Xuanzang walked to the city gate, I don’t know why, today’s inventory is particularly strict.

The officers and soldiers who checked the personnel entering the city saw Xuanzang’s brilliant brain door from a distance, and hurriedly reported to the higher authorities.

Not long after, a general came on horseback from the city and saw Xuanzang like a milk swallow throwing himself into the forest, and the wanderer returned home.

“Senior Monk Xuanzang!”

“Senior monk Xuanzang.”

He grabbed the reins of his horse and dismounted.

“Senior monk, Your Majesty has a request.”

Originally, horses could not be allowed in Chang’an City, but they were in a hurry.

The general rode on a divine horse and protected Xuanzang in front of him.

The two were dashing and dashing, walking through the city on horseback, leaving only a string of hoof prints.

Later, it was spread in Chang’an City that a certain general surnamed Lü, who was addicted to the beauty of Xuanzang’s high monk, forcibly took people on horseback.

The two ride together sweetly, and the broken sleeves are deeply affectionate.

Xuanzang: ???

Long handsome, peach news is a lot, how can this be my fault!

On the Golden Luang Hall.

The emperor hurriedly got down from the throne, and his eyes shone brightly.

After taking a closer look, he grabbed Xuanzang.

“Master Xuanzang, why did I come so dusty, I didn’t think it through.”

Obviously, you said to get Xuanzang over quickly, the sooner the better!

General Lu secretly complained in his heart.

Belch! The old emperor’s eyes seemed to be longing for something, which made the poor monk’s goosebumps fall to the ground.

Xuanzang thought to himself, although the poor monk is very handsome, it is not necessary.

“I wonder what His Majesty is doing to find a poor monk?”

“This needs to be discussed carefully. Come, first wash the dust for Master Xuanzang. ”

The emperor called a few beautiful maids and asked them to lead Xuanzang to the side hall to bathe and change clothes.

The rose petals are dripping with water, and it looks like a monk coming out of the bath.

If the tabloid reporter were here, he would be able to write 360 secrets of the palace.

Astound! The Pentecostal emperor made the twent-something monk fade, is it the madness of human nature or the decline of morality!

Male color, the wise emperor is not guaranteed in the evening, who is the broken sleeve?

Uncover the secret of serving the emperor – pedicure.

Wait, it seems like something strange mixed in.

Does Face Saint need a pedicure and nail clipping?

Xuanzang saw the maid skillfully take out the pedicure tool, “Master, it is very comfortable to cultivate, come on.” ”

Ah, the poor monk is disrespectful.

Xuanzang squinted slightly, enjoying the maid’s high-end pedicure skills.

After the foot repair, the nails and dead skin were finely wrapped in satin worth thousands of gold, and presented to the emperor as quickly as possible.

It turned out that Guanyin Bodhisattva told the emperor that eating Xuanzang’s flesh could lead to immortality.

The emperor was worried that Xuanzang would become a Buddha and sanctified after taking the sutras.

If I ate his flesh at this time, would it not be a vendetta?

In case Xuanzang seeks revenge, he will not be able to get well.

Fortunately, he asked Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Xuanzang’s nails had the same effect.

As long as his nails are medicated, he can get immortality.

Isn’t it nails and dead skin? True emperor, ruthless to others, even more ruthless to himself!

Real men, fearless!

The emperor carefully looked at the broken nails on the satin, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt a little slender and cute.

This is not nails, this is the lost youth in the sunset!

The emperor ordered the people to present ginseng wine, intending to eat it with wine.

PS:[Today is a day of idleness, there is really nothing to say] [

I got up early in the morning and went to the market to eat a bowl of tofu soup, With beef pie

] [Then worked until the afternoon, watched Xiao Zheng wearing a white shirt and bare-legged artifact for a while

] [Start writing a novel at five o’clock in the evening~

] [Later, you may have to fight unlimited firepower

] [A day of rotten people, a waste of a day

] [Continue to tell everyone] [

[ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

I remember that after the pretty girl left, another woman came with charm].

[I estimate the age to be about thirty-seven eight, lying groove!!] [

I don’t look good, but I have a special taste, and I dress up very beautifully, wearing that kind of black silk

] [Readers who have read so many of my works should know what my character is

] [The woman who still has charm in my eyes> a young and beautiful little girl

] [I was at war in my heart] [

While saying, no! Today is to find Sister Hong

] [While saying, it’s okay, speed up a little, and look for Sister Hong as soon as it’s done

] [Then the woman is actually the manager, holding the tablet and letting me choose it directly

] [She sits next to me, clinging to me

] [Say “Oh, young man, the eyes are so picky”]

[“Or my sister accompanies you”] [

But I had already turned to Sister Hong at that time, Just resist the temptation and tell her to choose this

] [The manager laughed, and did not forget to tease me again when he left

] [After a while, it was the process of massage

] [Sister Hong came, I buried my head in the pillow] [Sister Hong skillfully reported her number, what respect for guests, happy to serve you and so on]

[I buried my head tightly, the room was still dim, Sister Hong didn’t recognize me].

[I lowered my voice and said, “Well, come in

“] [As soon as I made a sound, Sister Hong recognized me, stepped forward suspiciously, and lifted the pillow on my head] [

“Why did you come to this kind of place! [

Sister Hong is a girl from the south, but her voice is very loud

] [I rubbed my ears, smiled, and said that I

came to see you] [Sister Hong stared at me, “How do you still know that I came here”

] [I said, what relationship I have, I found it as soon as I looked for

it] [Sister Hong stopped talking, lowered her head]

[At that moment, I suddenly regretted it a little, I should pretend not to know, I shouldn’t have come here to find

Sister Hong] [Because at that moment, I could feel that Sister Hong’s face was hot

] [It seems to be a woman who was stripped naked and thrown on the street to humiliate

] [I think it may be that when she was most embarrassed, she was discovered by someone she least wanted to discover]

[I remember that at that time, Sister Hong was still wearing a sailor suit, printed with cute cartoon patterns, and a pair of thighs were tender

] [ The skirt can be covered on the edge of the thigh, and you can see everything when you walk a little

] [I will lie down and say that

I want to experience the massage, and I want the most expensive] [Sister Hong hit me, “there is money and nowhere to spend”

] [Then she took off her shoes, sat on my back, and pressed me

] [Just pressed for a few minutes, I didn’t resist turning over

] [After the meeting, I will bargain with Sister Hong] [

Say that I have inquired about the price of you here, eight hundred yuan, we are acquaintances

, I will give you a thousand yuan] [Sister Hong gave me a blank look and said: “So many times before, I haven’t seen you give money”

] [I said one yard to one yard, isn’t this a special environment

] [Sister Hong ignored me, continued to press my back, and then pinched my feet for a while

] [Scraped me Gua Sha, I said I had to add money and let her take the QR code] [

Everyone who has been to the massage should know that this kind of account is not to go to the front desk, but directly in the room

] [Sister Hong hit me, said let me rest here, and then left] [I stood up, forced Sister Hong to the door, and asked her to kiss me] [Sister Hong raised her head and kissed me on the cheek]

[I pouted, signaling to kiss

] [Sister Hong hit


again, “You want to die!” [

I didn’t know where the courage came from at that time, so I hugged Sister Hong violently and kissed her on the mouth

] [Sister Hong belongs to that typical southern woman, like a little chicken cub in front of

me] [Sister Hong didn’t dare to shout too loudly, Sister Hong bit me with her teeth, at that time I felt as if I was bitten and bleeding

] [Anyway, it hurts hot, but then I don’t bite] [

After the kiss, I opened the door with a swoop, just ran away

] [Now think about it, it was really fun at the time] [

over! 】

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