At this time, he changed from that wine and meat monk to a particularly powerful divine stick, which is really worthy of being a disciple of the Buddha.

The font formed by the Past Life Spell bound the monster bones tighter and tighter, flashing golden light in the ominous red mist.

The light seemed to break through all evil, slowly releasing the peace on the other side.

Some glowing green fireflies slowly broke away from the white bones with the spell and flew more and more into the air.

For a while, the sharp-billed flying insects were even more restless, and the buzzing sound occupied the entire cave.

However, Xuanzang used the power of four or two thousand catties, and the spell he chanted faintly confronted the sound of flying insects buzzing.

In the end, these flying insects seemed to have lost the battle and hid in the red mist.

Green fireflies that flew from the monster’s bones danced around the golden hood along with the golden death spell.

It seems to be thanking the people in the golden hood for their liberation.

These fireflies gradually dissipate after a short time.

“Boom!” after a loud sound.

The monster bones seemed to have exhausted the last trace of strength, and they all collapsed to the ground, becoming broken bones.

Xuanzang opened his eyes.

These spirits have gone to bliss.

Xu Fan saw that those sharp-billed flying insects had hidden in the fog and disappeared, so he put away the golden hood.

“Let’s go. Xu Fan said to Xuanzang.

He pulled Liu Xin and continued towards the exit of the passage.


In the woods, General Lu’s adjutant led an army to guard the woods.


“What’s it called!” the head of the little soldier kicked the little soldier’s butt, “What about the soul?”

“There is

a snake!” “No breath, a snake can scare you like this!” The

head of the little soldier drew his weapon and leaned forward.

Lao Tzu hacked to death, and he can still get a game to eat.

He looked for a moment, but did not see the snake that the soldier said, and was about to ask more carefully.

Suddenly, the soldier who was kicked to the ground was head down and motionless.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he kicked the soldier again, “Fuck, scare Lao Tzu, huh?”

The soldier leader was a little panicked, thinking that Xiao Wang Ba Lamb did not dare to play him, wouldn’t something really happen?

“Ah!” I

saw a strange red vine twisting like a snake in the flesh of the little soldier’s face.


PS: [Boring day ~

] [bought a bun egg and soy milk for breakfast, squatting at the door of the office building

] [While chatting with the uncle, observe the small white-collar workers who come in and out

] [generally black silk mostly

] [go to work at the company at nine o’clock

] [Today Xiao Zheng asked for leave, saying that he was sick, as a leader I decided to visit at night] [

Continue to tell everyone].

[The time when I drank Chinese medicine was the most difficult period for me

] [Sister Hong was dangling

in front of my eyes all day] [It was still summer, she wore little at home, and she didn’t wear the inner many times

] [Then it was swinging in front of my eyes

] [When she cooked, when she washed clothes, when she wiped the floor…

] [Anyway, it’s shaking~] [

Sister Hong is still in good shape, NND!!

] [I’m like an old cat sleeping with salted fish, I can’t sleep if I want


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[After the Chinese medicine is boiled, the thief Nima bitter]

[Sister Hong also likes to tease me, and from time to time hooks me with her fingers] [

Or deliberately hold me from behind, with …. Have an intimate encounter with

me] [Looking at my resentful little eyes, I can make her

giggle every time] [In those days, I made a great determination to delete all the video novels on my phone

] [Then when I went to bed at night, because I like to sleep without clothes, I don’t wear anything

] [I consciously ran to the sofa

] [The doctor also taught me a way to exercise my buttocks]

[It’s to inhale and tighten my hips

when I’m okay, and then put it down] [More than a hundred times a day, anyway, just do it when I’m idle and have nothing

to do] [Since then, I have developed the habit of running every morning

] [I don’t take the subway anymore, just run to the company

] [I have no advantages since I was a child, just have perseverance]

[If I decide to do something, I will definitely stick to it].

[For example, when I write novels, I have been writing until now, and I have never stopped

] [It has been about three weeks, almost a month I remember

] [Anyway, I am a dragon spirit tiger! I feel that my body is full of energy

] [Every day seems to have endless strength]


I told myself that I would endure it for another week

] [By Sunday, I was like a hungry wolf staring at Sister Hong

] [Sister Hong was staring at me a little longing

] [On Sunday night, I went to bed full of joy

] [Thinking of waiting for Monday to start a decisive battle, today I will order appetizers] [

Then gnaw at Sister Hong

] [nibbling and nibbling, things are a little wrong~


[Soon, I can’t stand the bird

] [TNND!! Who can endure this situation, who is a saint] [

Then my heart is crossed, and my heart says to TMD!!].

[Sunday and Monday are one day apart, no matter what, it’s the same

] [I’m preparing to stay awake tonight] [

And then….. There is nothing at home~

] [Originally, I had prepared a lot of things for common use at home, but because the old Chinese medicine doctor warned me to quit color

] [I sank the cauldron and threw all the things

] [It just so happened that Sister Hong was still in danger for a few days]


[How would you choose?

] [A: Endure and endure, become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, wait until Monday

] [B: Regardless of danger

] [C: Blunt angle

] [……..]

[So I chose without hesitation.. Go to the supermarket

downstairs to buy !!] [So I put on a random piece of clothing and have to go downstairs] [


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