Halfway through the wine, the emperor looked at the nails wrapped in satin.

After thinking about it repeatedly, I still feel that the psychological burden is too heavy.

He ordered the national master to train it into a pill and stimulate its maximum effect before taking it.

The Bodhisattva once said that in order to attain eternal life in this way, two essential elements are needed.

One is to take Xuanzang’s meat.

The second is the mental power that Xuanzang gained in the process of preaching Buddhist scriptures.

The stronger this mental power, the longer the lifespan that the emperor can obtain.

Once Xuanzang became a Buddha and became holy, the mental power flowed continuously, and the emperor naturally had a longer lifespan.


After Xu Fan met with Xuanzang a few days ago to discuss, he had been paying attention to the dynamics of Xuanzang and the emperor in Chang’an City.

At this time, he was holding a cup of tea and lying lazily on the rocking chair.

A wisteria waterfall hangs above the rocking chair and exudes a charming fragrance.

The sun was shining and the view was just right.

Liu Xin brought a few plates of dim sum, which is the most famous long-established shop in Chang’an City recently, and it is all sought after by dignitaries.

For a while, the price of pastries was golden, which showed luxury.

Liu Xin put down the pastry and hugged Xu Fan from behind the rocking chair.

The slender white slender white fingers pinched a piece of pastry and sent it to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan ate the pastry, and it really tasted good.

Just about to speak, I felt a softness rubbing against my cheeks, fragrant bursts.

“Is it delicious? What are you thinking? Liu

Xin was puffy on his cheeks.


Xu Fan picked up a piece of pastry and fed it to Liu Xin’s mouth, “I’m thinking, Xitianke really never does loss-making transactions.” ”

If you think about it, you can see that this time Guanyin was ordered by Rulai to guide Xuanzang on the road of learning scriptures.

During this period, such a transaction with the King of Tang can be said to have achieved its goal without a dime.

Nian Li was given by Xuanzang, and the Tang King was like a donkey with the carrot of “The Way of Eternal Life” hanging in front of him.

If you want to live forever, you must not only provide assistance for Xuanzang to obtain scriptures, but also help Xuanzang to preach as much as possible.

The whole country embraced Buddhism.

If the life expectancy obtained is small, it is that Xuanzang did not work hard enough.

The help and pressure that King Tang gave Xuanzang was not big enough, but Xitian could not be blamed.

Black, too dark!

Capitalists are not so dark! Forget it if you don’t pull out a dime.

The wool can also be used for a sheep’s hair.

The messenger of justice will punish him❛‿˂̵✧.

After all, Xuanzang, an unorthodox monk, is not so easy to handle.

In recent years, Xu Fan’s cultivation has encountered bottlenecks.

Perhaps, Xuanzang’s westward trip is also unknown.

When Xuanzang leaves, he and Liu Xin can also travel while watching all kinds of demons and monsters.

On the other side, Xuanzang finished bathing and went to attend the reception banquet held by the emperor for him.


The emperor had been guided by Guanyin since his dream and was quite curious about Xuanzang.

I was curious about his body, which could live forever after eating, and what kind of Buddhist talent he had.

It can make Guanyin Bodhisattva impressed, and specially named him to go to the sutra.

The first time he saw Xuanzang, the emperor was anxious to take his nails.

After only looking at it, he sent it to the bath, so the first impression of Xuanzang was that of Lingguo Tiancheng, and he was not an ordinary person at first glance.

At the banquet, the emperor specially prepared the highest standard vegetarian banquet for Xuanzang to show the high standard of treatment.

I saw braised bear paws, braised deer tails, Buddha jumping over the wall, eight-treasure duck, pork belly chicken, red braised mutton in front of the emperor…

In front of Xuanzang, there were green onions mixed with tofu, roasted eggplant, jade white jade soup, tofu vegetarian chicken…

Xuanzang: …


Poor monks are not vegetarians.

“Come, monk, please fill this cup.”

The emperor raised the wine bottle, “I specially prepared vegetarian wine for you.” The

palace maid serving beside Xuanzang filled Xuanzang’s wine bottle with vegetarian wine.

