A blood-colored demon vine crossed the cliff and spread its popularity to the surrounding villages.

The sky is shining.

The early women of Lijia Village gathered in piles to go to the river to change their dirty clothes.

After breakfast, the men went to the fields early to do farm work, while village children cut hogweed by the roadside.

“Ah!” a child suddenly exclaimed, attracting the attention of the surrounding children.

His body was wrapped in strange red vines, which glowed and tightly bound his body,、。

Even many vines have plunged into the flesh, making a gurgling and sucking sound.

Seeing this, the children around them were terrified.

A few good ones who played with this kid reached out to help him pull this weird vine down.

But I didn’t expect this vine to touch the flesh.

It took root deeply and quickly spread to other children.

For a while there were children’s wails everywhere.

After a while, these children wrapped in vines turned into skins and bones, as if they had been sucked out of popularity.

“Run. Seeing

this, a slightly older child hurriedly took a trembling leg, pulled out his leg and ran.

“Gotta hurry up and call the adults.”

Who knew how far he hadn’t run yet, when a thick blood-colored vine rushed forward and wrapped around his ankles.

The child immediately tripped to the ground and was dragged deep into the grass by vines.

After a while, the bones of these children were also transformed into nutrients by vines, leaving no traces.

The vine body seemed to twist its body a little satisfied, and a strange face became clearer.

Children’s flesh and blood are the most tender and make an excellent appetizer.

He shook his body and controlled two different waves of vines to spread towards the river and farmland.

However, in an hour, all the living objects in Lijia Village were swallowed up, turning it into a deserted village without people.

The vine was full of food and drink, and then advanced towards the tiger demon’s cave mansion.


General Lu was very alarmed when he saw that a demon wind blew away the tents of Xuanzang Xu Fan and the others at night.

The demon wind could not find a clue, so he had to order the soldiers to look in the forest separately.

Wang Dawang Er saw that Xu Fan was swept away by the wind, although he was a little anxious in his heart.

But it was not a panic, they knew Mr. Xu’s ability, and presumably there were not many things that could threaten Mr. Xu’s safety.

The priority now is to find Mr. Xu’s whereabouts and join him.

Seeing the demon wind coming strangely, there must be monsters here.

It’s just that there is no village in front of the surrounding area, no shop behind, and no one can be found to inquire about the situation.

I think that the general monsters become more refined in the mountains.

And the cave house is also generally built in the mountains, if you know where there are mountains nearby, you may be able to find some traces of monsters.

This place is the outskirts of Chang’an City, and Wang Dawang is not familiar with this place.

They repeated their thoughts to General Lu and asked General Lu where the nearest mountain was.

Sure enough, the soldiers sent by General Lu searched several circles in Linzhong, but did not find any trace of Xu Fan and his group.

“What Wang Zhuangshi said is true?”

Although General Lu had also heard the legend of the flower demon fox ghost, including some colleagues who had also told him such strange things.

But since he had never seen a youkai, he was skeptical of such things.

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But the demon wind in the night came very strangely, and only swept away Xu Fan’s tent and Xuanzang’s tent, so he couldn’t believe it.

“Exactly, this demon wind is unusual, and it is likely that there are monsters here.

Mountain spirits mostly grow between mountains and forests, so which mountain is the closest mountain near the general?

Wang Da said.

General Lü once hunted in the mountains with the old emperor and was in charge of the security of Chang’an City.

Naturally, he knows the situation around Chang’an City very well. He thought for a moment and said.

“Twenty miles south from here, there is Yangjing Mountain, which should be the nearest mountain nearby.

“General Seru, then my brother and I will immediately set off to inquire about the situation in the mountains. ”

General Lu is also afraid that this wind is just caused by the strange weather.

In case Xuanzang fell on his ground and found no one again, he planned to make two preparations.

“Wang Zhuangshi, go slowly first, if it is true that there are monsters as you say.

Presumably, that monster is not particularly easy to handle, so it is better for me to lead a team of soldiers to go with you.

After saying that, General Lu asked the deputy to stay in place with a group of people to wait, and he took a group of people to Yangjingshan with Wang Dawang and the second.

When the white elephant heard that Wang Dawang and his party were going to the mountains to find Xu Fan and Xuanzang, they couldn’t stay for a while, so they wanted to follow them.

General Lu thought for a moment, this white elephant was first and foremost the statue of the Great Tang Dynasty’s protector of the country.

He had a close relationship with Mr. Xu, a high-ranking person, and was Xuanzang’s mount, so he acquiesced to let him go with him.

So Wang Da, Wang Er, and General Lü led a pair of centaurs towards Yang Jingshan.

Twenty miles of footsteps were only a quarter of an hour away.

At this time, summer is deep, the mountains are densely wooded, and the morning fog has not yet dispersed.

At the foot of the mountain, the group met a hunter who was about to go up the mountain.

The hunter looked sturdy, a middle-aged man with a round waist.

“This brother pauses, I have something to ask. Lu Jiajun grabbed the reins of the horse and stopped the hunter.

When the hunter saw the group of officers and soldiers, he was not in a hurry, and asked

, “What does this official want to ask?” “What strange things are in this mountain?” “There are many strange things

in the mountain, I don’t know what the official wants to ask

?” “Are there monsters in this mountain?”

The hunter laughed three times and said heartily, “I have been hunting here for more than thirty years, and I have never heard of any monsters.”

But when I was a child, the old people in my family used to talk about tigers in the mountains.

Exclusively eat young men.

Who knows, anyway, I haven’t seen it for so many years, maybe it’s bluffing. When

General Lu heard Orion say this, he had no clue for a while.


Da looked at General Lu’s expression and said, “Since you have already come, it is better to look for it first, anyway, there is no other clue now.”

General Lu thought about it, thinking that Orion was familiar with the terrain in the mountain, so he asked him to lead the way and first roughly understand the situation in the mountain.

The hunter walked and talked, talking about other strange things he encountered.

“Our place is the only way to enter Beijing to catch up for the exam, and many passing students will stay in our village.

Strange to say, for decades, we have been staying in our village for exam students.

Many people disappeared without even taking the exam, and people nearby said that there was a curse in our village.

“If I want to say, it is so difficult to test for fame, maybe I am afraid when the time comes, and I sneak home again.” When

General Lu heard him say this, he suddenly remembered such a thing.

In previous years, there were many fewer candidates in the imperial examination, and then I heard that it was a sudden disappearance on the way into the city.

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