“Gone. Xu Fan pulled Xuanzang and wanted to drag him out of the casino.

“Oh, the dealer can’t go! This monk can’t go yet!”

“Good fellow, this monk is still sitting in the village and planning to eat all, right?”

Xuanzang smiled slightly and said to Xu Fan, “Master Xu, please wait for a while, wait for the poor monk to earn some incense money.” ”

You monk is really big, buy and leave, I don’t believe you can win this time!” said

a brother on the other side, “All bet!

Xuanzang smiled slightly and opened the dice cup.

17 The biggest point, “Amitabha, donor, give and accept!” ”

It’s impossible, are you out of a thousand? You can’t go

!” When that Gongzi brother saw it, he said angrily, “Win ten in a row, I don’t believe you didn’t make a thousand!” He

said to a few small houses next to him, “Get this monk, don’t let him run!”

Xu Fan was about to make a move, when he saw Xuanzang Amitabha Buddha and took out a sign.

“The poor monk is the royal brother of the Tang King, who dares to stop me?”

“Ah this?! Game of Thrones, always as charming as ever! data-title=”game” data-tag=”Featured recommendation” data-type=”1″ data-value=”1913″ >

A few small houses did not dare to step forward, and that brother was not brainless.

At the foot of the Son of Heaven, who knows what big fish can be touched.

Or don’t get into trouble, slip away.

The surrounding gamblers looked at Brother Gongzi and the small houses in amazement, and ran out of the gambling hall like a gust of wind, leaving only a puff of smoke.

Xuanzang slowly put away the sign, and slowly put the silver on the table into his arms.

He went out of the gambling hall with Xu Fan.

The sun was shining and the birds were singing along the way.

Xu Fan and Xuanzang chatted as they walked.

“The elixir in this jade bottle is an elixir refined by the old emperor.

Xu Fan handed the jade bottle to Xuanzang and said with a smile, “I see that this object is related to you.” ”

Oh?” Xuanzang didn’t know.

Xu Fan smiled and explained to Xuanzang the source of this pill, and also brought together the matter of Guanyin’s empty gloves and white wolf.

Xuanzang knew the source of this elixir, and suddenly recalled the first time he entered the palace to meet the old emperor, and the palace maid’s pedicure technique was really good.

Thinking of this, his face was a little complicated.

“Guanyin released the news to the old emperor that you can live forever if you eat your flesh, and there is a great plot. ”

After all, this trick can be used on the old emperor, and it must also be used from other people.

All the people or demons who are plotting against immortality, Guanyin can selectively release news to achieve the purpose of expanding the power of Buddhism.

In order to protect his own safety, Xuanzang would seek refuge from Buddhism, and after receiving the refuge, he would be loyal to Xitian.

It’s a two-pronged thing.

After listening to Xu Fan’s narration, Xuanzang immediately figured out the trick, and only felt a cool breeze hit his spine.

He joked bitterly, “Lord Xu won’t have any ulterior thoughts about me, right?”

But westbound, I have to go.

“I know I can go all the way with you on this trip.”

“That couldn’t be better. Xuanzang smiled, thinking about Xitian and Lingshan.

Since you dare to calculate the poor monk, you must accept the price of calculating the poor monk.

It is better for poor monks to increase their power.

Go to the Western Heavens, grab the true scriptures, kill the Buddha, and from now on I will be in charge of the Spirit Mountain!”

“Eat your flesh, and you will be able to gain a steady stream of life from your preaching, and nourish yourself with your strength.”

Xu Fan said to Xuanzang, who was caught in thought.

“This elixir can also be regarded as containing a little, so I will leave it to you to dispose of yourself.” ”


PS: [Music Festival

] [Hi up!!] [Beauty, all beauty

] [I TMD hate more than a pair of eyes, these little girls really dare to wear ah

] [I also met two beautiful women from Hask’s side, I lost it so good-looking

!] [Fluent Northeast dialect, if it weren’t for Xiao Zheng around, I would have gone up to ask for vx

] [Hi up

!!] [

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Today’s people, really happy

] [Xiao Zheng seems to have been affected, the most beautiful one he wore today

] [Pink slip dress, with black silk

] [I lost !!

] [Can’t stand the bird, it’s too beautiful, it’s too sexy

] [When there are many people, they naturally grabbed my hand

] [The music festival is also very hi, although I don’t know who the singer is] [

Anyway, it’s to jump along, the main goal is to look at those beautiful girls, and Xiao Zheng next to me

] [I took a look at the appearance of our company’s employees, the boss is a dead fat house, and the technical house is also a dead fat house

] [Well, only I am normal, too TMD is competitive

~] [Continue to tell everyone~

] [At that time, I went shopping with Sister Hong, I deliberately teased her, so I took advantage of the time to buy ice cream] [

A dodge, sneaked into the crowd, and then turned left and right to hide next to it

] [Wait for Sister Hong to take a bite of ice cream, and when she looked up, she found that I was gone

] [Sister Hong still had ice cream on the corner of her mouth, looking

around, and then just stood there like that, doing nothing] [I thought she would look for me, but she just stood there

] [I waited for a while, I felt a little bored, and walked around to the back] [

I said fiercely, “I’m gone

, you don’t know to look for me”] [The ice cream in Sister Hong’s hand is almost melting, and at this time she took another bite and said: “I knew you would come to me”

] [Anyway, that’s what it means, I forgot the specific words, she said it later, I don’t remember exactly

] [But I can’t move me, coupled with her slightly pitiful expression] [It’s

really easy to arouse men’s desire for protection]

[That summer, in my memory, it was a word

hot] [Thief TMD

hot] [If you are hot, you must take a bath every day, otherwise your body will be slimy

] [And the south

is humid, hot and humid] [Sister Hong is a woman who loves cleanliness, her underwear is changed every day, and washed every two days

] [Even with my underwear and clothes, I can’t escape] [

Once I wanted to show it, so I thought of washing all the underwear that Sister Hong took off

] [I’m sorry to say that it was the first time I washed clothes since

I was a child] [When I was a child, I had a grandmother and a mother at home, and then I left my hometown and had a nanny

] [I didn’t use the washing machine at all, so I had to scrub Sister Hong’s underwear with my hands

] [I also looked at it specifically, and even had a more BT idea, but then I held back] [

In fact

, I don’t think this underwear is dirty, I don’t need to change it once a day] [When Sister Hong comes back from work, I know that I washed her underwear

] [I didn’t say anything, but I blushed, blinking my eyes and looking around awkwardly

] [I deliberately said, after Sister Hong washed it for the first time, I used it, and then washed it a second time

] [Be careful when you wear it, don’t get anything stained] [

Sister Hong was stunned for a moment, and then understood what I meant, so she scolded me for being improper, and said that I was bt or something

] [Sister Hong asked me why I suddenly washed clothes] [I said very seriously: “I feel sorry for you, you see that every day you rub your hands, your little hands are soaked”]

[Sister Hong hugged me from behind and kissed me

] [“Brother Fan, you are so good”] [

In fact, I washed it once, and she washed

it countless times before]

[But she seems to think that washing is a matter of

course] [She praises me for always only saying this sentence, which may be her limited vocabulary

] [She doesn’t say things like other women, “I will definitely marry you in the future”, “It’s nice if I can marry

you”] [The only language she praises me for is to look at me affectionately, with those eyes that seem to blink water]

[Then say, “Brother Fan, you are so good.” [

Whenever she finished this dry sentence, she began to reward me with practical actions

] [over!] [


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