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Xuanzang raised his glass, “Your Majesty.” He

said and drank it all.

This wine is not strong enough.

“How is this wine?” The emperor saw Xuanzang finish drinking and asked.

This vegetarian wine was brewed by his highly skilled winemakers, and was specially used to entertain various monks and Taoists.

After drinking, there is no bad thing!

Wine and food, what a royal momentum.

You can also give enough noodles to these monks and Taoists!

“It’s good, but it’s still slightly light.

According to the poor monks, it is still the best wine produced in Xinfeng Town outside Chang’an City, and it is a good match with hot venison.

Xuanzang replied.

New wine and seared venison?

Good fellow, it turns out to be a flower monk who is unscrupulous.

Does this TM work? This monk is a related household of Xitian.

Can you spread good Buddhist teachings? I won’t be pitted by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The old emperor thought to himself: Wait until I test him again.

“Since the senior monk feels that the vegetarian wine is too light, and Xinxin obtained a batch of fifty-year-old Yingzhou wine, I don’t know…”

Xuanzang smiled slightly, “I heard that the Yingzhou wine is clear and mellow, and I have never had the opportunity to taste it, so thank Your Majesty first.” ”

Come, serve the wine.”

The emperor looked at the untouched vegetarian banquet in front of Xuanzang, “Give the venison.”

Xuanzang’s smile was genuine.

If you ask someone to do something, you must eat and drink first!

The living man on the side often read: “On the seventh day of May in the fourth year of the Heavenly Grant, His Majesty gave the senior monk Xuanzang a piece of venison. ”

After speaking, it is recorded.

The music in the palace stopped abruptly, and Kabuki was dazed for a moment.

Ah, isn’t this thousands of years later, everyone knows that the Great Tang Dynasty façade monk Xuanzang is a wine and meat monk.

Is this really good?

The old emperor with a thick face and a dark heart did not think so, and those who could become big things were not informal.

“Then play and then dance!”

At the end of the song, it is time for the wine to be full and the monarchs to get along with each other.

The old emperor saw that Xuanzang was slightly drunk and said.

“I have already heard about the subtlety of Buddhism, and it is a great honor to meet a senior monk today.

It was not a chance to listen to the monk’s commentaries and solve the doubts in my heart.

“Your Majesty’s praise, I don’t know what is in Your Majesty’s heart?” Xuanzang asked.

“Uh… This. The

old emperor pretended not to know how to ask a question, and his eyes focused on the wine and roast venison on Xuanzang’s table.

Xuanzang nodded, and Xuanzang understood.

“The so-called wine and flesh pass through the intestines, and the Buddha has left it in his heart.

The Ten Commandments of Dharma are only for monks who cannot comprehend the supreme Dharma.

If you can’t see through the hue, you will naturally see adultery.

Can’t see through the glory and wealth, naturally full of gold and silver treasures.

You can’t stop the evil idea of killing, and naturally you will think of slaughter when you see meat.

Poor monks have Buddhas in their hearts, Buddhas when they drink alcohol, and naturally they are Buddhas when they eat meat. People

say that they see through the red dust, retreat into the empty door, and do not enter the red dust,

how can they say that they see through? ”

Oh oh, monk, I eat meat, drink wine, and covet women.

But I know that I am a good monk.

Xu TM almost believed it, yes, this monk is a talent, it is not wrong to find him to preach.

The old emperor wiped his face and stepped down from the throne.

The monk’s words solved Xun’s doubts and made Xu suddenly cheerful. I only think it’s too late to meet you! The

old emperor walked up to Xuanzang and held Xuanzang’s hand.

“The monk is so deeply aware of righteousness, and there is something to ask for.”

“Your Majesty, but it doesn’t hurt to say.”

“Buddha has a cloud, saves people’s lives, and wins the seventh-level floating slaughter.

Although the world is peaceful and the people are healthy, mortals still cannot understand birth, old age, illness and death, and their fate is impermanent. ”

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