When the soldier saw this strange scene, he raised his knife in a hurry.

Slash at the vine that twisted like a snake on the soldier’s face.

Who knew that the vine was extremely tough, not only was it not cut off by the knife, but it also spread upward along the knife.

Seeing this, the soldier leader hurriedly threw down the knife and stumbled and ran, shouting as he ran.

“Come, there are monsters!” the

other soldiers nearby heard the shouts of the soldier leader and hurried to gather here.

When I arrived, I saw a creepy scene.

Countless blood-red vines gushed out from the woods, like a red river formed by thousands of snakes.

One of the thickest vines slowly stood up, and the hideous face roared into the form of a giant.

The remaining vines twisted and spread in the direction of the soldiers.

General Lu’s adjutant had never seen such a weird vine demon.

But he has also fought on the battlefield and has extraordinary courage.

This place is only a few hundred miles away from Chang’an City.

If they can’t stop this strange vine, I am afraid that this vine will endanger the people of the city.

“All the soldiers obey the order, follow me to kill this monster! General

Lu’s adjutant sat on his horse and drew his knife.

“No, not afraid… This vine is not afraid of slashing!” The

soldier closest to the vine rushed forward with a knife and slashed at a vine.

But it was as if it was splitting on a solid piece of wood, and his hand was shaken.

The vine wrapped around the soldier’s horse’s leg and plunged into the horse’s body to drink blood.

Then the horse first struggled and neighed, then wailed a few times, and fell to its knees.

Then the men and horses were engulfed by vines.

In an instant, the horses neighed.

Seeing this, General Lu’s adjutant hurriedly tightened the reins of his horse, “Retreat!

I finally recovered from the scene in front of me and hurriedly drove the horse to retreat.

However, the vine did not want to let these soldiers go, and some of the slower soldiers were swept away by the vine and dragged around.

After a while, only people were left to suck it.

The adjutant general was anxious in his heart, and said to the soldier while retreating.

“Drop the arrows for cover!”

The soldiers took arrows and shot at the vine demon one after another.

Although this limits the speed of the vine demon to a certain extent, it cannot cause substantial damage to the vine demon.

After the vine demon blocked some of the arrows with vines, the offensive weakened at first sight.

Then he brandished his vines in pursuit of the retreating soldiers.

The adjutant general saw this situation and made another plan.

He thought that this vine demon was born and must have something to restrain him.

The vine demon is woody, presumably it should be afraid of fire, you can try to see if you can attack with fire.

Thinking of this, he ordered the soldiers to take out the gunpowder they were carrying, tie it to an arrow and light it and shoot it.

These arrows with gunpowder shot at the vine demon one after another, igniting the entire mountain forest for a while.

The vine demon let out a roar, which seemed to be burned by the fire, and bursts of strange red smoke came out.

Seeing that this plan was effective, the adjutant general ordered the soldiers to keep firing arrows.

to expand the fire, thus inflicting more damage on the vine demon.

Who knew that the vine demon paused for a moment, as if he was enraged by the deputy general’s action.

It pulled out its huge body and swung more vines to attack the soldiers.

More and more soldiers were swept into the fire by vines, sucking up nothing left.

While absorbing the energy of the captured soldiers, the vine demon moves its body to chase the retreating soldiers.

A vicious battle ensued, and few people left to escape.

Seeing this, the vine demon no longer continued to pursue, but crawled towards the cave of the Yangjingshan fox demon.

The vine demon followed the secret passage and entered the tiger demon’s cave mansion as quickly as possible.

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After entering the Tiger Demon Cave Mansion, he saw the tiger demon collapsed to the ground.

The vine demon body controls the vine to reach out to the tiger demon.

The vine fiddled with the tiger’s waist, finding a blood-colored bead that exuded ominousness.

He devoured the bead and stroked the tiger demon’s corpse with the vine.

In the blink of an eye, the tiger demon was sucked by the vine, and there was not a single hair left.


apprentice, rest in peace, for the Master will avenge you. The

vine demon smiled conspiratorially.

It turned out that he had been trapped by the Mountain Protection Divine Tree for a long time, and he had encountered a tiger demon that had just taken shape.

Later, he took the tiger demon as an apprentice with bad intentions and gave the magic pill to the tiger demon, saying that this magic pill could help the tiger demon cultivate.

In addition, if there is a critical situation, the tiger demon can directly devour the magic pill, so that he will go to help the tiger demon.

The sacrifice of the tiger demon gave him the strength to break free from the Mountain Protection Divine Tree, making his strength even stronger.

He cast a spell to absorb the strange red mist in the cave in his body, and then closed his eyes to feel the position of Xu Fan and the three.

Since he accepted the sacrifice of the tiger demon, of course, he had to fulfill the tiger demon’s wish and kill Xu Fan and the three.


Xu Fan, Liu Xin, and Xuanzang were already approaching the exit of the cave at this time.

“The red fog has cleared. Liu Xin said.

“It’s okay, it’s all out anyway. Xu Fan replied.

He thought to himself, even if there were any more moths.

The field outside is larger and the fight is easier to unfold.

And after the red mist receded, the light at the mouth of the cave became clearer.

They walked all the way towards the bright light at the entrance of the cave and were about to walk out of the cave.

Xuanzang walked in front and had already walked out of the cave.

Xu Fan and Liu Xin walked slightly back, and they were about to exit the cave.

Who knew that a red vine quickly stretched out from the depths of the cave, and it was about to bind Liu Xin.

Xu Fan’s eyes were quick, and he protected Liu Xin with a move of the shape-shifting phantom, holding Liu Xin and rushing out of the cave.

After the three came out of the cave, they found themselves in a mountain valley.

This valley is very wide, and no matter how much you fight, you can open it.

After the vine demon absorbed the tiger demon’s corpse, its strength went to another level.

He absorbed the red mist in the cave, and at this time, the vine exuded a strange aura of black and red.

“It’s demonic qi!”

said Xu Fan looking at the black and red aura on the vine.

I thought it was an ordinary vine demon in the mountains, how could there be demonic energy?

The huge body of the vine demon spread out along the mouth of the cave, and a strange smile appeared on its ugly face.

“What a pure cultivation, you kid has some eyesight, and can recognize the demonic qi of my Blood Vine Demon Ancestor.

He stuck out his vine-like tongue and licked it around his mouth.

“If I swallow you, it will definitely make my cultivation soar.

“What pheasant vine demon, also dare to call themselves demons.” Xu Fan said, “If you want to eat me, you want to see if you have that ability!”

But young man is ignorant and fearless, I forgive you. Saying

that, the vine demon commanded the vine and began to attack Xu Fan.

Xu Fan drew his sword and began to fight with the vine of the vine demon.

Although this vine was extremely hard, he still tried to cut off two.

After listening to their conversation, Xuanzang gradually understood in his heart.

If this vine demon belonged to a demon, then the Voldemort Curse should be just enough to restrain him.

“Master Xu, the poor monk is here to help you.

So Xuanzang turned the Zen beads and chanted words in his mouth.

As soon as the Voldemonic Spell came out of Xuanzang’s mouth, it immediately took shape, flashing golden light towards the vine demon.

The Voldemort Spell font was wrapped around the vine of the vine demon, and sure enough, some demonic qi was dispelled.

Without the blessing of demonic qi, this vine is easier to cut.

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