t want to kill you, but you kid played dirty.”

Saying that, he glanced at the middle-aged man in a golden robe on the side.

Xu Fan’s cultivation grew at a rate visible to the naked eye, and then the coercion multiplied in all directions, but his attacks were more ferocious and fierce.

The middle-aged man immediately sweated coldly all over the body.

The figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and burst out of the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared a hundred zhang away, and the speed was amazing.

Immediately after that, a mournful scream came from the southeast.

“NND, I really think I’m a bull, and TMD pretends to be a superior person in the world. Xu

Fan shattered the man’s Yuan God, and the two powerful people in the northwest direction were about to strike.

But in an instant, Xu Fan grabbed the neck of fate, and a colorful streamer fled into the distance.

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Xu Fan frowned slightly, and his sword finger gently swiped in that direction.

PS:[Later, I was really bored, so I found a job as a network administrator

] [At that time, I lacked everything, but I didn’t lack time] [

I spend my time in the Internet café, sometimes Sister Hong persuades me to find a job, but I don’t care

] [Every day is still eating, drinking and having fun, the sky and the day are reversed, and the biological clock is chaotic

] [Sometimes I get up at two o’clock in the middle of the night, sometimes I get up at twelve o’clock at noon, anyway, I am sleepy, wake up and play games to eat, and then find Sister Hong] [

After half a month, my body really has problems].

[In the middle

of the night, I remember that I was just about to sleep] [My waist was faintly painful, I didn’t take it too seriously

at that time] [Then after more than half an hour, lying in the groove!! I felt like I was going

to die] [You may not have felt that pain, I felt that at that time, even if I gave birth, I didn’t have pain] [I couldn’t

wait to hit and die on the spot, and I broke out in a cold sweat] [

I rolled in bed in pain, not metaphorically, but really rolling in bed

] [It hurts so much that TM makes me doubt life]

【At that time, I felt that a thousand cuts were just that

】【I TM felt that I called an ambulance, and then called Sister Hong】【

It’s funny to say, the first person I think of is not a friend who introduced me here, not my relatives here, but a bar girl who I spend some money every month equal to white

] [The ambulance did not come first, and Sister Hong came in a hurry

] [She had a shift that day, she must have taken a leave of absence midway

] [She poured me hot water and took painkillers, but it had no effect] [

She was about to cry out in a hurry, and then she said that there was a local method to relieve pain in her hometown, and I asked her what it was

] [She went to the supermarket downstairs to buy liquor, burned it with fire, and fed me to drink it after burning

] [Lying groove! That’s really spicy, but it does relieve a little

] [But after a while, it hurts again, fortunately the ambulance came] [

When I pushed into the operating room, the doctor asked me who she was, I said she was my girlfriend before, and then she said she was my sister

] [The result of the operation is kidney stones, caused by long-term irregular

life] [This has had a great impact on my later life, and since then my life has become very regular

] [rarely stay up late, get up early to exercise] [

People who have not experienced how painful stones are will not understand my feelings].

[I stayed in the hospital for a week, and this week was Sister Hong taking care of

me] [I came to take care of me after work, at that time I couldn’t eat any big fish and meat, she boiled millet porridge at home and brought

it to me] [I wanted to give her money, but she didn’t ask for it, even the registration fee she paid in advance

] [It was the rainy season, and the south made me unhappy with this, and the rain was always drizzling] [

I was lying on the bed playing with my mobile phone boredly, and Sister Hong walked in with a small rice pot in that worn

bag] [If I had thought the bag in her hand was very shameful before, but at that time, I felt that the thief TMD was kind!!

] [I remember that I was watching Xingye’s big talk westward journey] [

Zixia said,” My sweetheart is a hero, and I know that one day he will appear in a high-profile situation, wearing a golden armor

holy robe and stepping on the seven-colored clouds to marry me”] [Although Sister Hong did not wear a gold-armored holy robe, nor did she step on the seven-colored clouds, but carried a bag that was a bit like picking up garbage

] [I told her, “Sister Hong, you are my hero”

] [Sister Hong asked me what I was talking about, I said it was a movie line] [

Now think about it, I am like a chosen child in this life, I have hardly encountered any major setbacks since I was a child

] [I don’t work hard, but my life is very comfortable, and everyone I meet has become an unforgettable memory in my life

] [Over!] [

Today I finally went to the bath and returned home].

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