After the tiger demon landed, the injury was not light.

She knew that her skills were inferior, and she kicked the iron plate, and immediately wanted to run away.

With the demon wind under her feet, she didn’t know what to feel.

The pain between the teeth and throat seems to gradually spread to the heart.

Angina pectoris was like a tear when boarding, and it was unbearable.

She thought, could it be that this sword was poisonous?

After that angina, a huge sadness enveloped her heart.

The tiger demon burst into tears uncontrollably, she seemed to have some premonition, and she saw the door of the cave mansion open in the haze, and a monk covered in blood walked out.

The monk looked like a treasure, but behind him was dragging a wide and colorful tiger skin.

The tiger demon was very sad and looked at Xuanzang with his eyes wide open.

A heart-rending roar was emitted, and in an instant, the demon wind in the cave was raging, and the black qi was pervasive.

“I will tell Er to wait for my tiger sister to pay for her blood debt!”

she roared, and after speaking, she took out a blood-colored bead that exuded an ominous sign from her arms and swallowed it in her mouth without thinking.

At the same time, a hundred miles away on the cliff.

A thick blood-colored vine quickly withdrew and gathered down the cliff into the valley.

A tree with dozens of people curled up with twisting vines, gradually forming an ugly face in the miasma.

“It’s not good, I’m afraid it’s difficult. The

vine separated itself from the tree with difficulty and quickly spread towards the Tiger Demon Cave Mansion.


The tiger demon swallowed the bead, and a red smoke emanated from its body, which gradually filled the cave.

Is the tiger demon trying to poison them here?”

“Hold your breath,”

Xu Fan helped Liu Xin cover her mouth and nose and said to Xuanzang.

Xu Fan suddenly remembered that the gas mask he made on a whim one day should have been brought with him in case he needed it.

He rummaged through the storage bag for a moment, and sure enough, he found the gas mask and handed it to Liu Xin and Xuanzang.

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The three put their masks on and watched the tiger demon roar after the roar.

He crawled on the ground motionless, but the red smoke on his body continued to flow, but became thicker and thicker.

You still have to find the exit quickly, otherwise you don’t know what will happen.

Wang Cai tugged on the left side in Xu Fan’s sleeve to show him the direction.

“Go this way. Xu

Fan chose the left of the two forks in the road leading to the exit of Dongfu.

“Why left?”

“Because… Whoever the little rooster points will choose. Xu Fan shrugged.

Liu Xin glanced warily at the tiger demon body as she walked towards the left passage.

I saw that the red smoke was thick, and it didn’t take long to cover the body of the tiger demon tightly.

The smoke filled extremely quickly.

The eyes of the three gradually became confused, and they couldn’t even see clearly what was a meter away.

Fortunately, there is no other fork in the road at present, so you have been going straight and you don’t have to worry about getting lost.

The three of them kept walking forward, and soon left the gate of the Tiger Demon Cave Mansion behind them.

The tunnel was quiet, and only the footsteps of the three people could be heard.

“What sound?” Liu Xin took Xu Fan’s arm and leaned towards him again.

“Don’t be afraid. Xu Fan patted her hand.

He also heard sounds, whatever it was.

But God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.

Although his cultivation encountered a bottleneck, these unclimatic demons and monsters were to him.

But a piece of cake.

The sound of crackling in the cave became louder and louder, as if it was coming from the direction of the Tiger Demon Cave Mansion.

Although Liu Xin knew that she couldn’t see anything clearly in front of her, she still reflexively glanced back.

I saw that there seemed to be several pairs of red glowing eyes in the dense fog, getting closer and closer to them.

At first, there were only seven or eight eyes, and gradually more and more, dozens, hundreds.

Staring straight in the direction they were in was creepy.

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