The vine demon was bent on fighting with Xu Fan, and suddenly noticed that Xuanzang’s exorcism spell dispelled some of his demonic qi.

So luck, a steady stream of pure demonic qi wrapped its vines again.

Little monk, you know that the Dharma restrains my demonic energy. But you are still too young and too shallow

!” the vine demon laughed maniacally, “Give me death!”

said and separated the other two vines, and attacked Xuanzang and Liu Xin respectively.

A huge golden hood appeared on Xu Fan’s body to protect him, Liu Xin, and Xuanzang.

The vine of the vine demon only hit the golden hood.

The sound of vines hitting the golden hood was like blades touching.

Seeing that the attack could not be achieved, the vine demon said angrily, “What kind of turtle king is this eight shells, so hard.”

“Boy, you come out and fight me!”

Xu Fan recuperated in the hood, “You have the ability to come in and fight me!”


for me to go in and suck all three of you with no hair left!”

For a while, the vine demon controlled all the vines and attacked towards the golden hood.

But except for the roar, the golden hood did not move.

The vine demon attacked the golden hood without breaking it.

On the contrary, his own vine has some damage.

He stopped attacking and began to recharge.

“Oblivious, old and old, I want to see.

How long can you shrink in this king’s shell! See if you can survive or I can survive!”

Xu Fan looked at Xuanzang and crossed his waist.

A posture that is not ready to strike again.

Xuanzang thought that the most urgent task was to find the weakness of this vine demon.

One hit kills it.

Although the vine demon itself is wood, it should be afraid of fire.

However, the vine demon will protect his body with demonic energy, and ordinary fire attacks will not pose any threat to him.

So the key point of the solution is still in the magic qi.

The Voldemort Charm has a certain effect, but it is obviously not powerful enough and the effect is limited.

Xuanzang was thinking, and suddenly entered a mysterious realm.

The sound of breathing in the hood gradually became clear and distant, and everything in the world seemed to slow down.

A figure flashed in his mind, repeating a set of exercises. He

approached the figure and carefully watched the exercises, over and over again.

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The face of the figure also changed from blurry to clear, it was himself!

The golden hood quickly faded, and the vine demon saw this.

Thinking that Xuanzang’s skill could no longer support this golden light mask, he immediately proudly swung all the vines towards Xu Fan.

“Hahaha, suffer death, boy!”

A huge palm descended from the sky and slashed into the vine demon.

“Ah-” data-title=”Game” data-tag=”Boutique recommendation” data-type=”1″ data-value=”1913″>

the vine demon screamed wildly, and before he died, he didn’t understand how this kid could use this trick.

Obviously, it looks like it’s just ordinary.

The demonic energy on his body disappeared directly into the air as if it had evaporated.

The vine twitched and exploded to pieces under the golden light of the divine palm.

The huge impact blew Xu Fan and Liu Xin’s hair up.

Xu Fan suddenly felt that the bottleneck in his body was faintly showing signs of loosening, and his cultivation had actually grown to a certain extent.

At this moment, General Lu and Wang Dawanger led the group just in time.

When the hunter saw the afterimage of Rulai’s divine palm, he immediately knelt down on the ground, “The immortal has appeared, and the immortal has manifested.” General

Lu and Wang Dawanger were also shocked on the spot.

Powerful as sud!

It turned out that after encountering the vine demon, the adjutant finally escaped with two or three people and came to join General Lü.

He told General Lü about the dangers of the time, and General Lü immediately wanted to rush back to fight the vine demon.

But under the persuasion of Wang Dawang Er, he first looked for the tiger demon cave and found Xu Fan and the others.

Who knew that he saw this amazing scene at the door of the tiger demon cave.

Wang Dawang Er greeted him, his expression was excited, and he was honored.

Xu Fan waved his hand, “You can continue to hurry.” Both the Tiger Demon and the Vine Demon have been resolved.

Only then did General Lu come to his senses and dismount and hug his fists.

“Thank you sir, slash demons and remove demons, and protect my Great Tang Jiangshan.”

“Generals don’t have to be polite. ”

General Lu originally knew that Xu Fan, who was honored as a guest by the old emperor, should have a few brushes.

But he didn’t expect that he could be so strong that he was immediately more revered.

At this time, it was less than a day since Xu Fan and they were swept away and killed the tiger demon vine demon.

The soldiers killed by the vine demon did not even have bones left.

General Lu was very sad, and he set up a crown for these soldiers, and then regrouped and ready to go.

He knew that the journey west would be difficult, but he never thought that it would be dangerous.

At this time, it is useless to think more, only by constantly honing yourself can you bring back more brothers after the scripture is over.

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