That night, Xuanzang had a dream.

In the dream, the Bodhisattva Guanyin came and said that a monkey demon was suppressed here.

There is a master-apprentice relationship with him.

The Bodhisattva asked Xuanzang to release the monkey demon and let the monkey demon protect him all the way west.

After Xuanzang woke up, he told Xu Fan about it.

“Sure enough, as Xu Shizhu expected, last night the Bodhisattva dreamed that I went to the Five Finger Mountain to find Sun Wukong, saying that he would protect me from traveling west.

Xu Fan secretly said, it was indeed the same as he expected.

“Guanyin Bodhisattva can say how to release Goku.

The Bodhisattva said, you can know it when you go up the mountain. ”

It seems that when Xuanzang goes up the mountain, Guanyin Bodhisattva may pay close attention and secretly guide.

In this way, fortunately, Xu Fan did not startle the snake and found a way to release him when he met Wukong.

The sky is shining.

Xuanzang then set off for the mountain.

The Five Finger Mountain is a bit big, and it is really difficult to find the place where Sun Wukong is pressed.

Fortunately, Xu Fan had already informed him of his general directions.

The grass on the mountain is luxuriant, and Xuanzang walks for a while.

Suddenly, I saw a boy riding a bull.

In the morning, I was in the mountains, or riding a bull, and I was not an ordinary child.

Sure enough, when the boy saw Xuanzang, he asked,

“You came to the mountains to look for someone?”

Xuanzang was not surprised, this boy may be the guide arranged by the bodhisattva.


“The family teacher said earlier that there would be a monk passing by here, and let me show you the way.” ”

Thank you.

Xuanzang followed Tong Zi until he reached the peak that pressed Sun Wukong.

At this time, Goku was bored counting ants.

The master said that someone would come and let him out, and if he counted it, it was probably in the near future.

After all, two days ago, Guanyin Bodhisattva came here and asked him if he wanted to go out.

He gave the bodhisattva an affirmative answer as the master intended.

Sure enough, the bodhisattva said, let him escort a great monk to the Western Heaven to obtain sutras.

Xuanzang saw a plush head moving under the mountain from a distance, presumably this is the monkey demon.

Goku’s senses are very keen, and when he hears footsteps, he immediately realizes that someone is coming.

In the past few days, I don’t know where a little boy has come, often chatting with him, and occasionally picking peaches for him to eat.

He thought the boy was coming again, so he shouted

, “Boy, are you coming?”

“Monkey, I brought you a person.

The boy replied from a distance, “Since you two have met and my mission has been completed, there will be a period later!”

The boy did not have long to ride an ox and ride away in the clouds.

Xuanzang immediately understood that this should be the guide from Taoism, but he did not know how it was related to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

“Monk, you are the monk from the Great Tang that Guanyin Bodhisattva said?”

Goku glanced at Xuanzang.


“The Bodhisattva said, let you go out and protect you on your journey west.

Goku rolled his eyes, “It’s okay to protect you, but you have to be the boss.”

“I wonder if you know Xu Fan and Xu Shi Lord?” said Xuanzang as he looked at Wukong.

“You know Master Li?” asked Monkey King.

Xuanzang thought that this monkey demon was Xu Shizhu’s apprentice.

The lofty ideals that he has planned can also be discussed with this monkey demon.

“I am friends with Xu Shizhu. ”

Xuanzang is serious.

“The Bodhisattva dreamed with me yesterday, saying that you and I have a master-apprentice fate.

Since Lord Xu is your master, then I can’t rob his beloved disciple. ”

How about you call me Uncle Shi and I’ll recognize your nephew?”


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said Goku, “You tender-faced monk, thick-skinned.”

Not only take advantage of the advantage, but also want to take advantage of the master, we can be regarded as a partner at most.

Xuanzang looked at Wukong for a moment.

Wukong remembered Xu Fan’s teachings again, and now the situation is stronger than people.

He is still waiting for this monk to release me, so it is better to take it first.

After the monk releases him, he will fight again.

“For the sake of you being a friend of Master Yu, I will reluctantly call you big brother.” ”

Wukong can flex and stretch,” Brother Xuanzang, let it out.

Xuanzang thought for a moment.

The Bodhisattva didn’t tell him how to release Goku, can’t it be pulled out, right?

“You don’t even know, how would you know?” If

the monkey knew, he would have to wait for this monk to release him?”

However, I don’t remember it, the enchantment formed by this spell made Li unable to break free from the mountain that was pressing on his back.

Xuanzang thought about it, this should be a six-character mantra, and there are various ways to unravel it.

Generally speaking, as long as you meet the right person and apply the right spell breaking words, you can solve it.

When the bodhisattva said that he knew it when he went up the mountain, he should also mean this.

“And let me give it a try. Xuanzang said to Wukong, “Solving this spell requires the cooperation of the two of us.

I say the previous sentence, you go back to the next sentence. As long as you and I have the same heart and answer the same thing, this enchantment will be broken.

“Okay, then you say it quickly!”

“Heavenly King Cover Earth Tiger.

“The master is the most powerful!”

“Pagoda Town River Demon.

“Monkeys love peaches!”

However, the two really have no tacit understanding.

After reading a few words, Wukong’s answer was not what Xuanzang thought.

Xuanzang was silent for a moment and made a big move.

“Just nine nine eight. ”

Take the True Scripture home!”

Wukong suddenly felt that the confinement in his body was loosened, and immediately knew that the enchantment that suppressed him had been unlocked, and said to Xuanzang,

“The monk quickly dodge!

Xuanzang took a few steps back and immediately felt the mountain shaking.

just listening to the clicking sound, Goku stood up with the mountain on his back.

“Don’t litter!”

Xuanzang said to Wukong.

Goku was released, originally excited.

I want to throw this mountain everywhere.

Later, I thought about it, if I really lost this mountain, I might hit the monk.

So he let go of the mountain in his hand and turned into a bird and flew out.

With a “boom”

, the mountain shook a few times, and then fell safely to the ground.

At this time, the town under the Five Elements Mountain felt a strong tremor.

“Earthquake, earthquake!” the

townspeople rushed to tell each other, shocked and frightened.

Who knows that it was only a few shocks, and then it stabilized, but I really don’t know what kind of wind this mountain pumps.

Xu Fan looked at the peak in the middle of the Five Finger Mountain and saw that it suddenly became taller.

Collapsed again, knowing in my heart.

Xuanzang has probably released Wukong.

At this time, Goku, who has turned into a bird, is freed and soars several times in the sky.

After sprinkling enough Huan’er, he landed on the ground and changed back to his original form.

It was simply inhumane to press the lively and movable little monkey under the mountain for so many years.

If it weren’t for the fact that Lao Sun’s psychology was relatively strong, he would have been depressed and blackened long ago.

Wukong flipped a few heels and flipped all the way to Xuanzang.

“Brother Xuanzang, thank you for releasing you.

Xuanzang knocked on the monkey’s head three times, “From today onwards, the poor monk will be your uncle.” ”

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