Continuing on, there is a melon field.

This season, the peak season for eating watermelon should have passed.

But the watermelons in this melon field are just ripe, and people who watch it are salivating.

The white elephant was shouting from afar.

“There is watermelon in front of Engong, let’s go eat melon!”

General Lu saw that the soldiers who followed behind were also thirsty, so he wanted to take a few soldiers to find melon farmers to buy some.

There happened to be a melon shed in the melon field, and an old farmer was napping in the shed.

“This uncle, I don’t know how to sell this watermelon?” The uncle

of the melon shed looked up, saw a few strong men, and said, “This is the melon field of Old Master Gao’s family, which is exclusively for Old Master Gao to eat, and outsiders do not sell it.”

“Hey, you old man. Isn’t it stupid to give money and not sell it?” The

soldiers behind them booed one after another, “If you don’t sell it to outsiders, if you eat it for nothing, it won’t be considered a sale.” The

old man saw that this line of people did not seem to be easy to mess with, so he said.

“Forget it, Master Gao has a good heart. Think of the population passing by can pick a few, should not be a big problem.

“Don’t be loud, eat melons and go on the road.” The old farmer raised his eyelids and said.

“Hey, you old man. You old man is…”

a grumpy soldier scolded.


General Lu stopped the soldier’s scolding and asked the old man

, “Uncle, we still want to stay here today.”

I was just going to ask you if there was a place to stay nearby?” the

old farmer seemed to have a flash of light, and said, “We have a tall and benevolent man in Gao Laozhuang, who is a squire here.

Mr. Gao is the most hospitable, and there have been happy events in the village recently, and if you go to him, you will definitely receive the best hospitality. ”

Thank you. General Lu asked the soldiers to pick a lot of watermelons in the melon field, and left a silver ingot.

A group of people stopped before entering Gao Laozhuang, intending to eat watermelon before entering the village.

“Senior monk Xuanzang, Lord Xu, eat some watermelon.

General Lu handed the watermelon to Xuanzang and Xu Fan.

“I asked the old farmer just now, and the squire here is kind and benevolent.

And there seems to be some happy events in recent days, and they should be happy to entertain us.

Xu Fan handed the watermelon in his hand to Liu Xin, “Then let’s visit this old man Gao today.” After

everyone ate the watermelon, they took a while of coldness and entered Gao Laozhuang.

As soon as he entered this village, Xu Fan felt that this place was different from other places.

Men and women, young and old, seem to have smiles on their faces. Everything in the village is in order, men and women weave, very happy.

These villagers saw Goku, White Elephant and other monsters that were different from the earth.

There was no trace of fear, but occasionally came up to say hello, or smiled to see the liveliness.

General Lu was very surprised when he saw this.

“The villagers here are so bold that they are not afraid of people at all.

An antique old man with a wrinkled face like a walnut heard General Lu’s exclamation and replied:

“Our people in Gao Laozhuang, under the leadership of Old Master Gao, have lived very happily and satisfied.

How can there be fear and sorrow when staying in such a happy place?”

General Lu was amazed, presumably this old man must be a strange person.

Xu Fan seemed to notice a trace of abnormality and frowned slightly.

General Lu stopped a child.

“Child, do you know how to go to Old Master Gao’s house, can you show us the way?”

the child said with a grin, “Follow me, the Gao Dashan family is the best to recognize.”

The Zhumen courtyard is particularly magnificent. The

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child led the way and hummed.

“Foreigners, you definitely don’t want to leave here!”

After walking for about ten minutes, the child stopped first in a high-gate compound, “This is it!”

The people in front of the door were beaming, hanging lanterns and red silk.

“There are guests visiting Mr. Gao. The child shouted at the people who rushed down.

The next person slowly turned back and smiled.

“Howler, I’ll go to report to the master.

“Is there any happy event here?” Wang Da pulled the next person, “I see that there are red silks hanging everywhere, is someone going to be married?”

“You have come to the right time, just in time for our master’s banquet.”

Tomorrow, our master will marry the sixteenth aunt. The

next person grinned.

“The old man said, good wine and good food are enough. Xu

Fan and the others waited outside the high mansion not long after they saw a rich squire wearing a satin brocade come out.

This squire was tall, looked to be in his fifties

, stood up to the general’s belly, had a ruddy face, and greeted him with a smile.

“There are customers from afar.” Inside please, inside please. He waved his hand and asked, “I wonder where you are coming from and where are you going?” General

Lu replied, “We are coming from Chang’an, and I escort the Tang Holy Monk to the Western Heaven to obtain the true scriptures at the behest of His Majesty the Emperor.”

“It turned out to be a distinguished guest from Chang’an, and there were missed from the distance, and there were those who missed the distance. ”

This old man Gao looked very hospitable, and after leading them into the house, he asked the maid to arrange a place to stay.

“Tomorrow is my big day, so you must stay and have a glass of wine before you go on your way.”

General Lu also seemed to hear some abnormalities, and thought that he had thought too much, so he hugged his fists and thanked him.

“Thank you, Master Gao, then we’ll bother.”

“I still have something to do, I’ll let the maid bring me food in a moment.”

You must be hard to wash and rest all the way. ”

Thank you. After

a while, the maids brought good food and food.

Wukong, Liu Fan, Xuanzang, Wang Dawang and others

sat at the same table, and General Lu and the other generals sat at the same table.

“This tall old man has a very moist life here. Goku picked up the plate of chicken and said as he nibbled on it.

Xuanzang occupied another elbow, “The local squire, indeed, lives freely.

“Master, you eat.” Wukong broke two chicken legs and put them in Xu Fan’s bowl.

Xuanzang saw that Xu Fan had eaten very little, so he asked

, “Master Xu, but what’s wrong?” Xu

Fan secretly worried, I don’t know why I walked along the way, he always felt strange in his heart.

But Goku has a fire eye and golden eye, and he has not found anything abnormal except that he feels strange.

I don’t know what’s going on.

“I always felt a little unsteady in my heart.

“What is there to be unsteady about the master? It’s a big deal to kill God when you meet God, and kill Buddha when you meet Buddha.

Goku spat out the chicken bones, “It’s important to fill your stomach first.”

“What the master and nephew said makes sense. Xuanzang said to the maid beside him, “Female benefactor, can you have some wine?” Next

to him, the maid was busy filling him with wine, “The holy monk drank another drink.” Xu

Fan saw that Xuanzang and Wukong were eating happily, and also picked up a piece of ribs and put it in Liu Xin’s bowl.

Forget it, it’s useless to think too much, there is really something to say.

Liu Xin quietly scratched his palm, and pretended to eat as if nothing happened.

Xu Fan smiled secretly.

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