Xu Fan eavesdropped on the conversation of several people with interest.

“Who do you think is pretty?” was the first to speak was Niuji from the village.

He was the oldest of the several and was the king of children.

“Of course, it’s my daughter-in-law. Xu Fan thought proudly.

“I think it’s Sister Suya. Cowherding Wa Qi Wu said.

Another child said: “I think Sister Niko is the most beautiful, but she is too fierce.”

“Sister Rong’er is also very beautiful. The

more the people talked, the more fierce they became, and soon they quarreled, and gradually escalated into a trend of martial fighting.

Xu Fan came out at this time.

As soon as several children saw Xu Fan, they immediately obediently came down and saluted respectfully, “Hello sir!” Xu Fan

nodded, and said knowingly: “What were you talking about just now?”

“Sir, who are we talking about

the most beautiful?” “So who do you think is the most beautiful?” ”

Of course it’s Sister Niko!”

“Actually, Sister Ning is also very beautiful.


Fan listened for a while, nothing more than those few people.

“What about Sister

Liu Xin?” Niu Er blinked suspiciously, “Lady Liu Xin?”

Greatly.. Liu

Xin is indeed beautiful, but she has already been married, and in the eyes of the children, she is at the level of a big lady.

Xu Fan smiled and said, “Aren’t you very idle now?”

“yes, yes. Niu Er and the others quickly nodded.

“Now add two more winter vacation homework, go home and do your homework”

Niu Er et al.: (⊙o⊙)….

Several people went home happily, looking at their happy smiling faces, Xu Fan nodded with satisfaction.


[Your apprentice Wang Dawang II is being hunted down] [Your apprentice Wang Dawang II is preparing to counterkill] [Congratulations, your apprentice Wang Dawang II successfully counter-killed

] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining hundreds of years of pure cultivation] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining rare magic weapons]

[Congratulations to the host

for obtaining thousands of years of pure cultivation]


Lie down to win.

If he taught a few more apprentices, wouldn’t he be going to take off!!!”

Xu Fan was lying on the Taishi chair, holding a volume of novel that had just been scooped up from the county.

The novels of this little place are really secondary.

Both the plot and the characters are too inferior.

And since Xu Fan’s novel has been in circulation, other novels with mixed temperament have lost their market.

Xu Fan put the novel on the stool and sighed softly.

None of them could get into his eyes.

[Congratulations, your apprentice Pang Jun is preparing to fight a decisive battle with the largest tribe in the grassland

] [The first battle won a complete victory, congratulations to the host for obtaining five hundred years of pure cultivation]

Little Pang Jun is also up.

Xu Fan sighed for a while, time passed so quickly.

School was over, and Xu Fan was preparing to go home.

[ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

But suddenly saw Niu Er grabbing a tanuki cat, and said viciously: “The hateful guy dares to tickle me, I have to teach you a lesson today!” Xu

Fan glanced at him curiously.

The tanuki cat stared with its teeth and claws, and barked.

Niu Er didn’t understand, but Xu Fan knew it all.


, come and save people! No, come and save the cat.” ”

PS: [Too busy, this makes me very uncomfortable with the rotten all the time, and I expect to be busy until next month

] [I’ve been docking Party A for the past two days, huh! I really don’t want to scold him

] [I don’t know how he TMD can be so careful, forcing a lot of things

] [No way who makes people rich, I endure!!

] [Continue to talk to everyone and prepare melon seeds] [

After I was discharged from the hospital

, Sister Hong moved in with me] [Then I remember that it was June, Sister Hong said that her brother was going to come here to play with her for a few days, let me help take care

of him] [That guy’s degree of penmanship is no less than my current Party A, with a pair of glasses, crepe, I thought he was an honest person

] [After I picked him up at the train station, I left a contact information, and then he left with his friend] [

His friend dyed a kind of thief’s hair, and the little red hair showed that kind of tattoo, anyway, it was the appearance of a social person

] [I thought that I didn’t have to take him around the city with any effort, so I didn’t care] [Then two days later, Sister Hong’s brother came again, and I was sleeping with Sister Hong at two or three o’clock in the morning] [

Sister Hong went out to open the door for him, and I was confused and didn’t hear anything, and later I learned that Sister Hong asked for money].

[When I woke up during the day to go for a run, I saw him lying on the sofa and leaving at noon

] [After another two days, this B came to find Sister Hong again, this time I heard clearly that he was asking for money again

] [Say what to go to which park to play rowing that I have never played, one person will cost three hundred yuan

] [At that time, Sister Hong was a little embarrassed and said to play something else, and then this B said with a white face that what classmates played, this TM made me angry] [

Later, Sister Hong gave him the money, and the red hair who picked him up at the train station downstairs took him away on a motorcycle

] [This time only a day passed, this B came TMD again

] [Call Sister Hong, Sister Hong was working at the bar at that time, so let her take it herself] [Part of Sister Hong’s

money is stored in the passbook, and the rest is placed under the bed] [

I was playing games in the house, he came in and opened the mattress, I glanced at it]

[This little B cub is still a little conscientious, only took a few

, and then left] [I was relieved, he TMD is back

] [At that time, the key of Sister Hong and I was placed under the mat outside the door, and he held Sister Hong’s key, as if entering a no-man’s land

] [That little red hair was waiting for him in the living room, and then he walked in and took almost half, almost a thousand yuan] [

I was so angry, holding a cigarette, turning my head and saying angrily: “Who let you take so much!!

“] [This B ah was fierce to his sister, only promised to outsiders, as soon as he heard me speak, he was instigated

] [Then Little Red Mao walked in and said in a bullish voice, “Who are you?”

] [I stood up at that

time] [Not blowing, I was a big man of one meter and eight meters at that time, more than one hundred and eighty pounds] [

That little red hair is as thin as a TM bamboo pole, I feel that I can hit him eight at one, and I guess I have to fan him with a slap

] [But he didn’t provoke me, straightened his waist, looked up and stared at

me] [Then he put something cruel with me, I forgot what he said, anyway, it is to say who his big brother is who, let him cool and stay where] [

I have hardly fought since I was a child, in fact, I am also desperate in my heart, but as soon as I saw that Sister Hong’s money was taken away by this kid, I definitely couldn’t let

it] [I pointed to that B and shouted, “You TMD put the money down for me!”] [I shouted

thief Nima at that time, just to bolster myself

] [Then the red hair came to pounce on me, to put it bluntly, it was to beat me, but in my feeling he seemed to be making out with me, no pain or itching]

[But when it hit me in the face, my face turned red when I rubbed it

] [over!!] [

Party A, I went to negotiate].

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