The old emperor sent people to investigate, and the officials who investigated came to the conclusion that these scholars were taken away by wild beasts halfway.

So the old emperor sent people to surround the beasts in the forest.

In the end, to no avail, these missing scholars also became an unsolved case.

The more I think about it, the more it seems to be related.

Perhaps at that time, there were monsters who swept these scholars away.

General Lu connected these things together, and his thoughts raced in his mind.

He talked to Wang Dawang Er, hoping to find some clues about the monster through this incident.

“I remember a few years ago, the disappearance of a scholar was indeed a strange case in Chang’an.

The first is that there are few witnesses, according to eyewitnesses.

At night he went to the woods with the scholar, it was dark and the wind was a little strong.

After he finished his business, he faintly heard a tiger roar, and the person who turned his head and was with him disappeared. ”

It is precisely because of this that it is always said that the beast took these scholars.

“Tiger roar?”

The white elephant listened carefully and flicked his nose, “Before Brother Wangcai was swept away by the wind, I also seemed to hear the tiger calling. ”

What?” General Lu heard it say, and felt that this demon wind had nothing to do with the unsolved cases in previous years

, he looked at Wang Da and asked, “I wonder what Wang Zhuangshi thinks?” Wang Da

thought for a moment and said:

“It seems that these two things must be related, some monsters who cultivate evil demons.

It is true that he likes to eat the flesh and blood of young men, and combined with this tiger roar, it must be a tiger spirit.

Wang Er touched his chin and added, “After the monster is formed, it will maintain the instinct of the prototype for a long time.

If the tiger really becomes a master, it will surely dominate the king in the mountains and establish a cave mansion.

Wang Da continued, “Exactly, at this time, we only need to find other spirits with spiritual intelligence in the mountains.”

Just ask, and you’ll know. ”


In a cave.

The monster Sensen white bone continued to rush forward like a moth to the fire, crashing into the Vajra cover.

For a while, the Vajra hood rattled, but it did not move.

These monster white bones were shot away after hitting the King Kong cover, scattered on the ground and shattered.

After a while, a thick layer of loose bone accumulated outside the Vajra cover.

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“These monster bones attack endlessly. Xu Fan listened to the clanging Vajra cover and said.

“This place should not stay for a long time, we still have to go out quickly.”

Otherwise, if you stay for a long time, I don’t know what is strange about these red mist.

“What Lord Xu said is reasonable, but these monster bones are guided by the sharp-billed flying insects,、。

If we don’t destroy these flying insects, I am afraid that they will continue to attack us. Xuanzang said.

This cave is too narrow, and Xu Fan is not very easy to use his hands and feet.

I’m even more afraid that I can’t play if I make it bigger.

“Brother Xuanzang, do you see if the souls of these monsters are still in the body?”

Logically, there are three ways to drive dead bodies.

One is to make it a puppet.

The second is that the original soul commands in the body.

The third is the influence of qi, which drives the corpse.

These flying insects are too flexible and know how to line up troops, and it is difficult to destroy them quickly.

But if you find the secret of flying insects driving the corpses of monsters, and cut off the connection between these insects and the corpses, these bugs are not very threatening.

“Lord Xu, are you saying that these flying insects drive the body of the elf by commanding the spirit of the elf?”

“Exactly. ”

Depending on the situation, these flying insects may be the embodiment of red smoke, as long as the red smoke is not extinguished, the flying insects will also continue to flow.

By devouring the flesh, flesh, body and cultivation of the monsters, these flying insects make their vitality stronger and constantly strengthen themselves.

After these poor elves are devoured by flying insects, they are like ghosts, and their souls are imprisoned in the remains of bones and controlled by flying insects.

Pudu these elves, let these elves out of the sea of suffering, sounds like Xuanzang’s old profession.

Xuanzang was stunned and picked up the Zen bead in his hand.

“Nan no Amitabha, Duo Taka Night, Duo Ji Night He…” The

Past Life Curse slowly flowed out of the golden cover, and the bones of the monsters outside the cover seemed to have been shaken by something, and the attack was even more violent for a while.

The sound of Langlang became “Dong Lang”.

Xu Fan covered his ears.

Dude, can you hurry up?

The past life spell came out of the golden cover, slowly turning into golden characters, and constantly wrapped these white bones.

These monster white bones seemed to be returning to the light, and launched the last wave of the most violent impact.

The golden hood seemed to be faintly shaken by their attack.

Xuanzang was in no hurry and closed his eyes.

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