“I made amends on their behalf.”

Xu Fan threw the storage ring to the old man.

The old man showed a disdainful expression and said, “That’s all kinds of precious famous materials carefully cultivated by the old man himself, and you sent me a broken storage ring.”

Besides, it’s a matter of principle…” Before

he finished speaking, he glanced at the treasure in the storage ring, and suddenly fell silent.


The old man’s lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but finally held back.

“Bah! What a thing, what is a broken storage ring, the herbal plants in the back garden are the ones that Master and I have painstakingly cultivated! The

female disciple still did not adhere to it.

However, just as she was scolding aggressively, she found that her master suddenly stopped speaking.

“Master?” The female disciple looked at the old man.

The old man coughed lightly, “That….. Well, your sincerity is enough…”

“Huh? Master, where does he have any sincerity?

The old man quietly put away the ring.

It’s not that he doesn’t stick to principles, but the other party gives too much.

Xu Fan smiled faintly, “Forgive me, senior.” The

old man nodded, “Very good, this matter is…. The past is not to blame. ”

Master.” The female disciple shouted in bewilderment.

“Forget it.” The old man waved his hand and stopped the female disciple.

Immediately after a few more words, he left with the female disciple.


After the old man and the female disciple left, Wang Dawanger lowered his head and looked like he had done something wrong.

After many years of parting, Wang Dawang Er is still as usual.

God is not afraid, but he is afraid of this gentle gentleman.

Xu Fan looked at them and was silent for a long time.

He let his apprentice go outside, looking at the juniors, and looking at the clouds.

Don’t interfere, just watch their movements.

But what happened to Pang Jun made him feel a little uneasy.

In the end, Xu Fan only left a sentence, “Come back, follow me.”

This simple sentence went straight to the bottom of the hearts of the two.

Since then, Xu Fan and Liu Xinxiao’s travel road has two more people.

“Sir, where are we going?”

Wang Da asked.

“Go to Wuhua Mountain to find an old friend.” Xu Fan said.

Half a month later.

Wuhua Mountain, on one side is a thousand zhang qi peak, cliffs, on the other side is a deep valley, a bottomless abyss.

A little Taoist priest riding a green bull played a flute and led the butterfly along.

Wuhua Mountain is also known as Five Finger Mountain.

Sun Wukong was pressed under him, bored counting the ants on the ground.

Three hundred and twenty-six, three hundred and twenty-seven, three hundred and twenty-eight……….

For a long night, the only pastime is to count the ants and the birds flying in the sky, as if counting your own lives.

Sun Wukong does not regret his actions, regrets that he is not strong enough.

At this moment, two figures suddenly drove in the distance.

“Hey, kid, kid!”

He shouted.

Wang Da and Wang Er turned around and looked at Sun Wukong curiously.

“Hey, big brother, you look like a monster.” Wang Er said.

Wang Da walked over, “Why is this monster of yours pressed under the mountain?”

“You don’t know?”

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PS:[Finally got everything right, and the company’s employees were recruited

] [I only need to be responsible for determining the general direction, as well as the review work] [

When I went downstairs to buy coffee at noon today, I bought a cup for Xiao Zheng by the way, and exchanged it for a thank you

] [Report the status of today’s work

] [Get up at seven o’clock and run to the company, I saw a black silk, a meat shred, and a beautiful woman wearing yoga clothes who was also running

] [A good day, starting with seeing beautiful women

] [Then checked the report and played with unlimited firepower] [

At noon, I organized a group to go to the boss’s father’s company to rub the free lunch of employees, no wonder people are large enterprises

] [Gee~, food buffet, all tastes have been found, it’s really a big deal

] [Then take a lunch break, and the boss pulled eggs for a while]

[In the afternoon in the office, I drank a cup of coffee, and by the way, in the name of work, I chatted with Xiao Zhengduo, wearing a blue shirt

] [watched a movie, I looked at the comments of readers in the novel again

] [At five o’clock in the evening, I accompanied the employees to work for a while

] [After work at seven o’clock, swept a bicycle to the stall, had a dinner, and went home

~] [Ming’er Saturday, at my suggestion, the boss is ready to hold a team building

] [Climbing the mountain~] [Climbing

the mountain, yoga clothes? Ahem ~

] [Continue to tell everyone

] [Although I remember everything, but the chronological order is no longer clear, I can tell you where I want

to] [The winter in the south left a deep impression on

me] [That’s right, as a northeasterner, it’s hard for me to endure the winter in the

south] [The south is not that cold, but feels cold is very special, referred to as “special cold”] [

Are there any friends in the north who have come

to the south to experience winter] [Lying in the groove, is really TMD can’t stand it, no heating

] [Inside the house and outside the house seem to be a temperature, Sister Hong is not willing to turn on the air conditioner and say that the air conditioner wastes money

] [I can’t get up at all in the morning, because it’s too TMD cold outside

] [I feel that the most comfortable time is that winter, Sister Hong didn’t go to work]

[I also took a leave, Get up at seven o’clock in the morning and don’t want to get up

] [I will hold Sister Hong to do exercise

] [After finishing things, lie down in the bed again

] [Sister Hong wanted to do a traffic card at that time, and I fiddled with her

mobile phone] [Sister Hong’s mobile phone is rarely connected, she turns on the traffic when she has something, and then turns it off when she is fine

] [Very accurate and calculated]

[I choose the traffic package, See which is the most suitable

] [“This one yuan can do so much traffic is very cheap”, Sister Hong hugged my arm

and said] [She held my hand to her chest, at that time I was most willing to warm up so much

] [Sister Hong’s chest is like a warm baby, she said that my cold hands and feet are yang deficiency

] [I chose a VX data-free package for her, and I said, “So that we don’t have to worry about spending traffic in video chat in the future”] [

Sister Hong laughed silly

] [In order to treat me, she brought me a full set of massages, and then skillfully cupped

] [After pulling the hot pot, she began to press my feet again

] [The fire pot made me uncomfortable, so I pressed my feet against her chest

] [She giggled, calling me a bad ass or something

] [I said, “Sister Hong, whoever marries you, who is the ancestor of the accumulation of virtue”] [

Sister Hong is still laughing

] [I said again, “Sister Hong, my brother is going to open a company, he is a rich second generation, when the time comes, I will help you pay back the money owed by your family, you will marry me”]

[Sister Hong said that I “started talking nonsense again”

] [I was angry and used my foot to increase my strength, and I ignored her angrily] [

over!! 】

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