are all dead? Is it okay to return to the same end?

Xu Fan hurriedly stepped forward, glanced at the two lying on the ground, and hesitated.

“Little rooster, whoever points to him, I will choose…”

Finally, Jiya was chosen.

Xu Fan took out a pill from his pocket and fed it to Jiya.

This elixir is bigger than a thumb, and the halo flashes and makes people intoxicated.

After feeding Jiya, he ate it, and within a moment, the originally dying Jiya came back to life.

She opened her eyes and looked at Xu Fan, her heart moved, and her eyes turned.

“The grace of saving life, there is no reward, the little woman is willing to look like herself…” Before

she finished speaking, Xu Fan blocked her mouth.

Good guy, I just asked for directions, how can I directly agree with my body.

Liu Xin reached out and poked Xu Fan’s waist.

Xu Fan smiled awkwardly, “What, girl, let me ask you about something.” ”

Wuhuashan?” Jiya blinked, “All the way west is that mountain.”

“Oh, thanks.”

Xu Fan nodded and wanted to take Liu Xin to leave.

“Hey, benefactor.” Ji Ya hurriedly shouted, “It’s late today, it’s better to go back with me and rest for the night.”

Xu Fan hesitated slightly, and then did not refuse.

Tents like small mountain bags come into view, and when you get here, you are not far from the Middle-earth Tang.

Xu Fan and Liu Xin were in the tent, warming up around the bonfire, tasting milk while enjoying the night view of the grassland.

In the night sky, the bright moon hangs high, illuminating the grassland in a hazy light.

The night breeze is gentle and the night is as cool as water.

At this time, Xu Fan suddenly felt a throbbing in the distance.

It is two breaths that are coming at a rapid pace.

And it is two very familiar breaths.

Xu Fan’s heart moved, Wang Dawang II? Why did these two brothers come here again?


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In the moonlit sky, two figures are running at a rapid pace.

In the vast night, the speed of these two black shadows is extremely fast, and the speed is so fast that people seem to see ghosts.

“Brother, let’s fight with this guy.” Wang Er said.

Wang Dao: “Fight a fart, we can’t beat him at all.”

At this time, a huge shadow shrouded them, and when the two looked up, they saw a large kite, soaring in the night sky, with a long tail dragging on its butt.

“Thief leave!!”

An old man stood on the back of the bird, pointing one-way to the two.

Two strands of money flew out, like two giant mountains.

Drop for the mountain.



At this time, two bright white sword lights flashed.

Silver light is like rain, spilling the moon sky.

The two mountains were swept away at once.

“Who!?” The old man frowned.

Xu Fan appeared, and in an instant, he made three moves in a row, forcing the old man back three steps.


Wang Dawang was shocked.

Xu Fan glanced at the two and asked, “What trouble have you two caused?”

“Are you their Master?” The old man raised his eyebrows coldly.

“Exactly, dare to ask my two apprentices how they offended Your Excellency.”

“Your good apprentice, you ransacked Lao Tzu’s back garden, it is all the precious famous medicine planted by Lao Tzu!!” The old man’s eyes widened and he shouted angrily.

Xu Fan frowned slightly, “Is it true?” ”

Wang Dawang is speechless, it seems that it is true.

Xu Fan had to say, “It’s that the discipline is not strict, and I made amends for them here.”

“Our entire back garden is gone, you can make amends with a word!?”

The female disciple beside the old man crossed her waist, looking angry.

Xu Fan casually took out a storage ring, “That’s naturally impossible, and all the things in this should be made amends to the old-timers.” ”

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