Xu Fan also had a tent next to their tent.

Xu Fan thought to himself, according to the law of the protagonist’s accident, it must be Xuanzang here.

He opened the tent and sure enough saw Xuanzang who was still asleep inside.

Did he pass out, or did he not wake up yet?

At this time, Xuanzang seemed to have sensed something, and slowly woke up.

Looking at Xu Fan, he asked suspiciously.

“Master Xu, it’s so late, what’s the matter with looking for a poor monk?”

“Brother, just come out and take a look.”

Xuanzang looked outside the tent, “Where is this?”

and saw that they were in what seemed to be a cave, and the roof of the cave was just higher than a person.

The candles on both sides of the tunnel in the deep cave are extinguished, and a mist fills the depths of the cave.

Before the

three of them could figure it out, the demon wind that rolled up the tent came with a billowing black demon qi.

He rolled the three of them deeper into the cave.


“Hahahaha!” a woman in a tigerskin blouse and skirt raised her wine bowl with her muscular arms

, “Sister, join me in this bowl of wine!

“I haven’t come to such a good product for a long time, first congratulations to my sister for her new husband!” ”

Don’t worry, I won’t treat you badly! I see that the monk also has fine skin and tender meat, although I am not good at this mouthful, but I can let him be your husband, once Spring Dinner.”

The tiger-skinned woman drank another bowl of wine, “I see that my husband is accompanied by a beautiful little lady’s skin, and we can also cook her.”

I think it can beautify and add a little brightness to our beautiful face!”

The tiger head echoed a few words, and I don’t know what I thought, and the hair on his cheeks was red.

Unlike her tiger sister, she likes this kind of monk.

It’s so heartwarming to think about it, it’s really embarrassing.

The tiger woman’s thick black eyebrows wrinkled, and a wild beauty permeated when she boarded.

“They’re outside the cave mansion. Little ones, go with King Ben to meet the prince’s son-in-law!”

This tiger-skinned woman is a tiger spirit in the mountains, but she has been cultivating human form for decades.

She entrenched herself here and recruited a group of little monsters who already had spiritual intelligence as her subordinates.

And built a cave house here.

After the completion of the cave mansion, she brought her sister from the same mother to eat and drink spicy food.

Because she has become a monster, she is naturally not interested in ordinary tigers, and she prefers young men.

Such as woodcutters in the mountains, passing scholars, etc.

After these men are brought here, they will become a family worship hall, spend the moon before and down, you non my nong.

However, this tiger spirit is very easy to like the new and dislike the old, once the captured husband and wife are tired of crooked.

These men would be eaten alive and skinned, and then other men passing by would be caught and married in the church.

They had been doing this evil deed for a long time, but because these men were abducted by demonic winds at night.

Not only are there few witnesses, but those who see this scene do not understand the secret.

Therefore, there are no rumors of yokai in this area.

On the contrary, it is said that the woods on the outskirts of Chang’an City are dense, and pedestrians are often taken away by wild beasts.

The old emperor had ordered the Yulin army to capture wounded beasts here, but it was also fruitless.


PS:[Today is the last day of the music festival, how to say, it’s a little boring] [

I played a game for a while during the day, ate a barbecue and drank some drinks at night, and listened to it for a while and stopped listening

] [I can only say that if it weren’t for the black silk beauty attracting me, I wouldn’t listen to any songs

] [Ming’er is Monday, looking at the lively crowd suddenly a little sad

] [A sentence suddenly came to mind in my mind, the excitement is theirs, I have nothing

] [Can’t think of a reason, the meaning of life] [

What will it be like after a person dies, is it like falling asleep?

] [It’s the daily emo moment again

[ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

] [People, just can’t be too idle, it’s easy to think cranky when you’re idle

] [Set a goal for yourself, by the end of next year, the size of the company will reach fifty people

] [Continue to tell

everyone] [I pick some small things that I can remember clearly to tell everyone, when to finish the things I remember, I won’t talk about it]

[During that time, I had a bad habit, that is, using my hands….

] [I know everything~


(network map)

[Plus with Sister Hong, anyway, when I was young, I didn’t know how to temperate] [

Then the sky and the day turned upside down, anyway, it was that time when

the body was very poor] [There was something wrong with my body

] [In general, it is the time period, frequent urination, dizziness, tinnitus, back aches, etc.] [

Why do you have to say this kind of thing, because…. Anyway, no one knows me in TMD

] [So everyone should listen to a joke

, don’t take it seriously] [Now that I’ve come back, so don’t worry]

(network map)

[Here to warn the majority of teenagers and friends, good health is the most important].

[If you also have the above symptoms, don’t look blindly on the Internet, it’s best to go to a

Chinese doctor] [I am looking for a Chinese medicine doctor, and it took more than two months to adjust back. [

Off topic, continue to tell everyone


[Then I secretly bought a lot of medicine on the Internet

] [Still hiding under the bed, dare not let Sister Hong find out]

[Then one day when Sister Hong rests, tidy up and clean

] [ I played a game, Sister Hong began to wash the quilt covers, mop the floor

, and wipe the windows] [I said, “You wait for me to finish playing this, let’s do it together

“] [Sister Hong didn’t raise her head and said: “Oh, where will you do this, don’t make a mess for me, play your way”

] [When Sister Hong cleaned up the bed, I was a little weak-hearted, and quickly climbed up and said I help you, I help you] [

I finally tricked

Sister Hong out of bed, I was relieved in my heart, fortunately the medicine was not found] [Then when I turned my head to the toilet, I just came back and saw Sister Hong turned over to the bottom of the bed and took out all my medicines

] [I was so embarrassed, I couldn’t wait to find a seam to drill into

] [Although Sister Hong has no culture, she still recognizes the words

] [Sister Hong took a look and raised her head to look at me] [

I was embarrassed and angry at the time, and said: “Look at what, it’s not you who hurt it!]

[Sister Hong probably wanted to give me a trace of face, but she couldn’t hold back her and laughed

] [This made me angry, and I held her to the bed at that time

] [Then….

] [How to say, anyway, it’s a lot of front] [

But I lost in a short time].

[Sister Hong knew that I was embarrassed, so she said something: “You came here in the north and did not accept it

“] [“Oh, you are very powerful

“] [“Don’t worry ha, you are so young”

] [Anyway, it is some words to comfort me] [

Then she told me not to take medicine blindly on the Internet, she knows an

old Chinese medicine doctor] [This old Chinese medicine doctor: . Cow]


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