“Eyes!” cried Liu Xin.

Xu Fan held her in his arms and whispered to Xuanzang, “Let’s go quickly, pay attention to the point behind us.” As

soon as he finished speaking, it was as if a gust of wind pierced the space behind him and attacked him.

Liu Xin heard the sound and punched backwards.

“Bang” hit something, and sure enough, I saw a pair of red eyes.

These red eyes seemed to be two balls of soul fire embedded in the eye sockets of a wild boar, which was the wild boar essence just now.

This boar spirit is undaunted and cannot sense pain.

After being beaten by Xuanzang, he seemed to stop in the dense fog for a moment, and then pounced again.

It seems that the red mist released by the tiger demon is indeed strange.

The wild boar Jing Fangcai was still timid and afraid of things, but now he was not afraid of life and death, as if he had lost his mind, and desperately wanted to attack Xu Fan.

This boar spirit seems to be indefatigable.

Xuanzang’s blow just now should have been a fatal blow to this kind of climateless goblin.

But this boar spirit seemed unaffected at all, and still tried to attack people regardless of it.

Gotta find a way.

Xuanzang thought for a moment, and when he faced the wild boar that attacked again, he attacked the wild boar’s eye socket with both hands.

Although the buttonhole is a little cruel, you can only try it first.

Unexpectedly, Xuanzang’s hand was still an inch away from the boar’s eye socket.

These two soul-like eyes seemed to perceive, drifting away from the boar’s eye sockets.

Suddenly, it turned into two spiky-billed flying insects with red light and bit Xu Fan’s fingers.

Xuanzang hurriedly retracted his hand, and with his other hand, he felt two darts to fix the flying insect on the wall.

The wild boar fell to the ground after losing its soul fire, and the flesh on its body seemed to be devoured.

It turned into wisps of black smoke, leaving only a skeleton of Bai Sensen.

There are countless monsters in this cave, I am afraid that they are all affected by this strange and weird red smoke.

Sure enough, the sound in the cave became louder and louder, like the sound of various elves going crazy.

Countless monsters rushed towards Xu Fan and the others.

“Hit these elves in the eyes!

Xuanzang said as he moved, constantly attacking the eyes of these monsters.

Liu Xin held a long sword and specifically pierced the eyes of these monsters.

These sharp-billed flying insects seem to realize that their opponents are not easy to mess with, so they break away from the parasitic monster body.

It gathered together in the air, forming a long red band of light, which struck towards Xu Fan’s face door with a gas mask.

In an instant, Xu Fan formed a shining golden hood around him, wrapping Liu Xin, Xuanzang and the others in it.

The red light band formed by the flying insects hit the cover, like a mosquito meeting an electric mosquito and being scattered to the ground by electricity.

The sharp-billed flying insects saw that the attack could not be successful, but their own side had losses.

Suddenly, it flickered and flickered, flying around the golden light mask.

Whistling by, it poured back to the elves.

Strangely, the vitality of these monsters seems to have been absorbed by the sharp-billed flying insects.

Just like the boar essence, a black gas comes out of the flesh and skin, and only a skeleton remains.


The elf who fell to the ground and turned into white bones kept moving in a twisted posture, and staggered back to his feet.

The eyes of the black hole hole seem to be filled with an obsession.

Obviously he had no eyes for a long time, but he stared at the golden light shield deadly.

“Hum—” The

sharp-billed flying insect floated into the air from the white bone of the elf, and the white bone of the elf crashed into the golden light mask like a moth to the fire.


PS: [I’m at work~

] [Workers, working souls, part-time workers are people

] [Working projects, busy all day

] [In fact, I checked the work of the employees, wandered around the office building with nothing to do

, and went to other companies to see] [Well, the quality of the beauties in other companies is good] [

Then go downstairs to wander around, buy a bottle of sweet water, and chat with the security guard for a while].

[I found that the security guard of the office building is so good, every day I drink tea, and the TV series watches

] [As soon as I look up, I can see the beautiful woman working in the office building, enjoy it~

] [Continue to tell everyone

] [When Sister Hong is resting, she will take me to find the old Chinese medicine

[ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

doctor] [Just an ordinary small outpatient clinic

] [At that time, Sister Hong took me, and the old doctor came up and asked me what symptoms I had] [


Then the old Chinese medicine doctor asked seriously: “Well, how often?”

] [Lying groove! I’m embarrassed

] [Then Sister Hong said on the side, it’s about three or four minutes] [

In fact, Sister Hong has saved face for me, deliberately said more].

(network picture)

[The old Chinese medicine doctor pushed the glasses, “How did the young man consume so much at a young age”

] [I rubbed my hands, I didn’t know how to answer, I could only cover my embarrassment with a smile] [

Then the old Chinese medicine doctor talked to himself vigorously].

[“The young man now, really, doesn’t know how to temperate at all

“] [“I regret it when I find that something is wrong with my body…..”

] [Anyway, he said a lot, and then he called me to the back room] [

Pull the curtain, tell me to take off my pants. 【

I:…….】< div data-fanqie-type="image" source="joker">

[I took off my pants with

a grind] [The old Chinese medicine doctor began to squat down and examine

me] [Then he TMD also let me demonstrate

!!] [Lying groove!] [


I asked, “Demonstrate what?”] [He gave me a look, “Of course, to demonstrate your process of using the five-fingered girl

“] [I:……..

] [“If you don’t demonstrate, how can I solve the problem?”

] [I asked: “Here?”] [

He nodded, right here].

[In the end, I had no choice, I could only start under his gaze

] [The old Chinese medicine doctor also asked me curiously, “Dry rub

?”] [I: ???] [Old Chinese doctor: “Don’t you put some video or something?”] [

I said:

“I didn’t have headphones”]

[Then, this dedicated old Chinese medicine doctor went to open the drawer

] [I thought he was going to get

me headphones] [As a result, he took out his mobile phone, connected the headphones, and asked me: “What type of thing do you like to see”

] [I: …….

] [I swiped casually, good guy, his mobile phone disk is really dense

] [I feel that I have seen it in vain in my life] [

Anyway, my TMD was confused the whole time

] [Then in front of a strange old man, I contributed the most bizarre experience I have ever had

] [During this period, this old Chinese medicine doctor also pointed and carefully observed

] [Even TMD changed a pair of glasses

] [Lying groove!!

] [Not only let me demonstrate, he also got started

] [This experience, I can’t forget it in my life] [

Finally, the old Chinese medicine doctor told me a lot of professional terms

] [I didn’t understand much, but in short, there was no big problem, drink some Chinese medicine, quit tone conditioning for a period of time

] [Then he prescribed Chinese medicine to me, quite a lot, I forgot the

name] [But there is a very clear memory of “Fu Penzi”, it seems to be this name, everyone go to check] [May be helpful to everyone]


Then I took the Chinese medicine and went home with Sister Hong] [


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