As soon as the demon wind stopped, Xu Fan found himself in front of a door.

There are piles of skultons on both sides of the door, presumably this is the cave house of the monster.

With a bang, the door opened, and a bunch of mountain spirit wild monsters rushed out and surrounded Xu Fan’s three.

Xu Fan did not act rashly, wanting to see what tricks this monster was going to play next.

A wild boar lengthened his voice, “Welcome Prince-in-law-” The

other elves stepped forward and arched neatly towards the three, as if they wanted to carry them into the cave mansion.

Liu Xin heard this wild boar say that he would welcome the prince, and subconsciously glanced at Xu Fan.

Xu Fan said with a smile, “About Mo is a sumorous monk who has taken a fancy to Xuanzang, so please come to the wedding.”

“Master Xu don’t want to laugh. Xuanzang Amitabha said.

With a shadowless foot, he kicked the little monster that arched towards his leg, and reached out to pick up the boar essence

, “The coat is hard, it looks fat and thin, and it must taste better after roasting.”

Served with wine, poor monks can drink freely. The

boar essence shivered in his hands.

“Don’t eat it, I have thick skin and thick meat, a pig smell, and it’s not delicious.” ”

This boar spirit hasn’t taken shape yet, but it’s a monster little boss.

The other elves saw that the boar essence was captured, and they no longer dared to step forward.

Only the three people were surrounded, and the situation was stalemated for a while.

The tiger demon dressed up for a moment, and it was seen that the minions had not brought Xu Fan and his group in.

So she came out with her tiger sister to check on the situation.

Why didn’t you take your son-in-law into the cave mansion?”

the tiger demon shouted gruffly.

As soon as she went out, she saw Xuanzang carrying her subordinates, and she secretly said in her heart:

This monk seems to have some skills.

However, this son-in-law she married, but she can’t let this monk do bad things.

“Monk, the old lady kindly invited you to come as a guest, but you did something to the old lady’s subordinates, I’m afraid this is not in line with the rules.

Xu Fan stepped forward a few steps and said, “I’m afraid there is no such hospitality in the world. The

tiger demon saw that her favorite husband was talking to her, and his eyes flashed with essence and said, “So handsome Langjun, I invited you into the cave mansion today precisely because I wanted to invite you to be my husband-in-law.”

If you obey, it is naturally a mandarin duck and a double fly and do not envy the fairy, and eat fragrant and spicy from now on.

If you don’t obey, don’t blame me for grinding my teeth and sucking blood, swallowing you into my belly, and it can be regarded as a double flight. ”

Liu Xin was furious when she saw that the tiger demon was coming towards Xu Fan.

After taking a look at Xu Fan, he sacrificed his sword and wanted to make a few moves with the tiger demon.

The tiger demon felt murderous and immediately waved his sleeves.

“Well, you little lady, the old lady hasn’t bothered you yet, you want to engage in a sneak attack first!” Xu

Fan saw Liu Xin’s intentions, thinking that the tiger demon had some cultivation.

It is quite suitable for Liu Xin to practice her hands, after all, a long time has passed since the last actual battle.

The tiger demon dodged Liu Xin’s sword a few times, and then said to Xu Fan, “If you are my husband, what’s wrong with you

?” The

tiger demon said angrily, “I know it’s this little lady skin, watch King Ben kill her.” She

stopped dodging and offered her magic weapon, the mace.

The tiger sister who was watching the battle next to her said, “Sister, be careful, don’t hurt that monk.” Saying

that, he also threw a wink to Xuanzang.

Xuanzang saw that this tiger’s hair was very thick, and thought that this tiger hair was beautiful.

If you make a tiger skin blanket, it must be soft and warm, and it can withstand the cold winter of the moon.

Tiger Sister saw that the tiger demon and Liu Xin fought inseparably.

Suddenly, it transformed into a colorful tiger that was five meters long and jumped towards Xuanzang.

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It turned out that she was afraid that something would happen during the tiger demon fight, so she wanted to carry Xuanzang into the cave first.

“Monk don’t be afraid, I’m a good tiger.

Seeing that my sister still has to fight for a long time, it is better for you to go to the cave house and drink a few glasses of sake first.

“Good wine and food have already been prepared in the cave mansion, so we can talk and talk to each other while eating.” The

colorful tiger bit Xuanzang and threw him on his back.

Since Hu Mei saw Xuanzang pick up the wild boar, she felt that Xuanzang was full of manhood.

If you trick into the cave house, drink a few glasses of wine.

This monk is not strong enough to drink, can’t she do whatever she wants.

She thought, a gust of wind rose under her feet, and she flew towards the cave mansion.

“Xuanzang!” shouted Xu Fan.

“Master Xu Shi is not worried, and the poor monk will go back. Xuanzang’s unhurried voice echoed in the cave mansion.

Seeing this, Xu Fan was no longer worried, and concentrated on watching Liu Xin’s fight with the tiger demon.

In a short time, the two had already passed dozens of moves.

Liu Xin’s tricks became more and more fierce, and it seemed to faintly show the shadow of Liu Xin’s body.

That tiger demon made the mace, naturally it was infinitely powerful.

She saw that the situation was anxious, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat for a while.

And Liu Xin had no flaws, so she said to Liu Xin, “Look at this man, you are inseparable from me for him.”

He was watching the play from the sidelines, and such a man was the least worthy of love. ”


Liu Xin blocked the mace blow with her sword, and the sound of metal handing over shook her ears.

“What’s the matter with you?!” ”

You and I are both defeated here, and it’s not worth it.”

It’s better to marry Jinlan and sleep with him together.

After abandonment, look for other men.

There are many good men in the world, and my man will be your man in the future, how?” Liu

Xin was angry after hearing this, and made a more ruthless move, “Do your Spring and Autumn dreams!”

She said that this tiger demon deliberately provoked herself, forced herself to calm down, and looked for the tiger demon’s weakness.

The tiger demon saw that he couldn’t tell the winner or loser.

Liu Xin gradually gained the upper hand again, and her heart became more and more impatient, so she threw out her weapon mace.

As soon as the mace left his hand, it swelled several times and smashed towards Liu Xin at great speed.

Seeing this, Liu Xin dodged upwards, and the mace stabbed into the wall behind her.

Liu Xin had just dodged over, only to hear a deafening tiger roar, the sky shook when she landed, and there were faint rubble rolling down the cave.

This tiger demon turned into a three-foot-long tiger, and the blood basin was wide and wanted to swallow Liu Xin into its belly.

Liu Xin saw that the giant tiger opened its mouth to attack her, and immediately pulled out the mace on the wall behind her and threw it into the tiger’s mouth.

“Roar-” The mace smashed into the tiger demon’s lips, and it actually hit the tiger demon’s fangs and sharp teeth.

The tooth cracked and flew around.

“Kill the old lady!” the tiger demon roared, “the old lady is going to eat you alive!” Although the tiger demon

stopped in pain for a moment, he still rushed towards Liu Xin.

When it was too late, Liu Xin saw that the tiger demon’s teeth still did not change direction.

Silently chanted three times in his heart, and the fishy wind of the tiger’s mouth was already in front of him.

Only then did he quickly twist a trick and stabbed the sword in his hand straight to the tiger demon’s throat.

As soon as the sword pierced the throat of the giant tiger, Liu Xin dragged the tiger’s head and deftly turned around, and then dodged the tiger demon’s attack.

The tiger demon couldn’t catch up, rushed to the wall, and crashed into it.

“Bang!” the

tiger demon’s body landed heavily.

Liu Xin slowly exhaled, maintaining a good figure and floating down.

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