Xuanzang thoughtfully put away the jade bottle, and after thanking Xu Fan, the two separated on the spot.

On this day, after Xuanzang preached the sermon, it was already the time when the sun was setting slightly.

As he walked all the way back, he suddenly felt something, and saw an elephant rushing towards him facing the setting sun.

It turned out that the white elephant was well educated by Xu Fan after breaking into the Guzi National Station last time.

Through the continuous improvement of inheritance memory, he naturally mastered the primary ability to resist the temptation of treasures.

At this moment, it followed Xuanzang in a fart.

I feel that the person in front of me is more fragrant than the pill, and I just want to take a sud.

“Elephants, elephants only lick once. The

white elephant’s hara flowed to the ground, “If you don’t bite, it won’t hurt.”

Xuanzang looked at the gluttonous white elephant, didn’t know what to think, and took out the jade bottle from his arms.

“You seem to have a pure heart, and this elixir seems to have a fate with you, so I will give it to you.” The

white elephant stared straight at the jade bottle.

“However, if you take my medicine, you will be my elephant, and you will be my mount from now on.”

Xuanzang said, opened the jade bottle, and two pills shone with purple-gold light and floated staggeringly towards the white elephant.

The white elephant busily sucked it through his nose and sent it to his mouth.

Hehe, ⊙ ⊙ fragrant medicine finally reached my mouth.

After taking the medicine, the white elephant only felt fluttering.

There seemed to be a fire burning in front of his forehead.

Not long after, a swastika was engraved on the forehead of the white elephant with a golden light.


Xu Fan and Liu Xin were blowing a cool breeze in the courtyard, eating peaches.

At this time, it was the season of the first fruits of peaches, and the old emperor sent a tribute peach.

The skin is thin and soft, and the juice is abundant.

“The white elephant has achieved the achievement of “Xuanzang’s cannon belt”, congratulating the host on obtaining a lifespan of 300 years.

Xu Fan turned over on the recliner, it is estimated that he will leave soon, and he still has to enjoy the current life.

But fortunately, it can be regarded as a good errand for that talking elephant, and there is no need to follow his ass every day.

Thinking like this, Xu Fan stretched out his hand and rubbed Liu Xin’s white wrist beside him.

It’s still a good two-person world, what can I do if I have a baby in the future!


In the summer cicada song, the grand event of Chang’an City is gradually coming to an end.

On the last day of the Ten Thousand Dynasties Meeting, the gongs and drums in Chang’an City were noisy.

The mood of parting became very light in this cheerful atmosphere.

The residents of Chang’an spontaneously walked to the city gate and watched the departing envoys.

The old emperor stood at the city gate and watched the envoys from various countries leave.

After feeling the strength and richness of the Great Tang, the envoy group returned full of gifts from the old emperor.

Before leaving, the queen and the national master of the Guzi Kingdom came to visit Xu Fan.

One is to thank Xu Fan again, and the other is to resign.

When the queen heard that Xu Fan was going west with Xuanzang, she offered Xu Fan the purple treasure rope, the national treasure of the Guzi Kingdom.

This treasure rope was left by a high-ranking man in the country of Guzi thousands of years ago after his ascension, and it did not exert much effect in the hands of the queen.

It’s better to give it to Xu Fan and be a shunshui favor.

“Congratulations to the host, you have obtained: an unremarkable rope.

Note: This rope can bind the true immortal for three minutes, which is a must-have for home travel and escape. Xu

Fan took the rope and took out some pills to help the queen of the Guzi Kingdom and the national master cultivate.

I don’t know if it was too badly injured, and the Great Tang National Division did not set off any storms until the Guzi Kingdom Envoy Group left.

The old emperor did not know about the elixir of life, and he was still waiting for the elixir to be completed with anticipation.

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The old emperor thought that after he took the pill, Xuanzang would set off again.

Therefore, after the end of the Ten Thousand Dynasties meeting, he held a two-day banquet in the palace, saying that he wanted to practice it for Xuanzang.

“Imperial Brother Xuanzang, go west.

The road is difficult and dangerous, and I don’t know what jackals, tigers and leopards I will encounter.

Although the imperial brother of Xuan Guan looks dignified, he is still not strong enough.

Therefore, I specially ordered General Lu to lead the escort team and escort you all the way west.

The old emperor raised his glass and drank it, “If you encounter any danger on your way west, your conscience will be uneasy.”

I also asked Brother Xuanzang to satisfy his heart of love for his brother. ”

The old emperor is still a little uneasy, Xuanzang, this wine and meat monk.

In case the belief on the way to the scriptures is not firm enough, and you are bitter and tired, you run halfway.

His path of immortality will also be affected.

It is safer to have an army in the name of protecting him and watch over him to get the scriptures.

“Thank you Your Majesty for your love. Xuanzang smiled lightly, and the old emperor was false and the snake.

“This trip is gone, the sky is high and the road is far away, and I don’t know when I will see you again.”

Brother Xuanzang, please drink this cup again

!” “Your Majesty, please!”

Two days later, the national master informed the old emperor that the elixir of life had been completed.

It turned out that day, after the elixir was snatched away by the Guizi National Master.

The Great Tang National Master has always wanted to recover the elixir, but he was helplessly injured and weak.

He still didn’t dare to report this matter to the old emperor, and he hated it when he thought of his junior sister.

After the junior sister takes the elixir, she can form an immortal relationship.

And in a few decades, the limit is approaching, and it is even more impossible for him to be with his junior sister.

The more I thought about it, the more I hated it, and I didn’t realize that my infatuation was deep, and I suddenly thought of the forbidden technique I had seen.

That is, using the imperial dragon qi as the guide, and the imperial body as the medium, to provide for their own inner demons.

When the dragon qi is enchanted, he can also live with the devil.

So the Great Tang National Master took out the treasure at the bottom of his box and refined it into a twin transformation pill within seven days.

This Dan can connect the fate of the old emperor with himself, so as to absorb the dragon qi to nourish the heart demon.

People who take this pill initially feel refreshed and their youth restored.

Then he felt sluggish until the dragon qi was sucked dry.

The emperor dragon qi is not only related to the fate of the emperor, but also related to the number of dynasty qi to which it belongs.

Once there is a problem with the uplift, it will inevitably lead to the subversion of the dynasty, turmoil in the country, and the displacement of the people.

Hearing that the elixir had been completed, the old emperor was overjoyed, and he arranged the medicine taking ceremony on the same day as Xuanzang’s departure.

Early in the morning on the day Xuanzang set off, the old emperor swallowed the elixir on the high platform.

Facing Chang’an City in the morning mist, I only felt that my belly was hot, and my body was full of energy.

This is his world, and the old emperor looks into the distance, and his heart is full of pride.

A holy monarch like him will inevitably make the Tang Dynasty prosperous for generations! Ah

! How wonderful is eternal life!

Before the old emperor finished expressing his heart, he saw that the internal attendant came to report, and Xu Fan, a high-ranking man, also came to resign today.

After the old emperor finished taking the pill, he faintly floated a little, what about the high-ranking people.

The same is the limited lifespan. You don’t work for Xin, and Xu doesn’t lack you.

He waved his hand to the chamberlain with some impatience, “If you know it, just say that Xu is busy, just give him some treasures and let him leave on his own.” After

receiving the order, the chamberlain did not dare to snub.

After taking out some gold treasures from the vault, he said to Xu Fan.

“Your Majesty is still busy and can’t practice it for you, so let the slave take some gold and silver treasures to show his farewell.

Xu Fan didn’t care, only left the treasure in place, and left abruptly.

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