Half a month later, Five Finger Mountain.

The group traveled through storms and rains for half a month, and finally reached the foot of Five Finger Mountain.

They settled in the town at the foot of the Five Finger Mountain, intending to rest, tidy up, and then set off again.

“This is it. Xu

Fan held a cup of tea and said to Xuanzang from the observation deck of the inn.

Xuanzang looked up at the mountain not far away, and the shape of this mountain was a little strange.

It is like the five fingers of a person, with the middle finger facing the sky and the other four fingers facing down, faintly posing a philosophical symbol “convex”.

“Lord Xu, the poor monk looks at the shape of this mountain.

For some reason, there is always a strange feeling in my heart.

When Xu Fan heard this, he couldn’t help but smile.

Of course, big brother.

Such a friendly philosophical symbol, anyone who sees it will feel provoked.

“The man Xu Shizhu said can really be pressed under this mountain?”

“Yes, I still need you to release him, and I can’t go up the mountain with you on this trip.” ”

This is the first time Xuanzang has seen Wukong, and this historic meeting, maybe Guanyin Bodhisattva will also be present.

Xu Fan didn’t want to attract Xitian’s attention, so he didn’t plan to follow Xuanzang to the Five Finger Mountain.

Anyway, he had already said to Goku some time ago, and it shouldn’t be a big problem.

At this time, it was late, and Xuanzang decided to go to the mountain tomorrow to release Sun Wukong.


PS:[Xiao Zheng is sick, as a leader, I went to see

Xiao Zheng at night] [Knowing that Xiao Zheng likes cherries, I bought a box of cherries] [

It cost me more than two hundred oceans


[I also specially washed my dusty Land Rover for a long time, wearing a suit and dressing

up] [Xiao Zheng is sharing a room with his roommate, the house is quite good

] [The girl’s house is not so much garbage, and there is no smell, fragrant]

[Xiao Zheng smiled and told me, in fact, she was not sick at

all] [It’s just too tired and wants to take a day off

] [Okay, for the sake of the child telling the truth, I took the child to watch a movie

] [Gee

~] [It’s good to be young, Xiao Zheng jumped all the way

] [When I finally came back, he still held my arm] [

I feel like I’m going to take it~].

[If you have a girlfriend, who will write a JB novel

] [Continue to tell everyone~

] [I wanted to jump directly from the window at that time, and then jump back after buying

] [I hurriedly put on my clothes, Sister Hong will also follow

me] [I said what are you going to do, wait for me here

] [Sister Hong didn’t listen, she also dressed and followed me downstairs] [

But at that point in time, the supermarket downstairs has long been

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closed] [I remembered that there were two supermarkets outside the community

] [Sister Hong said, “It is estimated that it is also

closed”] [I said, “How do I know if I don’t go to see, what if the door opens”

] [I think I am running too slowly, so I pedal on the bicycle

] [Almost instantly, I arrived at the supermarket, one supermarket was closed, and the other was open] [

Usually buy these things, I am online, go to the physical store to buy is really a little embarrassed

] [In the middle of the night, I ran in with Sister Hong

] [The shopkeeper seems to be closing soon, and when I see the two of us, I ask what to buy?

] [I couldn’t care about any etiquette and shame at that time, and directly asked if there was a sale….

] [The shopkeeper was stunned, and then gave me a desperate answer] [


[Out of the supermarket, Sister Hong asked me what to do now

?] [I said, “I’m going to suffocate!!”

[Sister Hong hugged me from behind, leaned my head, and giggled

] [Then said, mouth?

] [I hesitated, my head shook like a rattle]


[I was searching for unmanned sales points on the map at that time

] [The nearest distance is quite far from us, I remember it seems to be a few kilometers at five o’clock

] [I said, “You go back and wait for me first”

] [Then I have to take a taxi]

[Sister Hong patted me,”

[I made up an excuse indiscriminately

, “Oh, I have a coupon, you go back first, I’ll be right back”] [Sister Hong pulled me to stop me from going, saying, “It’s the same for us to ride a bicycle

“] [I resolutely don’t do it, “Cycling! How slow the bike is, I’m going to hold my breath”]

[Sister Hong: “Oh, it’s not worse than this moment, you endure a little longer, more than twenty dollars”] [[Sister Hong: “Oh, it’s not worse than this moment, you endure a little longer, more than twenty dollars”] [

In the end, Sister Hong persuaded me, I was also afraid that I would quarrel with Sister Hong because of this, and if she didn’t let me go to bed later, my previous achievements would be lost

] [Then that midsummer night

] [I was stupid and wearing big pants, riding that small bicycle, driving Sister Hong on the road]

[Sister Hong put her arm around my waist and hummed a song

] [I forgot what she sang a long time ago, but I remember the beautiful melody very well

] [Later, I had more than once in the wild hope of midsummer

] [But at that time, I had already driven the big car that Sister Hong had always dreamed of, but no one sang to me behind my seat anymore

] [It’s a bit pretentious, haha~] [

I thought I was

really careful at that time] [I didn’t sleep in the middle of the night, riding a bicycle with my girl, traveling long distances, just for one….

] [It’s just that I really didn’t have this impulse later] [

Today is really TMD hypocritical, let’s go here].

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