After everyone had dinner, they returned to the guest room arranged by Mr. Gao.

This old man Gao’s family is indeed very arrogant, and he is not an ordinary rich man at first glance.

The pavilions and pavilions of the high mansion are all available, and the enjoyment is also very luxurious, like a local emperor.

The place where Liu Xin and Xu Fan live is next to a pool and pavilion.

Afraid that the tide would come up at night, Liu Xin closed the window against the pool.

Xu Fan saw her blurry and slender figure when she closed the window, stepped forward a few steps and hugged Liu Xin, and carried her to bed.

After cultivating, Liu Xin leaned on Xu Fan’s shoulder.

The two were about to fall asleep when they suddenly heard a faint cry.

“Where did the cry come from?” asked Liu Xin.

“I don’t know, go to sleep. Xu Fan held Liu Xin in his arms, “It may be that the single dog is crying at night.”

Liu Xin gently squeezed Xu Fan’s waist and glared at him delicately, “Sleep!”

Who knew that this cry did not stop, but it intensified, and the long echo reminded people of the female ghost of the old house.

“I’ll go see what’s going on. Liu

Xin couldn’t sleep, so she got out of bed to see what was going on.

The cry seemed to come from the side of the window.

She walked over to the window and opened it.

Sure enough, the cry just now became clearer, and it seemed to come from the pavilion opposite the pool.

There are lamps in the pavilion, and in the room where the light is on, there seems to be a woman’s silhouette on the window.

Xu Fan stepped forward and grabbed Liu Xin.

“This old man Gao has married more than a dozen concubines, and tomorrow he will marry a new one.

There may be unfavorable, and I can only cry at night.

“Men don’t have good things!”

Liu Xin closed the window.

Xu Fan blinked, wronged.

“Except for you. She hooked Xu Fan’s belt and said in Xu Fan’s ear, “But you are also a bad embryo.”

With that, the two went back to bed.

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Xu Fan came together in the morning and felt a faint pain in his waist.

Xiao Beisheng is newly married, and the ancients sincerely do not deceive me.

Today was the day that Old Master Gao married his concubine, and in the morning, the subordinates of Gao Mansion joyfully invited Xu Fan and them to attend the wedding.

Because he was marrying a concubine, Old Master Gao did not need to greet him, and he stood at the door and watched the neighbors who came to congratulate him on blind dates.

“Everyone eats and drinks well!” ”

Congratulations to Mr. Gao, congratulations to Mr. Gao!”

Strange to say, this old man Gao marries a concubine, obviously he doesn’t need to go to the church.

But he also insisted on holding a big banquet and entertaining guests.

A small house suddenly came and told Old Master Gao that it was time to worship.

Old Master Gao nodded and swaggered into the living room.

At this time, it was already full of high friends, waiting to watch the marriage ceremony.

Xu Fan and the others were also arranged an excellent location.

“You see, the bride seems to be trembling. Liu Xin tugged on Xu Fan’s sleeve and whispered to him.

“The auspicious time comes

-” “One worship of heaven and earth

-” “Two worship of the high hall-”

Suddenly, a woman stumbled in.

“He’s not my daddy! He’s not my daddy!”

When Old Master Gao saw this woman, his expression changed.

“Why did the young lady come out, let the aunt take her back.

A tall and dark man also came out after a while, looked at Old Master Gao and said, “I just had a meal, I don’t know how she ran out.”

“Cuilan, come back with me!”

The man dragged the woman out.

“I’m not leaving. You monsters!”

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