Li Tie left the small mountain village under the escort of Prince Zhao Wu, in fact, after Xu Fan’s battle, no sect looking for death would dare to attack Li Tie again.

After all, all the bigwigs know that there is a real bigwig behind Li Tie.

Can’t afford to mess with it, really can’t afford to mess with it.

Li Tie took his parents to the capital together.

The people in the village ran out to see them off.

The iron egg lady’s pleats all laughed, knowing that this time she was going to follow her son to the capital to enjoy the blessings.

“Hahaha, go back, go back, when I get to the capital, I will bring you a letter.”

Li Tie turned his head and looked at the familiar small mountain village.

He suddenly had a premonition that he would say goodbye to this place from now on.

Niko did not appear, and Xiao Wu made a dachshund neck and gave it to him, so that he could hang it around his neck and eat it when he was hungry.

Su Ya scolded Xiao Wu for not showing up, and knew to eat.

Xiao Wu was angry, but shrunk in the corner and ate two dachshund necks in one go.

“Sir, where is

Nizi?” Li Tie looked around, but did not see Nizi’s figure.

Xu Fan smiled, “Life always has unlimited choices, to put it bluntly, it is a process of continuous choice and trade-off, and there will be costs when there are choices.”

Now that you’ve chosen this path, don’t turn back.

Li Tie was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Xu Fan meant.

From the moment he chose this path, it was impossible for him and Niko to be.

“I know. Li Tie read softly.

Then he raised his horse and headed off into the distance.

Xu Fan stretched, “The weather is good today, go back to sleep.”

“Sir, you still have to teach.” Suya said.

“I suddenly remembered that I should be sick today, how can people who are sick still teach.

Xu Fan said reasonably.


Spring comes and autumn comes, cold comes and summer.

In the blink of an eye, winter has begun.

The people in the village have finished harvesting the land, and it is the agricultural season.

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When rural people are not working, they choose to go to the county to do short-term work to subsidize their families.

Those who don’t want to move eat around the stove, then chat, get together to play cards and mahjong, etc. to kill time.

All in all, the days are very adequate.

Since Xu Fan reformed the land, every family has become richer.

New clothes to wear and sugar to eat for the New Year gradually became the consensus of the children in the village.

Xu Fanna sent the organ men led by Ah Da to work in the field, and many plants withered in the winter, and they were also very dry.

So go to the field, get rid of the weeds, and then wait until the next spring to plow or sow the seeds.

No need to get up early and get dark, no more racing against time.

The day grew up and slept mercilessly, idly watching the children catch willow flowers.

Xu Fan lay in the bed, sleepy, in a daze, drinking a cup of tea.

His gaze fell out the window, looking at Xiao Wu, Rong’er, and Su Ya building snowmen together.

After lying down for a while, I estimated that the time was almost noon.

Liu Xincai was the first to get up, otherwise she would be laughed at by others.

Xu Fan dressed unhurriedly.

Lu Lingfeng, a disciple of Guozijian, came to invite him to chant poetry.

Xu Fan scolded him in his heart for being stupid, is it good to have this effort to chop more firewood.

Lu Lingfeng said that people in practice are not afraid of cold, so in his room there are books in addition to books.

Look at Xu Fan’s house again, in front of the house and behind the house, by the vegetable field, the hut is full of firewood and grass.

Especially hardwood, under the eaves, in rows, neatly.

It’s like a beautiful landscape.

This is all prepared for the winter, you use your own internal power to get heat, where there is a fire to get heat, comfortable.

Xu Fan held his hand and walked slowly in the small mountain village.

The small mountain village is surrounded by mountains, so the wind is not strong all year round.

The women gathered in groups of three or five, pulling gangs and factions, and began the short days of the Li family of Zhang’s family.

Even Liu Xin grabbed a handful of melon seeds and curiously hid in a corner to eavesdrop.

As I walked, I met a large group of brats.

The teenagers were undoubtedly the happiest at this time, gathering together to talk and laugh, as if discussing where to play.

As he spoke, he talked about whose girl in the village was beautiful.

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